10 Responses to “Simple questions: What is PPPoE and what does it do?”

  • Per says:

    Great article. A few network diagrams would have helped your explanations. 🙂
    BR. Per

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Thanks for the feedback. Will keep it in mind for future updates to this article.

  • Htet Paing Thu says:

    Who are the inventors the PPPoE

  • Huy Than says:

    Great explanation! Thank you.

  • Mikeman says:

    This is a great explanation, it has allowed me to realize yet another bit of information that “Century” and probably others are using to complicate things for someone who does not want to pay them 10 extra dollars a month to rent their modem. They popped off with this pppoe requirement when asked “What modem specs I need so I can find the best modem for me?” they told me they cannot tell me a modem, they told me that if i didn’t rent one from them I would have serious problems. They told me they cannot tell me the name of the modem they were going to send me, I said , are you telling me that I have to order a rental modem just to see what it is so I can buy my own and then mail yours back? and they said YES. no Joke.

    Here is another KICKER, they told me that my old modem would not work AT ALL with my new service. i found that a little funny the day after they turned my new service on and i didn’t experience any interruption what so ever. so i am guessing this PPPoE is so common that most modems do not even really have this listed in the specs. currently i am at 40 down 20 up and i am actually speed testing, with things running : 2 pc’s, 3 streaming devices and an internet phone. 37 Megs down 17 up. pretty constantly. with an old Q1000Z range approx 200 – 210 feet ,

    pppoe hhas got to be part of the q1000Z or my stuff would not be preforming this way correct?

    • Anonymous says:

      They tried to rip you off. Plain and simple. Most wireless routers on the market have support for PPPoE. Your “q1000Z” has support for PPPoE, otherwise it wouldn’t work.

  • angel says:

    great and simple article to understand general concept of what PPPoE means.

  • Ian says:

    Thanks for the explanation of PPPoE. It sounds like its in place with my internet connection as I have all 3 aforementioned components. However, whats confusing me is I have on my Android box a PPPoE icon with info to fill in. Do I need this? I’m looking to make my Android movie viewing secure and am thinking of a VPN. Does the PPPoE replace the VPN? On that subject, to make my Android viewing secure, can I install the VPN on the computer or does it have to be on the TV via the Android box? Thanks

  • Binh Thanh Nguyen says:

    Thanks, nice explanation.

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