98 Responses to “How to screenshot on Windows”

  • Monika says:

    Thank you for this information,it helped me a lot!!????

  • Calvin Perez says:

    Thank you so much! I have been looking for the shortcut to my Dell Vostro and it is in this article that I found it! Great article!

  • john peek says:

    none of these are helpful what is prtc

  • Simpo says:

    windows key, shift, s
    with dell windows 10

  • Tapas says:

    I like the snipping tool the most. No need to paste into paint and then cut out the part you need. Just use snip to get the relevant part only

  • Kirti says:

    very useful site…Tq so much

  • jatin says:

    i loved the second one.

  • Gayle says:

    Why do screenshots no longer go directly to the screenshot folder?

    Now we have to copy them into paint?????

  • Saif says:

    Good info

  • edith says:

    i used the snipping tool. thanks for the article, very helpful.

  • Vishal Maurya says:

    In windows 10,
    window+Alt+print screen

  • ENL Teacher says:

    Snipping Tool finally brought me to make a screenshot on my old, old Lenovo.
    Live and learn!

  • jasmin chauhan says:

    nice information and useful

  • Kevin says:

    Thanks for the Post. Windows + Shift +S is working good for my Windows 10 laptop!.

  • al says:

    In Windows 10 for me works the best snip after key combination propose by your article win+shift+s

  • Umer says:

    Excellent work
    and certainly useful for me

  • alina ather says:

    there is no print screen key in my laptop nor fn

  • Jude says:

    I can’t find a folder called Pictures in Win 10. There’s certainly no folder called Screenshots. I used the Windows key + PrtSc key. Can’t find it anywhere. πŸ™

  • Anonymous says:

    thank you!!!

  • Kato David says:

    Thank you for the solution.
    I have a Dell laptop Latitude/E5400 and could not screen shot using Ctrl+print scrn for a long time but the solution was to use Fn+printscrn then paste in any ms word or paint and it worked. All these answers I got from google.
    I am Kato David Year 3 student studying Bachelor of Information Technology at YMCA Comprehensive Institute Kampala Uganda

  • sad says:

    thank you

  • southbysowhat says:

    Appreciate the tip! I take it there’s no way to have the region method automatically save to a file like you can on macOS using Command – Shift – 4?

    • mark van den bergen says:

      Hi southbysowhat – Thats exactly what i am looking for to. Did you find a keyboard short cut that saves a *portion* of the screen *directly* to a folder?. I don’t want to waste time opening apps to save data from the clipboard. Hopefully windows can do this with 1 keyboard shortcut (like on mac).

  • Lorraine Torrence says:

    I want to take a screen shot on my PC Desktop (Windows 7) . I have a wireless keyboard with NO PRINT SCREEN button. Every instruction I can find includes a Print Screen button or keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10 only.
    Is my Print Screen button disguised as something else – like one of the F buttons?

  • Tom Steele says:

    Thank you! I had been looking for how to save a screen shot straight to hard drive – this was excellent!

  • Rajat says:

    In my PC Windows+prt sc takes a screenshot but don’t save it in pictures can anyone help

  • Keshav Kumar B R says:

    Digital Citizen is a very, very useful for every singe user of Computer on this Planet. The information that Digital Citizen provides pertaining to Computer….Hats Off..!! Keep it up..!!

  • I.M.A.I says:

    This article was extremely useful. Very much appreciated, thanks.

  • Malusi says:

    This helped a whole lot. Thank you.

  • arjun says:

    thanks for information

  • Wolf says:

    Thanks a Lot

  • mason says:

    This was SUPER helpful! Thank you so much! ☺

  • Rowan says:

    My screenshots don`t save in my pictures library. I can’t find them anywhere. I’ve looked in my screenshots folder (which wasn’t in the picture library. I had to search for it on my computer.) and it’s empty. I can’t find them anywhere, and I don’t know what to do to fix it. I already know my laptop is a dud. It was broken when I got it. But I really need those screenshots.

    • Anonymous says:

      How exactly do you make those screenshots? Please describe the exact procedure that you perform.

