22 Responses to “11 reasons why Android phones suck”

  • priest sebastian says:

    I am an avid android user, and I clicked on this article to see if you had any valid points as to why android was bad, because almost no articles do, but to my disappointment you had none, if fact most of your points just straight up aren’t even true, like, to no extent whatsoever, at one point you said “same phone, new specs”, I’m just going to say, look at the past 6 generation of iPhone, “eRm BUt ThE CaMErA” yeah nah I’m not even going to start on that. One more thing I’m going to add, is often android phones have 1. better specs, 2. lower price 3. better cameras 4. more freedom 5. more customizability 6. ACTUAL innovation (which btw you can just not choose the phone with the new feature if you don’t like it, therefore, you are NOT a lab rat) 6. longer battery life 7. higher compatibility. ok that’s it for my rant about this unconvicting, brain dead article.

    p.s don’t compare a $200 phone to a $2000 phone 😂

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      If you read our article entirely, I’m sure you’ll find some points you agree with. You don’t have to agree with everything. And next time you give feedback to people (online and offline), try to avoid offending them by calling their work “brain dead”. How would you feel if someone called your work “brain dead”?

      Enjoy your day!

  • Joel says:

    Sluggish keyboards. Podcast apps that keep playing after being closed. Google search bar mucking up home screen.

  • Alec Heesacker says:

    Noticing that Nokia Flagship does not have the Snapdragon 8.3 CPU and the Mediatek 9200 GPU.

    I could have beaten Intel and NVIDIA!
    I could have beaten my Windows 11 Dell Laptop!😭

    I wanted A Super Gaming Phone!
    I wanted Longer Battery Life!
    I wanted 108MP Main Camera!
    WiFi 6 or 7 and 5G Wireless Network!

    Hakuna Matata!

    Not some Useless Garbage from T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, and Others!😭

    When will we get Super PC Phones that are cheaper than the Laptops?!

    Is Android not at that stage yet?

  • Dr. J.F. Brandt says:

    Okay, the only things that suck are the uppity, clueless iPhone owners who think Android sucks. After all is said and done, I, the user, will decide what sucks, or not. None of the points you mentioned are convincing or compelling. You talk about the ads at Google Play store but fail to see that the bloated abortion called iTunes shamelessly panders to the advertisers. I have my choice of Android apps with which I am very pleased. I had been using the proprietary, obscenely overpriced horror story called iPhone for 8 years, and switched to Android in 2022. My Andrpid phone manufacturer is not one of the brands you have badmouthed, but suffice to say I can honestly tell you that I am delighted with it and would never look sideways towards an Apple product ever again

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Please don’t take things personally. Nobody is trying to attack you or your choices. We are simply making a series about how all the major platforms “suck” and we want to share what we think are improvement areas, and major weaknesses, and stir up constructive conversation. Soon you will see a similar article about iPhones too. I’m curious if you’ll agree with those arguments, from that upcoming article. Cheers!

  • Ron Kocsis says:

    The worst thing about android phones is trying to move all your data from one brand to another. I’ve been trying to move from a Samsung Galaxy A12 to a Oneplus Nord N30. 1st smartswitch by samsung doesn’t let you receive on the oneplus and they won’t connect. So Clonephone, a oneplus app, on samsung won’t connect to Clonephone on Oneplus. The idiot phone companies want to force their users to use only their products and it pisses me off. I even spent $45 on Mobiletrans which doesn’t work either.

  • Vic says:

    Nice article, I learned quite a bit. I’m here because I’m absolutely T’d off with my Galaxy phone. Having spent a packet on a phone I want it to work and half the time this thing doesn’t, or keeps changing it’s mind. All my Samsung purchases have been flawed and I no longer rate them as a viable provider of anything, they’ve had too much of my cash and all I’ve bought is hassle. My Sony Xperia S5 was quite good but too small for me. My HTC was also good but the camera went bad.
    I still use my Sony for pix because the Galaxy is not as good. Phones are too small to do internet on, I do all that on my PC and I’m now thinking I should go backwards to my landline buy a decent camera and dump the mobile concept altogether. I don’t use most of the junk on there anyway plus they’re getting far too difficult to understand.

