586 Responses to “How to make a Windows 10 hotspot: All you need to know”

  • Salah Jupp says:

    Thank you so so so so much for this. It has really helped me. I had this issue, my android phone couldn’t connect to my hotspot, and the problem was that my virtual adapter hasn’t been selected. Really thank’s!

  • Pat says:

    Your articles have sent many tech through the door. Superb and keep improving our knowledge

  • Nat says:

    Hi all, don’t know if I’ll get a reply but just trying my luck here and a big thank you in advance if I do get a reply! I use a USB modem for my internet and share the internet with my phone using this method. It usually works fine but once in a while it stops working. This time, it is still working, and my android phone is connected to the network I set up, but the internet is really slow – only messaging apps like whatsapp works; youtube doesn’t work. Any suggestions for this? It seems like everything is working as it is supposed to. My internet on my PC is working fine, and my android connects to other wifi sources fine.

  • David B. says:

    Hello, followed all the instructions, and it set up OK. But when I tried to connect my phone to the WiFi network, I got an endless “Obtaining IP Address”….is it possible that my carrier on the computer, a wireless internet stick from O2 in Germany, blocks the use of sharing technologies like this?

  • Michael Taye says:

    Can this method be used on Win 7 if ad hoc is disabled by the system admin?

  • Rey says:

    This is the most useful, easy and helpful procedure. After many years of using external applications and third party software, this is by far the most use full and effective article.

    Thank you!!

  • Scott says:

    the Network shows up and some devices can connect to it but nothing connected has internet access

  • Scott says:

    works great but Roku can connect to the network, says I need to add the MAC address, any idea how I do that?

  • The Wanderess says:

    Hi, Thanks a lot. However, I am just wondering that every time I have to enter the same command(2nd one I suppose) to enable the network? is there an option to keep it permanently on?? Thank you. Much appreciated.

  • S Yogesh says:

    Done successfully

    as per your instructions

    Thank you

  • Jarso says:

    I have to appreciate it because it helped me a lot. I tried many other ways to get wireless for my phone that used to work normally in win 7 and lost as I migrated to windows 10.

    Thank you

  • Bala says:

    In my PC hosted network is started.
    But the network name is not visible in ethernet properties to share the network.

  • Sushrut says:

    Tried the same, but got an error saying:”The hosted network couldn’t be started. The wireless local area network interface is powered down and doesn’t support the requested operation.” Please help and advise.

  • Gulbagh says:

    Thanks Codrut….It was really helpful and it works for me.

  • Eric says:


    I’m very interested in the hybrid method with 2 wireless cards installed. How can you tell the virtual WiFi Hotspot to use the USB WiFi Adapter for the hotspot and not the one that is connected to the internet? I don’t see in the description how to tell the command prompt which one it has to use.

    Thanks 🙂

  • Aditya says:

    I have done all above steps but now i want undo all steps because every time switch my laptop command prompt windows popup so please tell me how to undo all above steps

  • DJ says:

    dear ,
    i have created this virtual network and connected internet as well.
    but how can i save this network for every time
    when i restart its gone. and need to create again

  • Tejaswini says:

    I completed the procedure as told but my phone isn’t connecting to the network it just says “Obtaining IP address”, “Authenticating”. Please suggest.

  • Mr Pepper says:

    Some Network Adapters do not support this. If you get “The hosted network couldn’t be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.” after trying ‘netsh wlan start hostednetwork’ and you cannot find “Microsoft Virtual Network Adapter” in device manager. It is possible your network adapter is not supported with Virtual Network. To find out, enter ‘netsh wlan show drivers’ somewhere it should say “Hosted network supported : Yes” if your network adapter is supported with Virtual Network.

  • Cadenthor says:

    I did the ‘netsh wlan set hostednetwork’ then ‘netsh wlan start hostednetwork’. I get the response “The hosted network couldn’t be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.” I tried enabling at Device manager, but I couldn’t find the driver even after I clicked ‘Show hidden devices’. HELP ME!!!

  • Aaqib says:

    it says AUTHENTICATION PROBLEM on my android

  • Christian LaRocca says:

    I see this is a fairly old thread but I hope you may be able to help me Im having the same problem when I put in the last bit of info into the command prompt Im getting, “the hostednetwork could not be started” ” The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested opera
    tion.” My wifi is enabled and all drivers are up to date do you have any suggestions?

  • fred says:

    good work but i can only get wifi access from it if i also have the free version of connectify running. running windows 10 here, i have checked everything mentioned in the comments and tutorial

  • divyanshu yadav says:

    Hello ,
    I am getting Hosted network could not be started error.
    the group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation…
    Can any one help me out of this?

  • Jan Kees says:

    Dear Sir,

    how can I forward my usb-modem what gives me internet (dongle) to my networkcard (lan) I want to send my internet connection to an internet router,

    This was possible via ad hoc network in windows 7

    Thanks for doing all this efforts

    Jan Kees

  • Nkafu ED says:


  • Leo says:

    thanks a 1000times, worked like a charm

  • ferdnand says:

    Thanks so much for this. works perfectly.

