6 Responses to “How to identify the dependencies of Windows services and change how they start”

  • DANIEL says:

    My problem is many programs either stop or take a long time to close and a lot of crashes on my computer and I had to reformat thinking that’ll fix the problem and it fixed a lot of it but it was still crashing as it is now and it’s getting worse please help I run Windows 7 on a Inspiron 620 Dell computer & core 3 (I’m assuming as it has an upside down Exclamation point next to the 3…. Thank you for any help you can give to me it’s greatly appreciated! Daniel

  • Michael Goulette says:

    In windows – services – properties I see everything EXCEPT Dependencies. Running win 7 x64 Professional. I see General, Log on and Recovery only. What gives?

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      I don’t know. We tested this on Windows 7 x64 Ultimate and Home Premium. The Dependencies tab is always there, for each service.

      Are you on a network domain, handled by a network admin? Maybe… there is a policy that forbids you from accessing all the information?

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      This can sometimes happen if the Windows Management Instrumentation service is not started. Did you check this? Go to Services, search this one and on Properties set the start mode to Automatic. If it works, let me know.

      • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

        Don’t forget to restart the computer once you change the start mode for that service.

      • DANIEL says:

        No sir this computer does not get on the internet only my small laptop does I don’t trust that damn internet for this computer as it’s running 7 Windows 7 which has no security ? updates

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