4 Responses to “5 things you can't do with the Windows 11 Start Menu”

  • john says:

    I agree with everything said – the new Start Menu is vastly inferior to the win 10 one but perhaps it is still a work in progress and a later update will fix things.

  • Tim Dayton says:

    One of the first things I have done with each of the Microsoft Operating Systems I have had from Windows 3.1 on is arrange the desktop to MY liking as best I could. I got rid of things I don’t use, put in folders what I use occasionally and ordered the icons of the programs I use often in my order so I could easily go to them. I am not a big keyboard shortcut user and since I’m not I forget them and about them. The least that a late model OS should allow is the USER to configure his own workspace and NOT dictate how or severely limit with what. And I absolutely HATE recommended lists of anything, those are already on my taskbar.

  • NameKen says:

    Obviously the programmers at MS are too young to remember the great things about W3.11. And even the XP interface allowed us to modify the desktop in certain ways we cannot now. Remember checking/unchecking “align to grid”? And you could pin down anything on the desktop and it would stay, not be rearranged eveytime you rebooted or saved a new file to desktop.

  • Bob says:

    The Windows Start menu and Taskbar suck. I’m going looking for third party replacements for the Start Menu, Taskbar, and possibly even Explorer. I just hate the way that W11 Explorer double spaces each line. My latest gripe with W11 is that my browser (Edge) works quite well in W10 when working my router (ASUS RT-AX86U) but in W11 I try to open the router interface and I’m told that it’s insecure and I need to get and install a certificate. I have another, older, router (Billion VGP R3) which I use for VoIP and I can’t even access it at all in W11. W11 is looking less likely to be a stayer for me. Fortunately I have a dual boot of W11 and W10. It’s currently driving me nuts with predictive words. A great idea but I can’t see what I have just written. It’s off to Settings again to kill that off if I can find the setting.

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