  • Bessie says:

    What a good tips! I also use a small tool named OSToto Hotpsot to create a WiFi hotspot in my Windows 7 laptop. I recommend you can have a try!

  • saman jayatileka says:

    this system is working well, thank you sir.

  • USAMA GUJJAR says:

    i have also same problem

    • USAMA GUJJAR says:

      Hi, I had the same problem with the command saying “The hosted network couldn’t be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation

  • Gioia says:

    O MY GOD!! It finally worked 😀 Thank you so incredible much!!
    I use Mhotspot for the virtual hotspot.

  • Ted says:

    created hotspot the ipad finds it then asked for password

  • pradyumna says:

    I cant find the sharing option.

  • karpagaselvi says:

    Yes the article works good for me. I have configured my windows 8.1 laptop as wifi hotspot using commands.
    The problem i am facing is peculiar that only one wifi device(mobile) is able to connect to the hotspot at any point of time.
    Pl let me know how to set the number of devices to be connected simultaneously to wifi hotspot by using commands.

  • Derek says:

    I had the issue of trying to share my Windows 10 laptop’s internet connection with my tablet, however I was not able to get an IP, and when I did, I would get a blank page.
    After lots of research into the problem, I managed to share my connection by doing the following:
    Enable the following services –
    ‘Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)’
    ‘routing and remote access’

    I use Bitdefender for Antivirus, and I needed to disable ‘Block Internet Connection Sharing’ and also within the firewall settings, turn stealth mode off, Generic to Yes on the Wifi adapter.

    How this helps others as it took me ages to get it working.

  • D Piyali says:

    thanks 🙂 it worked 🙂

  • Toby says:

    Hi, I selected ‘WI-FI’ instead of ‘Local Area Connection* 3’ in step 2 and I can’t change my selection….any tips?

  • Toby says:

    Hi, I had the same problem with the command saying “The hosted network couldn’t be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation”
    But I can’t find the local area connection adapter in my device manage, neither under network connections

    I accidentally disabled the local area connection adapter before, is that why i can’t start internet sharing?

  • Prahabhakar R Kalki says:

    Wow, great. it worked for me perfectly as told in the article… just a couple of commands and few clicks made my. it was very helpful and very nice presentation with screen shots.
    keep up the good work.
    Thanks a lot

  • gerg says:

    And why oh why on earth is this so complicated on Windows? On a Mac, you just click ‘share wifi’ and it happens seamlessly!!!!

  • gerg says:

    This was great when it worked for a few days then stopped. Now it is driving me insane. I’ve tried everything a dozen times but once the network is created my mobile device gets stuck on ‘obtaining IP address’. Firewall is disabled, ‘share internet connection’ is checked. The only option I have under the ethernet connection is ‘wifi’. Arrrgh!

  • achint singh says:

    my mobile device (andriod 4.2.2) doesn’t connect with the hotspot

  • Vitaly says:

    Thanks for guide! It’s working!

  • Shikha says:

    thanks its working !

  • Marek says:

    Hi, i followed all the steps but still don’t have internet connection on my tablet, though skype is working properly. Is there are anything i can try?

  • harish says:

    hello sir,
    your blog helped me lot in setting up a hotspot.
    but after i type the command it is showing me this:
    “the wireless loacl area network is powered down and doesn’t support the requested operation”
    what shall i do?plz help me sir.
    thanks in advance

  • Ashwin Kumar.A says:

    hi abdulgaffar…………..

    you have an internet connection in your pc……..

    simply do one thing……go to your pc’s network and sharing centre>change adapter settings>right click on the adapter that has the internet acess> go to properties>go to sharing>in that tick the first option and untick the second option>if you can see a box below….then in that selcet virtual network adapter or no need…….now refresh your computer……

    this time you should be able to use internet on your mobile phone………..

  • Abdulgaffar Hawaldar says:

    i am unable to use internet from hotspot as it says “No internet access”
    i have used both the methods…through command prompt and “wifiaccesspoint_o”…but still its not working….

  • Ashwin Kumar.A says:

    hi andy you dont need to go for firewall……….all you need to do is just refresh your hostednetowrk with a new passphrase…….
    type the following command with admin privilages………………

    “netsh wlan refresh hostednetwork password”
    …….now restart your pc for better perfomance and this time you should be able to connect to i phone

  • Andy says:


    all steps completed, DHCP enabled. but despite all I’ve tried my iPhone 6 or iPad wont connect saying incorrect password. i am defiantly typing the correct password. have also tried with firewall disabled with no luck. any ideas?

  • Dariush ghorbani says:

    how can I make a hotspot from vpn.im not directly connected through wireless modem I first connect to dormitory’s modem then I connect my vpn to connect to internet.

  • chetan says:

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
    (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:Windowssystem32>netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspot key=7Tu
    The hosted network mode has been set to allow.
    The SSID of the hosted network has been successfully changed.
    The user key passphrase of the hosted network has been successfully changed.

