27 Responses to “Troubleshooting: Windows 10 Start Menu is stuck in full screen. Turn it off!”

  • Jennifer says:

    Oh my gosh this fixed it. Thank you so much!

  • Eileen says:

    Thank you so much for this article! We were stumped for days trying to figure out what was wrong with our laptop. I even called support and they wanted us to run all sorts of scripts. But we were sure it was just a simple setting that got inadvertently changed, and sure enough, it worked!!! Thank you for explaining clearly and providing those perfect visuals.

  • RB says:

    Wow! Thanks, I thought I was hacked…Disabled tablet mode and all is good with the world….well, at least on my desktop…

  • Evan Migneault says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Glad to help. If you want other useful tutorials, don’t hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter.

  • Rick says:

    Wow – so helpful – so easy to fix the problem – other sites never used this approach and as a result didn’t fix the problem. Thanks!!!

  • Moses says:

    It worked!!!! Thank you

  • Yogesh says:

    This helps a LOT !!!!

  • Roselyne says:

    Thank you so much. This really helped

  • Jason R. says:

    Thanks, this really helped. Just got a small touch screen laptop and this feature caught me by surprise.

  • jillian says:

    THANK YOU! this was my issue. My mouse went wacky and clicked on many things and the next thing i knew i couldn’t see my desktop. This helped me solve my problem so thank you for taking the time to write and post this!

    • Anonymous says:

      Our pleasure. 😉 Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter, for more useful tutorials.

  • MM says:

    So helpful – thank you!

  • Frustrated says:

    Yes, yes, yes. Finally, after trying the Microsoft help and help tool this is the answer. Why oh why can’t all the articles that mention turning off full screen also mention it has no effect in tablet mode (which would probably be enough of a clue). But of course the other point would be some indication on the option itself that it has no effect on tablet mode (and that currently you are in tablet mode!) would be great.

  • noejonasi says:

    Very helpful and to the point thank you

    • Anonymous says:

      You are welcome. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter, for more useful tutorials.

  • David says:

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!! So simple.My kids somehow activated this. Now I am finally able to use my computer without going NUTS!!!!

  • shinta says:

    thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, i’ve been forumhopping for 2 days now…. you have the right solution.

  • Mik says:

    Great! Thanks

  • Andreas says:

    It works. Thank you

  • josal says:

    this worked, when i removed the tiles unpinning 1 by 1 , the start menu was still stuck hugging the left of the screen, i could not click on the desktop and cortana had the back arrow next to it. After clicking on action tab and un-selecting tablet mode everything went back to normal, very happy.

  • PBY says:

    My CEO just called me in a panic as this happened on his new Zenbook while he is out of town. I had not of this before, however your tutorial saved me. H walked him thru disabling tablet mood and after a reboot everything was back to status quo. Thanks soo much!

  • Диана Стоянова says:

    Thank you : )

  • Leo moreson says:

    After 2 hours of messing around with my computer I finally found this article and got my icons back on the desktop. Clear straightforward instructions that were easy to follow. Thank you very much!!!

  • S says:

    Thanks for the help. It help me.

  • William says:

    My partner recently found herself stuck with this. The settings showed that Start Full Screen was OFF and also Tablet mode was OFF (set to desktop). Restart, changing all and any of the settings made no difference. As a last resort I searched for registry settings and found HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionImmersiveShell. The sub-key TabletMode had a value of 1 (on) which was unaffected by changes made via the Windows menu. I manually set this to 0, restarted the laptop, and the problem was fixed.

    The usual cautions regarding taking great care with the registry and creating a restore point before making any changes apply.

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