4 Responses to “20 best free apps for your Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers”

  • John says:

    Inoperable links to the following apps:

    Trip Advisor
    Adobe Photoshop Express

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Hello! The links are correct; I’ve just checked. But you’re right: they don’t work right now – It looks like there’s an issue on Microsoft’s part. Until they repair what’s wrong, you can search those apps in the Microsoft Store app.

  • Alastair Kingsley says:

    Great set off apps, i’d Have to flag NetSupport school as a great Windows 10 app for instructional tech and assessment in the IT classroom. Free to download and try from the Windows App Store.

  • Alex says:

    I’ve used Flipboard for a while as a stand alone mews source as well as an RSS reader. I reccomend it for good content and customisable magazines, despite some interface bugs.

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