22 Responses to “How to make a video smaller in Windows (5 methods)”


    Thank you very much for the info.

  • Öyvind Söreensen says:

    Gloria in excelsis Deo!
    I used VLC. What an amazing software.
    34,046kb –> 3,559kb
    It is offline and dont collect data.
    I tried first with Windows Video editor on my Windows 10 machine, but the software was unavailable and Clipchamp which was offered instead required my machine to be connected to internet….
    Thank you so much for your work.
    Maybe you should check the video editor and possibly revisit the article?
    God bless you in Jesu name.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Which video editor do you want us to check? It’s not very clear to me. Thank you!

  • Charuta says:

    This was really helpful! Didn’t know VLC could be used to convert / compress videos! Many thanks!!!

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      We didn’t know that either until making the research for the first draft of this article. Glad we could help. 🙂

  • mike says:

    Like many others here, I tried the first method using Windows native app and it took an HOUR to ‘shrink’ and the file GREW from 300M to 1G! Safe to say never using it again.

  • Anon says:

    Fantastic material. Make comment section more visisble so more people are tempted to leave a comment. well done and cheers

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Thank you for the feedback. We will improve the comments section in the upcoming weeks.

  • Jeff Whittle says:

    I need to make videos smaller for social media. Instagram videos must be smaller than 15MG, Facebook videos must be smaller than 10MG and LinkedIn videos must be smaller than 5MG. Are there any settings in any video compressor that makes sure your video can get to those sizes? Thanks!

  • Kelly says:

    Best instructions ever!!! I used the top ones with the video editor app. Thank you for your excellent instructions.

  • Mosiah says:

    Yer Great thanks alot found the VLC one useful

  • Lunio says:

    Thanks, VLC way did the job for me: a 100MB 1 minute video captured with Windows gaming became a 10MB video to send to a friend over phone !

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      I’m glad our guide helped. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our email newsletter, for more useful tutorials.

  • Michelle Manke says:

    I used the first method with the Windows Video Editor, and the video file got larger rather than smaller, even when using the Low 540p setting, so that doesn’t work. Then I tried the VLC method exactly as described, and it produced a video with no sound, so that doesn’t work either. 🙁

  • kaolapandasloth says:

    Thanks this helped. I was looking for a clap or thumbs up button

  • Peggy says:

    I used the video converter on Windows 10, followed your instructions and in the end the mp4 wasn’t much smaller than the original AND the sound was that of playing a 78 rpm record at 33 1/3….. 🙁

  • pink says:

    tried the first method. video went from 39mb to 104mb. THAT one doesn’t work so well….

  • Mohammed from DC says:

    Excellent and informative article. Thank you so much

  • Andre says:

    Thanks for the tips!! never know if VLC can convert video, haha.

  • pmshah says:

    Just download the ffmpeg based freeware Video to Video Converter. One of the easiest and best video converter around.

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