    C:Windowssystem32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    The hosted network couldn’t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested opera


    what should i do now… after thise i trying
    Open Device Manager. Click View -> Show hidden devices. Go to Network adapters. Locate Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter. but NOT showing Locate Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual.
    SO than tell mi what should i do NOW..
    PLZ HELP..

    • Ashwin Kumar.A says:

      hi chetan you forgot to do one thing…….in the device manager there will be a help colum………..
      go to that colum and there will be a option called show hidden adapters……click that option……

      now all the hidden adapters will be shown……..now search for the microsoft hostednetwork adapter>right click>enable the adapter………….

      thats it now refresh the device manager for hardware changes……close the device manager
      refresh your hostednetwork with a new password….you hv a command….”netsh wlan refresh hostednetwork passwoed….”

      now go for the command “netsh wlan start hostednetwork”

      ………….now you should be able to start the ad-hoc on your pc……….

  • Ashwin Kumar.A says:

    just enable internet sharing for your wifi or network adapter and save the setting…….this time you must be able to use internet on your mobile phone….and check that you have internet access on your laptop or pc……..

  • Revan says:

    i was go through your trail message Hosted network create but not working no upload and download Please give solution

  • Billion says:

    Is it possible to spoof the mac address for the virtual network? The reason I ask is that my ISP tries to block sharing so in order to make use of this by connecting the modem to my notebook I would have to clone the mac address. If I don’t do this the notebook and all devices connected to the hotspot cannot access the internet !

  • Aditya.Pol says:

    I am trying to create a virtual hot spot using the command prompt.
    The hot spot has been successfully created.
    Other devices are recognizing the hot spot but are unable to connect to the network.

    I have created the hot spot.My phone is detecting it.I entered the password and tried to connect my phone to the network.
    I am getting an error in the phone saying ‘Authentication failed’.

    Please help.

    • shahin says:

      Probably you didn’t do the step 2 correctly.
      I had same problem when I didn’t do the second step

    • Ashwin Kumar.A says:

      hi aditya……it means you needto do two things….first close the wifi in your phone and reopen it and start searching for the virtual network…which you have artificially created in your laptop or pc………..
      you must be able to connect it now…..if you have tried it….then the second thing you should do is that…….
      stop the hostednetwork on your computer……
      go to cmd with admin privilages……..
      then type, “netsh wlan stop hostednetwork”
      the virual adapter will stop……now again start the hostednetwork….the comman for it is, “netsh wlan start hostednetwork”
      the virtual adapter will start again……..
      now refresh the hostednetwork with a new password……..here is the command, “netsh wlan refresh hostednetwork password”……….this time should be surely able to connect your phone to the virual adapter…..and note that to spell the password correctly..it is recommended that you make your password visible……….if you want to view the password of your virtual network….you have a command, “netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting security key=clear”
      thats it…..i hope this article was helpful you can contact me anytime at [email protected]

  • shahin says:

    at step 2, after “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection”, there is no virtual local access, there is just wifi and some ethernet option

    • shahin says:

      accidentally I solved my problem.
      I chose wifi as the option, but still I didn’t have internet connection for my hotspot. so removed the check for “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection” and clicked ok.

      again I put check “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection” and after that I had new option which worked for me.

  • Ana says:

    Hello and thanks for sharing this information with us. I do not know if this has been answered before (having a quick look I couldn’t find it). I have been able to establish the wifi spot and connect to it without any issues. I even downloaded the .exe file and activate that the hotspot is enable everytime my windows initiates… However this is not the case. Everytime my laptop goes to sleep or restarts the wifi hotspot disappears, can’t even see it at the ‘Network sharing centre’. Any ideas on how could I change this so I don’t have to put the commands all over again every time?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Ernest says:

    pls sir my other devices can access the wireless network but is requesting for password.
    and i didn’t create anyone, help pls

  • Ken Nunez says:

    This worked great on my Windows 10 Pro Laptop. I know the included zip allows you to create / delete the hotspot. However if your like me and you want to retain this connection but want to be able to disable / enable simply you can create a .bat file with the following code.

    netsh wlan show hostednetwork | FINDSTR “Not started” && (
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    ) || (
    netsh wlan stop hostednetwork )

  • Khan zarak says:

    Hi. . . Its connected to mobile but internet is not working ??unable to browse using mobile. what’s the problem ?? plz help me!!

    • Ashwin Kumar.A says:

      hello khan zarak……you must first turn on the sharing feature of your internet device……….

      go to network and sharing center…….
      you can see to which network you are connected……
      by the upright there will be an option called “change adapter settings”……….
      in that right click on the adapter which gives you the internet connection………
      go to properties…….which will be at the bottom of the pop up………..
      a new popup will open showing you the details of the adapter……there up there will be a colum called…..”sharing”…….in that enable sharing and better dont tick the second option……..below the first option there will be a box…..
      in that select “virtual network adapter”……..
      and save it……..
      thats it…….
      restart your pc and use internet conectin using the virtual network adapter

  • Khan zarak says:

    Hi. . . Its connected but internet is not working ?? what’s the problem ?? plz help me!!

