37 Responses to “How to open Settings in Windows 10 (on a laptop, PC, or tablet)”

  • Bevis says:

    Use Windows + I of course.
    Fastest way to do it.

  • Victor Graus Porta says:

    I wanted a desktop classical shortcut for the Settings application, so I’ve tried to create it as specified, writing ms-settings: in the shortcut window. But all what is created is a Chrome html document, called settings.url, that doesn’t point at all to the Settings application; instead when I open it, Chrome shows a page like this:


    And that’s all. So this method doesn’t seem to work in my Windows.

  • rashen lakshitha says:

    Window apps setting

  • max says:

    powershell comand:
    Start-Proccess ‘ms-settings:’

  • Guilherme Dei Svaldi says:

    Thanks, it was very useful as my start menu is crashing.

  • Jim says:

    This is not working in Windows 10 1809

  • Hotshot says:

    very nice, Thanks.

  • Michael says:

    Right click on taskbar and open taskbar settings.

  • Lauren Hele says:

    I still have no idea how to fix my problem!!! I got to settings and I have no idea what to do now!

  • Rose - rose.peola@gmail,com says:

    None of these worked

    • Anonymous says:

      You might need a Windows 10 reinstall. Or there are some hardware issues that negatively impact how Windows 10 works.

  • Tom says:

    How does one close the window without a mouse?

  • Jacques Delorme says:

    none of solutions worked

  • Harriet says:

    Can a homegroup be changed to a workgroup and become a gateway for connecting to another known (Windows) computer on a Mac OS Wireless Extreme via a PRINTER connection while the MacBook is in Printer Sharing/Screen Sharing???

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      The Workgroup and the Homegroup are completely different concepts and you can’t turn one into the other.

  • Nazmus Khandaker says:

    Right-click on desktop, click Personalize or Display. 🙂

  • Kelley G says:

    Nice article on how to find Settings in Windows 10, but how do you actually kick IN the Anniversary updated??

  • Steve says:

    When I follow .6, I get a red cross in a pop up saying ‘Explorer.exe not implemented’ – I’ve tried restarting explorer through the task manager, logged out and back in, still same problem. Going to roll back then go over to Ubuntu I think.

  • Norman says:

    Coincidently Microsoft partners are profiting on fixes like the windows club above.

  • Norman says:

    Windows is going to pay. Apple will win. My computer useless. Typing between screen flashes. Can’t roll-back as advertised. CPU running at %100

  • sebastian says:

    i upgraded to win. 10. i have been trying to access settings to get rid of the damn thing. But none of the options you listed work. i looked around and it says that the upgrade was corrupted. So now what? microsoft is ofcourse useless. have been trying to get a hold of them for a week now. If you could help, much appreciated.

    • amy says:

      I am having the same issue. I have tried all the fixes to get windows 10 to work and now I am completely fed up with it and I just want my windows 7 back. There’s got to be something we can do to not be stuck in this windows purgatory

      • Craig says:

        Ditto. Wish I’d never downloaded the bloody thing! I want to roll back to Windows 7 but can’t access settings no matter what I do. Half the buttons/icons are unresponsive. Nightmare.

        • Codrut Neagu says:

          Try opening a Command Prompt, and then enter this command: start ms-settings:. This should bring up the Settings app.

          • Craig says:

            You are a life saver! Needed a reliable way to open this programmatically and this did the trick, thank you!

          • Denise says:

            That worked, but I’m trying to “pin” the Settings Icon to the Start menu. The “Apps” icon is also not on the Start menu and the Calendar in the lower left corner is gone – I downloaded the Calendar Live from MS, but find it to open it…getting very frustrated!

          • Denise says:

            Sorry – I meant the calendar in the lower RIGHT corner! Need more caffeine!

          • Yuddie says:

            Tried this and it came up with call action failed

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Try opening the Command Prompt as administrator, and the run this command: sfc /scannow. This checks the system files. Note that it could take a while.

    • Russ says:

      Only thing that worked for me was to press Windows key + I to bring up settings!

    • Steve says:

      Same here! Incredibly frustrating isn’t it.

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