15 Responses to “How to use the Voice Recorder in Windows 10 to record audio”

  • barbara manolache says:

    Hi: I want to record a favorite book of a blind friend. Using this feature Id use, how do I send it to her to listen to? Many thanks. Happy 2021

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      With this app you record your own voice using a microphone. You need a narrator app that can read the book to your friend. But, the best idea is to buy an audio book directly.

  • Madbomr Hobo Marker says:

    Thank you for taking the time to read this very thorough tutorial. The first thing you need to enable is the allow access to the microphone on this deviceoption.

  • Joan Saporta says:

    The article was very informative and very clear and understandable.

  • Barry says:

    It is a pity. After using my Android device with the same add included already (Samsung), I decided not use the Microsoft Win10 anymore.
    The standard free Andoid Voice Recorder enables use to paus & swipe back whilst seeing the sound wave pattern. No need for markers and play back. From the the new position you can continue and record over you mistakes.
    Tey the Android VR to see it

  • Robert S says:

    How do you add more time,or increase the time limit in voice recorder? I have no idea on how to use this version of the voice recorder, and actually its under my video lan tab for some reason…could you please help me

  • Edith says:

    When using windows 10 to play back the voice recording, I can hear my voice very clear but I cannot hear the other person’s voice at all. Can anyone help me, please? Thanks.

  • harlan says:

    thank you for the great article. Sadly, it looks like the tool has been deprecated. When you open it you can record, but there is no longer any way to save it or share it. Auto save is no longer working. I guess the latest windows update disabled it. Will have to look on chrome to see if they have an extension. Too bad! They should have removed it altogether.

  • yaki says:

    Can we save this in another way i have mp4 and when i try to put in the converter to mp3 i cant

  • Terry James says:

    I followed the instructions to ‘Trim’ part of the recording.
    When I selected the part I wanted to remove, it removed everything I wanted to keep & retained the part I wanted to remove.
    As the part I wanted to remove was in the middle of the recording, I selected the first part I wanted to retain. This retained the part selected but removed everything else, including the part I wanted to remove & the last part of the recording I wanted to keep.

    • Jack Tellner says:

      That’s because you didn’t specify when to end it, “I selected the first part I wanted to retain.”, so it does the end by default.

  • Kathryn says:

    Can I save to a flash drive? I want to share with friends. Thanks!

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Copy the resulting file to the flash drive, after you finalize the recording.

  • Jake says:

    Thanks, very useful

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