  • Sunny Walker says:

    I’ve been using Windows 10 with all updates current. At some recent point, the Win+Shift+S quit working. I only get a full gray screen. I used to get that if I had a tab open to something with sensitive data like my bank. If I closed such a tab, then it worked again. Now it never works. Snipping tool also used to work, but now also gives full gray screen. I can do a Fn+PrintScr and get the whole laptop screen, but really need something where I can select a portion of the screen. Any further ideas that you have tested? THANKS!!!

  • Renato says:

    My old Dell Latitude 2110 has no PrtScn key! What combination of keys would be equivalent to PrtScn key?

  • Gerald Ayson says:

    thank you for this information.

  • David says:

    These don’t work

  • anonymous says:

    this article was actually really helpful

  • muhammad hanif says:

    thank you so much for clarifying in a tutorial way……

  • Ekpe, Martin Ndubuisi says:

    Thanks for your tutorials on how to capture screen shots. they are indeed wonderful and real. I have practiced them and they yielded result.
    Thanks once more.

  • Lavinia says:

    The Fn key advise was really helpfull for me. Thanks !!!

  • Sharon says:

    THANK YOU for such good information. Nothing was working on my computer till I kept reading and found the Fn+Windows+PrtScn that worked! I really appreciate it. None of the other websites above yours on the list covered it in such detail!! You saved my job application. πŸ™‚

  • Xavier says:

    This did not help me at all; very frustated!

  • Mama says:

    I just wanted to save a few recipes from an online magazine with no printing option and the Windows + prt sc works for me but sadly I can not zoom in on the screenshot to read the instructions clearly. The magazine needs to be zoomed in on but then I end up with partial page. So annoying. Mostly commenting to say that the methods above work on Windows 10 for me. It did indeed save to a folder called screenshots in my pictures folder. fn + prt sc also works for copying to clipboard but I dislike having to paste into something else to save. Thank you for the tips.

  • an says:

    Thanks! It was very useful

  • Tom says:

    I am non technical. I tried all of the different combinations and non of them work. What could be wrong? I have a keyboard with CTR FN and ALT to left of space bar and ,ALT GR, and windows key to right of space bar. I also have PRT SCR over SUS RQ button above the = button. Can you help?

  • Loxody says:

    If you are running Windows on a Mac, there is obviously no PrtScn key unless you are using a USB or Bluetooth Windows keyboard with it.
    On Macs, the Win+SHIFT+S command works very well, but it is Command+SHIFT+S on a Mac since the Command key serves as the Windows key.

  • Anon says:

    Awesome Documentation on Screen Captures

  • chase says:

    Thanks the wind+prtsc worked for me am making use of a windows 10

  • Steven L says:

    None of the 8 ways worked on my Toshiba Satellite with Windows 10.

  • Rob Crombie says:

    PicPick is free.
    It accumulates the captures in to separate Tabs (which you can edit/annotate and save/name at your leisure).
    I have mine set like this –
    Ctrl K – to capture full screen
    Alt K – to capture active window
    PrntScrn (key) – To capture a region

    (Since C Is reserved for the clipboard, I used K because I can remember Kapture as a misspell of Capture. At my age my memory needs all the help it can get)

  • Anthony T says:

    I was thrilled when I read the shortcut “Win+Shift+S” would let me select an area of the screen to screenshot, similar to the “Cmd+Shift+4” behavior on OSX; OSX has always had the best screenshotting capabilities and it’s always been something Windows was missing.

    Unfortunately, it simply does not work. I’m on Windows 10 (NOT Home), I have all the updates, but it’s just not a valid shortcut. Win+S brings up Cortana search, and Shift+Win+S does, as far as I can tell, simply nothing.

    From what I’ve read the only method to select a specific area is using the “Snippet Tool”. Unfortunately, happen to open another application EVERY TIME I want to screenshot something just doesn’t work for me. The thing that makes the OSX shortcuts great is they just “work”. CMD+Shift+3 takes a screenshot of the entire page, and if you swap 3 for 4 it immediately gives you a selection cursor, and you select a specific area to capture. Either way, the screenshot is saved on your Desktop as “Screenshot [TIMESTAMP].png”. You can even change the default file name; mine, for instance, is “Nino’s Screengrab [Timestmap].png”. It’s amazing, and you can do it anywhere no matter what. Having to stop, open another program, take the screenshot, move it to where you want it, and close the program is just totally redundant.