  • jimmy says:

    The thing about iPhones (and nearly all Apple products) is that they’re so good that you don’t want to change to something else. It’s not about the silly idea of an Apple cult. Why would anybody want to stop using a great product for something that’s objectively worse?

  • dan says:

    reasons android is actually good

    1 easily understandale ecosystem compatible with almost everything

    2 widely avalible with just slight alters

    3 has many features and specs that apple claims to be new

    4 just as good camera,os,batttery and performance quality

    5 cheaper

    6 is not exlusive and can be changed to ones needs and not in a air exclusivity unlike apple

  • Sir Testalot says:

    Great article. I’ve only used Android phones and HATE them. Admittedly, I’m buying the low-end phones. I see my current Samsung phone hasn’t received an OS update since Aug 2020 and none are available – they’ve essentially dropped support for it. I’d like to see Federal regulations requiring carriers to have updates to the phones the sell.

    I just got a much newer Samsung Android phone at work and it functions completely different than mine! Even the buttons have moved and don’t work the same (power down and screen print).

    Android’s Contacts for phone and messaging are a nightmare. Who wrote this sh*t? Oh, Open Source.

  • Swim Fan says:

    I’m sorry … sorry this article will never get the light of day it deserves. Some real truth to what you say, particularly when you mentioned the experiments… and the astute observation that Android is designed to be FRUSTRATING..So that you’re manipulated into buying an Iphone…. but they all do this bit

    Your battery manager on Apple looks exactly like the one built in to Android. except that look and level of detail has been hidden. To access it , one needs to hit the red button, dive down the rabbit hole, but only after you’ve electronically agreed to never sue or speak badly, or divulge secrets, and always strive toward becoming a trusted member of the Inner Cirkle.

    i have a pixel 2xl.. it’s an OG.. vanilla aosp.. but it’s been through the Experience and back again…. Android and that culture is toxic.. it’s no wonder the cults that develop directly in response to Android have been named like, Cyanogen (Cyanide) for example. that’s some koolaid i wouldn’t drink…

  • Hyeseon Oh says:

    Yeah, Android became a dumpster bin after Google decided to ditch the Nexus lineup and instead decided to replace it with Pixels which are notoriously expensive compared to their actual performance. Ever since that day, gradual degradation of Android hardware specs became significantly faster such that even flagship models lose to Apple chips in terms of absolute performance.

  • Stephen Smith says:

    Retains old information which can be removed or changed such as location n or old email addresses

  • Regina says:

    I stopped reading at #1, because clearly the author doesn’t know the difference between hardware manufacturing and an OS, which is fundamental knowledge when giving valid criticism.

    It’s like saying there are only a small number of Windows PCs because Microsoft didn’t make the hardware for most of them.

  • Ulrich says:

    Android is pure garbage. Unstable and locked. Face ID is a hot mess. Battery life is a joke. Coming from an iPhone X, bought a oneplus and was disappointed right after I turned it on. Sure you can make a call or send a text, but that is it. No proper banking app support. Google pay is filled with programming flaws.

    • Dr. J.F. Brandt says:

      WRONG! I have been using my Android phone for all my bank accounts, investments, and credit cards for the past 2 years. Never as much as the slightest hiccup!

  • RWL says:

    I am not a fan of the I-phone. I think that the Android phone is much more convenient. If you have to “backup” a page all you do is hit the left arrow at the bottom next to the Home key. I-phones do not let you do this. Several years ago I couldn’t wait to get out of my contract so that I could get an I-phone not realizing that I would not have the backup option. I was extremely upset. Also, Androids are less costly. I don’t want to spend $1100 for a new phone.

    • Tudor Dan says:

      Agreed! You should read the article on iPhones, you will find the exact same reasons that you mentioned for which the iPhones are not great.

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