7 Responses to “How to view your shared folders in Windows (3 ways)”

  • Mark V says:

    Double Click on the Share from Computer Management does NOT open up any additional windows.

  • Scott says:

    I ran all 3 and my search for each is “Users”. So i’m still searching which sub-folder I am actually sharing, Documents? Music? or any of the other folders listed. Does it really need to be this complicated?

  • ravi85 says:

    how can i find how many share folders in my network

  • Tim King says:

    Is there a way to create a text/word/excel/access/whatever file of every file on multiple shared drives, with their location? I am dealing with a very cluttered set of shared drives that I need to clean-up, but I first need to find out what I have where.
    Thank you, Tim

  • Pitch says:

    The Win7 list from the Explorer Networks is not accurate. It will show many file/folders that are not shared. I don’t know of any simple method to see what is shared other than go to another computer and see the shares from there. Microsoft permissions and shares are very convoluted wtih relatiionship rules that make understanding very difficult.

  • Justin says:

    I cannot restore my linked drives or network shares after switching routers on my network. I can see them, and open folders on other computers up to the folder I am trying to access, and when I try to enter it, access denied. I tried sharing it with a different name, tried mapping it to a drive, everything is not working.

    • Mike says:

      This has happened to me. I think it’s because the computer decided the new router/network was a “public” network instead of a “home” network. I had to go into the network settings and change the network type to “home” on each computer on my home network. If you look here on your PC: Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsNetwork and Sharing Center then you’ll see the active network. Under the name (in my case it says “Network5” it says whether it’s a home, work, or public network. Change it to “home”. At least that worked for me.

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