6 Responses to “Samsung’s Battery widget: How to add, use, and configure it”

  • Tom says:

    ITs a great idea, but if Im charging my earbuds across the room, how can I see if they’re fully charged or not. Makes this useless. Also my phone already displays the battery percent. I don’t nbeed redundant displays for that.

    IR would be great for this to work on a watch too, so that I can check on my phone or tablet or earbuds from my watch which is the device I charge least.

    I also found that if you use a launcher like Go Launcher this widget will not go on the screen. Too bad Samsung won’t let me customize the phone like I want and can with a launcher.

    ALmost there but needs the kinks worked out.

  • Alex says:

    My only complaint is that we can’t turn off the phone bubble. I don’t need to display my phone battery as it already shows in the top right corner, I wish I could turn it off and just keep my earbuds battery level.

  • Kerry says:

    I like the new battery widget on my S22 Ultra. It detects my Watch 5 Pro and Buds2 Prod, but it doesn’t detect my Tab S8+ SM-X800, which would gave been nice. Perhaps the Tab S8+ needs to be running UI 5.1 as well? Still on 5.0.

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