    Was the Win+Shift+S key WORKING for you at some point while writing this, in Windows 10? Did you have the Snippet Tool open when you did it? Perhaps it’s an application shortcut that works with that tool open? I’ve also read in a few places that it may be a “OneNote” shortcut, did you have that open (or even just the icon in your taskbar) at the time?

    I’m assuming you didn’t just blindly post that screenshot without verifying it, and if it did work for you I would really like to understand the conditions that allowed it to. If you did have the Snippet Tool (or perhaps even OneNote) open, then that’s probably it… but if you’re sure that’s not the case, please let me know how I can duplicate this behavior.

    If you could legitimately find a way, NATIVELY, to take a selected-area screenshot in Windows 10 without needing to open Snippet Tool or install other third party software, that alone would warrant its own article; you would be a hero to many Win10 users, especially developers who are constantly sending screenshots to show work samples without revealing source, and we’d all be eternally grateful. So yeah, figure out what you did to make it work and let us know!

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      I assure you that all methods were tested on two different computers, verified by a tech reviewer on a third computer and that they work as described. You don’t need to open anything except the Snipping Tool, when you want to use the Snipping Tool.
      To me, it sounds that you have installed many apps that override these default keyboard shortcuts and that you may benefit from a Windows 10 reset, to take things from scratch.

  • Anonymous says:

    I cannot take a screen shot of a game (Star Trek Online) screen using Windows 10 using any of these methods. Only a black screen is pasted onto the Paint pad.

    The old simple method of hitting Print Screen was fine. Why does the captcha only feature an ad? where are the code letters?

  • Das says:

    I am able to take screenshot with tip#2

  • In the last sentence just below the picture of the 2nd option there is a slight but obvious grammatical error (‘can will’) although it makes little difference to comprehending what is being said, to many errors like this will cause readers to distrust the information.
    Suggestion, provide an image of the print screen or windows ect. icon anytime its mentioned you’ll have to press the corresponding key. its an easy way to increase users quick and easy success which will in turn increase return users to your site while barely effecting your overhead if at all.

  • Justin Stark says:


    Just to let some know if “alt” + “prt sc” does not work. My keyboard has a windows icon to the left of the “alt” key. This key pressed instead of “alt” with “prt sc” works for me.

  • Petri says:

    Sorry to say but the “old way” for taking screen shots in Win7; Windows + S,
    was much more convenient and user friendly.
    Why it is not supported in Win10?
    Why to make it so complicated, several clicks etc.
    Is it possible to make it work like that? Or By using any other 2 keys, instead of several clics.

  • Stefan says:

    You can try Screenshot Captor (from Donation Coder), it is probably the most advanced screenshot management program you can find.

  • khan shabir says:

    hey i can’t find print screen key on my key board

  • monaque is a scammer says:

    ugh!!! I am so sick of morons trying to sucker you into checking out their page and/or purchase some useless product! Given the title of this article, given the date it was created, the date of your post and other obvious factors the above comment is just that kind of BS!!!! I wouldnt click on that site, give a dime worth of my money, provide one bit of info (via some free reg BS) allow them to put a cookie or anything else on my machine!! take your crap scam comments to some loser sites…..i am sure you are very aware of their addresses, listed right along yours!!! Sorry hunny, errrr Monique (ya right), why the FK would you even come to an article such as this if you already had a program you use??? Answer: You wouldnt, if as you say you already have an app that is better than the built in options!!! Think hun, think!! uuummmm let me see, i have a program that i love, it does more annotating and other BS better than built in ones,,but I think i’ll just search for and read some articles on other options that don’t do what I need, dont annotate just to learn about some options that are useless to me. take your scam BS somewhere else idiot!

    • Iris B. says:

      What are you talking about??? Monique wasn’t trying to “sucker” you into a product. I like this webpage because it gives me info I need. Why are you looking at this page if you don’t need to “search for and read some articles on other options that don’t do what I need, dont annotate just to learn about some options that are useless to [you]”??? I am here because I need to know how to screenshot while my teachers share a powerpoint with me. (My favorite technique is Win+PrtScr) If you think it’s a scam, then just ignore it…also they’re doing a great job in this site!!!