  • Winston Moses says:

    Upgraded to Windows 10

    wifi hotspot worked really well till the upgrade

    Now wifi hotspot is created no issues on that. The mobile also connects to the PC. But I am unable to browse using mobile.

    What could be wrong? Why I am unable to have internet access in my mobile?

    I use an 3G usb modem for Internet in PC

  • Lora says:

    CMD way is good, and the tool seems to be better! I also use a free tool named OSToto Hotspot to create free WiFi hotspot on my Asus laptop.

  • Vikas Gupta says:

    hello sir i have made my laptop as wifi hotspot using your methods. My mobile was also connected to that wifi hotspot, but the problem i am facing that nothing is opening in mobile. internet access is shown in both ethernet and wifi hot spot but i am unable to open any site on my mobile. kindly suggest me.

    • Ashwin Kumar.A says:

      its simple you just need to enable sharing for your internet adapter………..go to network and sharing center>change adapter settings>right click on the adapter>go to properties>sharing>”allow other network users to connect through the computers internet connection” tick this option……thats it and save it……now you can use internet connection on the pc

  • Roshan says:

    After following all the steps correctly hosted network is created but I am not able to connect to the hosted network with my android phone. It shows authentication problem.
    Waiting for your valuable advice

  • wajee.ul.hassan says:

    i can’t have any option to change the Wi-fi to new connection i build from Home Networking Connection

  • Witty says:

    When I type “netsh wlan start hostednetwork” the displayed message is “the group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the operation”, please help

    • Roshan says:

      Go to device manager——-expand network adapters———disable network adapter———-now enable network adapter

  • akhil says:

    it is showing that one of my drivers is not functioning.but actually they are working properly.

  • Amit Kumar says:

    After creating a hostednetwork when I hit below command I get an error. How do I fix it ?

    Command :
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork

    The hosted network couldn’t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.

  • Giorgi says:

    So, i made everything and everything is ok. But after sleep or shutdown laptop my hotspot is lost. Can you help me? Or i need do all this every day?

  • mahmood says:

    Question: If i connect my Ethernet to a VPN, will the devices connected to hotspot also connect to the VPN network?

  • Scar says:

    Hello, I use the little program, everything is ok, I see the network, It’s got internet connection also, and I can connect with my phone, but somehow my phone haven’t got internet connection.. Can yo help me?

  • shandeep says:

    network is not sharing mean the internet in my lap to my mobile what to do

  • Thomas says:

    I’ve done a task in this tutorial, the following result
    “Status hotspot is private network, Acces type: Internet, Homegroup: Ready to create, Connection: Local area connection”

    And, My phone is already connected to the hotspot.
    however, my lan used the Internet proxy, and my phone is not connected to the internet even connected to the hotspot.
    can you help me, is there any other software tools should I add?

  • gardy says:

    I’ve created the hotspot and can connect devices to it. But when i connect and try to load anything from the web it appears no internet connection. What could i do?

  • ANIMESH says:

    i have created the hotspot successfully but it is not visible on my phone or any other phone for that matter….please help1!1

  • Alpz says:

    First of all kuddos mate.. it works like charm.. never knew about any such inbuilt features of windows. Now, the problem i am facing is, it works lovely on two mobile devices but if try to connect the 3rd i get the error authentication problem.. why so? and do we have any solution for it…

  • Brams says:

    The executable file says it cannot run on Windows 10

  • Shirish says:

    This was working fine for me last 45 days, but suddenly now its stopped working. I can see the hotspot network on my computer and it gets detected on my mobile too but does not connect. If I restart my laptop and start the hosted network it works for 2 min and again gets disconnected. What could be the problem?

  • web developer says:

    Dear Codrut Neagu
    thanks for this helpful post, worked in my win 8.1.
    i use this solutions with mobile remote controller “unifiedremote.com”.
    this program have Windows & mac program and connect with iphone, android mobile.
    maybe i translate your post to persian language in my blog.

  • Ryan H says:

    It worked for me after i adjusted my firewall. Thanks

  • Sibli Ahmed says:

    I am using windows 10 pro. I have done all the things and my android mobile is connected to the virtual hotspot but the speed is very slow. What is the problem and how can i solve it pls.

  • Adnan Raja says:

    I am using windows 10. I have followed all the instructions and everything looks good. In network adapters, I can see Hotspot has internet access. But, still no browsing on any of the connected devices. Any idea? I have tried disabling firewall as well, but no luck.

  • K says:

    I created the wifi access point and it works. However, it disappears when my computer enters standby mode or is restarted. So I have to do this procedure over and over. Is there a way to make it permanent?

  • Festus Abiatar says:

    Thanks! I didn’t try your program yet, but the steps you gave worked well on my Windows 10 on which I use a 3G device for internet.

