Hello nice article just wanted to ask that if i increase tdp will it make my laptop very hot to the point its not safe because i have a hp laptop which has bad cooling so i dont want my laptop to overheat and breakdown so would it be a good idea to do that? Thanks.
TDP is not an acronym, and neither is CPU, nor GPU.
I really wish writers would get this right and quit erroneously bandying this word about. It makes them sound ignorant.
4 Responses to “What does TDP mean? How should you interpret this term?”
Hello nice article just wanted to ask that if i increase tdp will it make my laptop very hot to the point its not safe because i have a hp laptop which has bad cooling so i dont want my laptop to overheat and breakdown so would it be a good idea to do that? Thanks.
I have the exact same question!
TDP is not an acronym, and neither is CPU, nor GPU.
I really wish writers would get this right and quit erroneously bandying this word about. It makes them sound ignorant.