  • Johnson says:

    I have been able to use prt sc process for about five years on win 7, 8 and then 10. Copies to clipboard then open in paint, etc. Today, abruptly, this very handy facility has stopped working. Can use snipping tool but prefer the past system (quicker). Not h appy

    • Mark says:

      Same here. The screenshot is working, because it’s saving to Dropbox, but it’s not copying to clipboard. I first noticed this yesterday, and have never had issues before…

      • Codrut Neagu says:

        Dropbox changes the default Windows action when taking screenshots. If you close the Dropbox app, everything should work correctly.

  • K Duvall says:

    I tried all of the print screen tip and none of them work. So I have to resort to the “snip” tool. I have windows 8, so I don’t know what the issue is.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Are you using a laptop? If yes, press the Fn key in addition to the key combinations from the article.

  • metal1love says:

    If you have a full size wireless keyboard (Microsoft model 1014) like I do or if you have an “F Lock” key, turn the F lock off. Then your PrtScn and windows + PrtScn will work.

  • windows userx says:

    None of the ways outlined work on my non surface windows 8.1 tablet. There is no print screen button on my tablet keyboard. The surface windows key plus vol down does not work. Also the charms does not show a screen capture option, and snippets also do not work. Seems like the only way for me to get a print screen would be to hookup a actual physical keyboard.

  • Zakx says:

    Hi all,
    I tried all the tips/shortcuts and none of them worked other than the Snipping Tool. Thank you for the help.
    Much appreciated.

  • nakia says:

    FN+Windows+Prt Scn works as well

    • Brandy says:

      Thank you!! Tried all of the above and nothing worked except the snip tool which can be limiting at times. This worked perfectly.

    • Ishmum says:

      Thanx nakia , yours is correct and worked on my laptop !

  • Leanne says:

    I get frustrated because 1. I’m old and wasn’t raised with computers like the younger generation, and 2. my medications make me forget a lot of things! Your tips here make it so easy for me because you actually SHOW me what to look for next. Thank you!

  • dani says:

    yes snipping tool is great way im trying to taking screenshot with this methods is good i want to do this in screenshot mac

  • Nina says:

    I have a Lenovo PC and Windows 8.1, sometimes I can take a screen shot using windows key + print screen key and other times it will not work, just send me back to the front screen. Any suggestions please as to a better more reliable way to print the screen?

  • Chandan says:

    One more is there…
    Ctrl+PrtSrn also work.

  • Robin says:

    My screenshot is technically “working”, but its not capturing the right screen. Rather than screen capping the program I have open, it’s taking pics of my desktop. Is there a setting I need to change somewhere to get it to capture what I’m currently viewing, not the icons on my desktop?

    • Billy Willy says:

      Perhaps you’ve used an external screen recently perhaps there was an error in the process somehow resulting in screen controls being glitchy

  • Rebecca says:

    I have tried every single method advised to take a screenshot on my computer and, either it won’t do it or it isn’t saving automatically as it should. Any advice?

  • Bhargav says:

    Great post, mate. Just what I have been looking for. The Windows + Prntscr shortcut does the job. Thanks a lot πŸ™‚

  • Daniele says:

    How I missed this tutorial?
    Missed a couple of this triks


  • Adam says:

    Anybody know how to take a screenshot of an application running in full screen mode on Windows 8.1?

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      This article shares several methods for doing that. Please read it.

      • Gabriel Priore says:

        The PrtScr button does not do anything at all. And there is no screenshots folder located in the picture library.

        • Ton says:

          probably you must toggle the F Lock key . . . ???

          • Iris says:

            I would suggest toggling the F Lock key as Ton said and try the Win+PrtScr one…If you have OneDrive, then it will give you a notification when you screenshot

  • Nazrul Islam says:

    Thank you very much for great teaching…
    Everyone will be benefited from this lesson.

  • Gaurav Acharya says:

    Thanks a lot ….Really needed that tip

  • Arcy says:

    My PrtSc key is no longer working. I used to just press it and it would automatically take an image and all of a sudden it has stopped working.
    Any idea on how to fix this?

    lenovo yoga pro 2
    windows 8.1


  • Arjen says:

    Thanks, the tip for creating a screenshot on a surface tablet was really helpfull to me!

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