  • Pushkar Kathayat says:

    The solution of digitalcitizen.life are always to the point and most of time they worked for me.
    Keep up the level. (y)

  • Ashish says:

    I did all the steps as per the tutorial but in ethernet properties it only shows Wi-Fi i also tried the device manager approach but Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter is already enabled and on running netsh wlan show drivers hosted network supported yes
    and lastly my internet does not show virtual local area connection rather it shows local area connection*14
    any help would be greatly appretiated

  • Jitesh says:

    How to disable the created hotspot?

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Read the last section of this guide. It is named The Fast Way Of Turning Off And Uninstalling The WiFi Access Point.

  • SANJEET says:

    it worked absolutely fine for me. I have turned my pc into hotspot and I can access the net on my iPhone but having issues. I can use whats app only cant access net on facebook and cant access my app store and everything else…. please help me …..

  • Giulia says:

    Hey, my phone connects to the hotspot, but the internet still won’t work. Any ideas why that might happen?

    • Adnan Raja says:

      I am facing same problem. All steps performed successfully, but still internet not working on connected devices. Were you able to solve this?

  • Richard says:

    On Wndows 10, does anyone know how to find the wifi password to join the virtual network?

  • Mazhar says:

    I completed all the steps as said above. But then I clicked on the network icon in the Network and Sharing center and I disabled the network. Now when I do the above last step of starting the hostednetwork, it doesn;t start because “the group or resource is not in the correct state”. Anybody Knows how to fix it?

  • nitesh says:

    dear sir everything done well but when i connect my phn to the hotspot it says limited connectivity and no internet, please help on this issue

  • ElJefitoDos says:

    Nice work, many thanks — the little program you added works well (for me) and is really handy. Cheers from Western Australia!

  • yudara says:

    Do you want to create a WiFi Hotspot or uninstall a Hotspot you already created.
    Answer Y to create one, or N to uninstall:: Y
    There is 1 WiFi adapter on your device.
    Let’s configure your WiFi Hotspot:
    Enter the name (SSID) of your WiFi Hotspot.: test
    Enter the password you will use for your WiFi Hotspot.: 123456789
    The hosted network mode has been set to allow.
    The SSID of the hosted network has been successfully changed.
    The user key passphrase of the hosted network has been successfully changed.

    The hosted network couldn’t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested opera

    Do you want your WiFi hotspot to be enabled each time you start Windows? Enter Y
    (for Yes) or N (for No)::
    what is this problem? Help me please..

  • Ashwin says:

    Hi!Thank you very much for this blog!! Working very well…. but the only problem is that the hotspot is disabled even when i put my laptop in “sleep” mode – this despite using your command promt feature and selecting “enable everytime windows starts”

    Please suggest a solution

  • ishaan says:

    I m stuck in obtaining address in my mobile.. but my mobile works well in other wifi networks.. so this is what happened.. someone help me

  • Rashed Un Noor says:

    I have created the WiFi network step by step and it’s showing on my Android mobile phone. I connected my mobile phone. But the problem is when I enter any internet address my phone showing this notification: Connection Failed, Unable to connect. Please review your network setting.

    Please help…..

  • Mr Bojangles says:

    If you’ve forgotten the security key you set, put the following command into command prompt:

    netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting=security

  • Rick says:

    Got it working great, but I wanted to do this so that my other devices would utilize my VPN connection on my main computer. Instead the main IP address is showing up as being my verizon assigned IP address. Of course I get assigned a dynamic ip but the underlying one is my service provider assigned one. Any thoughts on how to get this to utilize my vpn provided IP or is this not possible? Thanks!

  • Ademar says:

    Hi, i have a problem at step 2, when i check “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection” i can’t select the virtual network that i already created and it just says “Wi-Fi”.
    I already tried the following, but still not working.
    Open Device Manager. Click View -> Show hidden devices. Go to Network adapters. Locate Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter. Right click it and select Enable. Then use the commands below again:
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    Can you help me?

  • Mimi Y. says:

    You saved me! I am in Paris at an AirBnB rental, and my phone loses connection when I go more than 15 feet from the wifi router. However, my laptop and everyone else’s phones seem to have no issues with the router’s range. Rather than get a new iphone, I followed your instructions, and whalah as they say here! I now have an incredibly strong signal and can download my emails and use the internet on my iphone 5 without using eating up my international mobile data package! The only thing I had to figure out was how to log into command prompt with administrator rights. I googled that and found that I just right click on the start button and select Command Prompt Administrator. I then followed your very thorough instructions, and it appears I am good! I wish I had figured this out 5 days ago! Thanks again for being of service to us amateurs! Mimi

  • Ankit says:

    I disabled the hotspot directly from the Network and Sharing centre in the Control Panel. But I am unable to again start the Hotspot.

    What to do?

  • Tony Johnson says:

    Mine is working perfectly – using this at work. However, the network guys asked if I could turn the broadcast off. Is there a way to do this? (At home I can hide the broadcasting the SSID name, but can’t figure out how to do it here, since it’s not a router).

  • shajib says:

    It does not persist….every time i disable my wifi…the virtual router is gone. when i turn back my wifi it does not start the hotspot ….any solution to this problem….???

  • nitesh says:

    thnk u so much,,, it really did work for me in first attempt….

  • Rehan Azhar says:

    I created virtual hotspot successfully…..thanks to your instructions….
    I did it manually….
    but the problem is I’ve to start it every time My PC turns on using command prompt….
    by using the command
    netsh wlan start hosted network
    is there a manual way to put the hotspot to turn on automatically everytime when the PC is turned on other than using the executable file you’ve given……

  • Adrian says:

    The HOTSPOT is working, mu mobile is connected, although it doesn’t access the internet.
    I use a Ethernet connection, broadcasting through the wifi adapter.
    My Ethernet connection uses FIXED IP configurations.
    Any thoughts on it?

  • Mayank Shekhar says:

    Dint work for me, all steps went bugless and in the end when shared the Ethernet connection to the Virtual Network, it executed correctly but the Virtual stills shows No Internet. Any suggestions….

  • Antony says:

    I tried to install this but it didn’t work. Now I have limited connectivity when I try to use the WiFi normally! Troubleshooting states DHCP is not enabled for WiFi and Local Area Connection doesn’t have a valid IP configuration. Any ideas how I reset?

  • gayan says:

    C:Windowssystem32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    The hosted network couldn’t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested opera

  • ben10 says:

    My alienware crashes when my mobile device connects. It automatically restarts my laptop. I checked the .exe file and found out that it is infected with WS.Reputation.1 scanned using Symantec.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Before saying something like that check your info: there’s no virus in the exe file! It’s just Norton giving a “low” score to the exe file, and that’s because it’s actually a script that runs on startup. It’s also very probable that Norton reboots your computer, just ’cause it thinks the exe is trying to harm it.

    • Gone Like Wind says:

      Norton only flags such files due to “bad” reputation, only because such executable files are not “recognized” and are potential “threats” or carriers of “malware”. This particular .exe file has no virus, be sure of that. “WS.Reputation” is no infection. Norton will quarantine or delete such files. Only because such a file is found in startup, Norton is trying to restart your computer. Remove the .exe file from startup, or put the file under exceptions, so that the file is not scanned. Let us know how it goes.

  • Ethan says:

    Hi, I have gone into properties for my internet connected ‘Wifi’ connection and have checked the box that
    ‘allows other network users to connect through this compputers internet connection’
    but the dropdown box doesnt appear to select ‘Virtual Local Area Connection’
    It only has a text box with ethernet written in it and im unable to change the text.
    Any idea why Im having issues?

    • Gone Like Wind says:

      Uncheck the box, close the dialog box and refresh the page many times. Do it until you get the dropdown menu.

  • Ricky says:

    I have hosted the hotspot. But on my android it keeps saaying obtaining IP address. Does not get connected. Please help.

  • Vyom says:

    i made the hotspot and it is visible in all my devices but they are not able to connect even after i have entered the password and refreshed it few times.
    is this because of the difference in os or any other thing.
    does anyone know the answer or anyone has the same problem pls tell me?si
    pls help me…………………

  • Vikrant says:

    hello, tried both the methods i.e manually from cmd and also the downloadable file in the website. i have a windows 8.1 hp pav laptop. the problem i m facing is in step 2. i am using a reliance 3g dongle with vodafone 2g data . when i click on the properties of the “null network”and go to the sharing tab i dont find the “microsoft hosted network virtual adapter” in the list…the ones in the list are: Ethernet, Wifi and Local area connection*4.
    i tried many things like unistalling realtek network drivers, updating it, disabling and then enabling but the same problem persists.. plz hep me with this.

  • Md. Anik says:

    Sir, i done all things. But in properties when i select my network and press ok then show me that “Cannot enable share access. The service cannot accept control messages at this time”. What i will do? Plz help me

  • Raj says:

    Ive followed all the steps properly.. My mobile is getting connected through Hotspot properly but internet isnt working from mobile through the Hotspot..

    Please help…

    • HandsomePPL says:

      Make sure you share your main internet connection to the network that you’ve created.

  • Chikmagalur says:

    Thank you so much for your article. After trying for long time this worked for me.

  • Nathan says:

    Hi, I created a tool that helps setup hosted networks in Windows 8. You can find it here: https://nathanstill.com/computing/wifi-hotspot-tool/

  • rani says:

    I am able to connect to hotspot but not able to access internet on mobile.
    Using windows 8.1 Os.
    Please help EOM

  • Jiju John says:

    I have followed each and every step and sucessfully created the hotspot. Internet access in both Ethernet and Virtual Network. Added keyUsage=persistent when setting up Virtual Network.
    The WiFi network is showing in my Windows 8.1 phone but unable to connect, getting and error message”The WiFi network Hotspot didn’t respond. Try again later”
    I put the windows firewall in laptop “OFF” Same error message. I delibrately typed a wrong password, then I got the messaage “Password Incorrect”
    Please help me to resolve the error message”The WiFi network Hotspot didn’t respond. Try again later”

    • Gone Like Wind says:

      Go to Device Manager(Run devmgmt.msc), and under Network Adapters, select properties of your wireless adapter. Then under Advanced panel, select adhoc 11n, and chose Enable.
      Let us know how it goes.

  • Mohan says:

    I followed everything. Virtual network showed ‘Internet access’. But when I tried to connect to my android phone it is showing ‘saved, secured with WPA2’ and then changes to ‘Authentication problem’ but no internet on my phone. I tried ‘connectify’ software also. But same problem ‘Saved, secured with WPA2’. Please tell me what is the problem with my laptop & mobile

    • Gone Like Wind says:

      There is nothing wrong with your laptop or mobile. You just have typed the wrong passphrase.

  • Gaurav says:

    if you are successfully connected to the hotspot but the device can not access internet, try creating a new dial-up connection.

    follow this link for creating a new dial up connection in windows 8.

    make sure to enter correct phone number,username and password.

    Now connect to the internet through this connection and then share this connection with your hotspot adapter.
    You’re good to go.

  • matt merschbach says:

    Hi, I have followed every mentioned step. When I go to click on the “allow other network users to connect through this computer’s internet connection” box, the only thing that appears is Wi-Fi, not the Virtual Local Area Connection. I have enabled it in device manager and have done all the other steps and fixes suggested in these comments. It simply doesn’t appear….what gives?

  • Ishan says:

    hey it worked fine till
    netsh wlan start hosted network. all drivers are enabled. i am using reliance netconnet dongle.

    this error is comming up:
    The hosted network couldn’t be started.
    The wireless local area network interface is powered down and doesn’t support the requested operation.


    • Gone Like Wind says:

      You have simply not turned on your access point device’s Wi-Fi. Go to Charms(right swipe) and click Settings. Under Networks, see if Wi-Fi is switched on. Then try the commands again. That should work.

  • Prashanth Mani says:

    yeah , it works great… thank you for this article..

  • Praveen says:

    This is superb its working absolutely fine ,
    Many thanks to you Codrut Neagu .

  • aina says:

    The hotspot is created but not getting connected to my android phone. Its showing “Network disabled. Poor connection.” on the phone, although the signal is very strong

  • aina says:

    The hotspot is created but not getting connected to my android phone. Its showing “Network disabled. Poor connection.” on the phone, although the signal is very strong

  • Eric says:

    Mr. Neagu,
    Is there a way by which I can change the channel a device is on? For example, if there are too many devices on channel 1, then I must be able to promote some devices to channel 6, and some to channel 11. Is there a way?

    • Gone Like Wind says:

      Well that’s a nice question. You can change it if your wireless card manufacturer has allowed you to do so. Check its properties to change the channel of broadcast.

  • Rob says:

    Microsoft has said that they will remove “netsh” functionality from subsequent Windows versions. That leaves us to create access points using Powershell. So what is the powershell equivalent of netsh ?

  • Joe says:

    Does this work on Windows XP/7/8/8.1 as well? because they all have cmd prompt

  • wael says:

    Hi .. I shared my broadband connection using the windows 8 way (you just press a button :D) but when I press the connect button it says : saved secured with WPA2

  • GabrielB says:

    hi. i tryied this tutorial and worked just fine, but the problem is that it uses the antenna i’m using to connect to another wifi network. so i’m having a wifi network adapter in my pc, and another wifi, which is from the antenna. i would like to make the hot-spot using the wifi adapter from my pc, not from the antenna, because the antenna is far and signal is weak. thanks

  • Jitendra Singh says:

    I had created virtual wifi hot spot on my laptop using command prompt. but now i forgot the password of my hot spot. how can i find out my password. please help

  • Jitendra Singh says:

    I had created virtual wifi hot spot on my laptop using command prompt. but now i forgot the password of my hot spot. how can i find out my password. please help

  • Nina says:

    Hey, i was wondering if there is anyway to make this connection with a wep setting, and making it work for my ds lite?

  • morris says:

    i typed in the command but it says “you must run from a command prompt with administrator privilege” how do i correct that?

  • saeed says:

    how we can set password on this Hotspot?
    Do everyone able to connect to it?

    Oh excuse me key is password

  • Sharik says:

    This worked for me.. Thank you so much!!

  • tahir says:

    if using the command prompt should we type in the command each time you reboot your computer? when i put my computer into sleep then the hotspot connection could not be seen in the network and sharing

  • Eric says:

    Mr. Neagu,

    Everything works great on my Windows laptop. But I was wondering if I could do the same thing with my Ubuntu laptop at my workplace. If it is possible, kindly help. Waiting for your reply.

  • Boris says:

    Virtual Wifi device not found! “Neither Hosted Network Virtual” or “Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter” were found.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Is your wireless card enabled?
      The virtual adapter is tied to the physical one, so if the “real” wireless is turned off, so is the virtual adapter.

  • Kamal says:

    Hi Codrut,

    I am using below and falls under second scenario from pre-requisite.

    Windows 8.1 Laptop.
    Tata Photon Max USB Dongle to access Internet
    Wi Fi Adapter, which does support hostednetwork.

    I am able to create the hotspot, which shows that Internet is getting shared and all other device does gets connected to the newly created hotspot. However, they are unable to browse the internet even though they get the IP’s.

    Checked below –

    The other connected devices are getting IP addresses.
    Checked after disabling the Windows firewall with no luck.
    ICS and Routing and Remote access is already automatic and Started.
    My Antivirus is Norton Internet Security 2013 and I have checked even after disabling it with no luck as well.

    NOTE- I am able to do everything using the same USB data card on my Other Windows 7 Laptop, which means it has to be something on the Windows 8.1 Laptop itself.

    Waiting for your valuable suggestion.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Try this:
      open Device Manager
      locate your network card
      right click on your network card and select Properties
      switch to the Power Management tab
      enable “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” and “Allow this device to wake the computer”

      • Kamal says:

        Thanks, I will try and confirm. But you want me to do it on Microsoft Virtual Wi-Fi Miniport Adapter or actual Wireless Adapter.

        • Codrut Neagu says:

          The “real” wireless adapter.

          • Kamal says:

            I checked and “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” was already checked while “Allow this device to wake the computer” was greyed out cause I was unable to check that.

            While tried – Other device again got connected to Wi-Fi network with no internet being available on them.

            Kindly Suggest further.

          • Codrut Neagu says:

            I’m sorry, but if you already tried everything from the above comments, there isn’t much else you could do.
            Btw, did you restart the devices you were trying to connect, i.e. a smartphone?
            I don’t know why, but on some Windows 8.1 devices it simply doesn’t work.

          • Kamal says:

            The other device which is connecting to this Wi-Fi hostspot is an Android Phone as well as Windows 7 Laptop and I have tried it even after rebooting them with no luck.

            No Problem in that case – I will use it by configuring wifi Hotspot on my Windows 7 laptop instead of Windows 8.1 laptop.

  • quetionee 1 says:

    when i type and enter,” netsh wlan start hostednetwork” it says local area network interface is powered down and doesnt support the requested operation

  • Izzy says:

    I’m trying to connect it on my iPhone 4, and it’s found the network, but all I get is a loading sign. I’ve turned my firewall off, done the command prompt but I can’t seem to get it to connect.

  • Krunal says:

    when i tries internet sharing option it says “an error occurred while internet connection sharing was being enabled. the service cannot accept control messages at this time.”

  • Aakash Bikram Rana says:

    u guys are the best! This worked P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y and u made it sooo easy with the app especially that we dont hav to turn it on every time the windows starts. 🙂

  • Santanu Sadhu says:

    It’s too good. Thanks 🙂

  • dangiwah says:

    I have followed all the stages suggested but my android tab wont connect even though the network created can be seen on it. it just continue to show ‘obtaining IP address’ any help pls

  • Neo says:

    It works! Thanks a lot! But I was wondering how do you do the same thing on linux/ubuntu?

  • chaitra says:

    hi.. I created the hotspot, it even got connected on the 1st day..but now ts not getting connected..wat to do..ts not even shown in the network and sharing center..

  • amit says:

    first time it get connected. after some time it is showing ” the group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.”

  • Amanda Smith says:

    I made it to this step: “In order to give Internet access to the virtual WiFi adapter that was created earlier, check the box near “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection”.” but when I try to select the home networking connection, the only option is Wi-Fi.

  • SUMIT says:

    sir i tried to make wifi hotspot but when i connect my mobile with hotspot than there is written OBTAINING IP…. and not connected

  • suraj says:

    Followed all the steps. Successfully created the hotspot. Access type shows “internet” both on the device through which i use the internet(3g dongle) and the virtual wifi network. Connected to the hotspot successfully on my android phone and blackberry. Unable to access internet on both the devices. Signal strength is very strong. The uploading and downloading bars are permanently lit up on my android device. tried dns flush, tried enabling routing and remote access in services.msc and setting it to automatic, tried enabling internet connection sharing in services.msc which btw was already set to automatic and was enabled still NO-GO. PLEASE HELP.

    (I’m from india and I’m using 3-g dongle called tata photon+ for internet access)

  • olivia says:

    I don’t know why

    the first time when i was tried this step,, that was successed

    but,, the second time, i have the same problem with this all guys. But, when i tried the step on device manager’s setting, it’s success again to start the hostednetwork, but still cannot connect to internet.

    And the last time,
    i have tried all the step, but it was not worked properly
    even i had to go to on device manager setting

    please help me

  • Aditya says:

    it was working for me for quite a long time but then it stopped suddenly and when i tried turning it back on it said “the wlan interface is powered down and does not support the requested operation”. Now what?

  • Suh says:

    First: Great tutorial – thank you, but:
    Everytime I turn off my computer the hotspot is gone and I have to configure it new. Is there a way I can safe it, so I don’t have to follow these steps on and on? Thanks for your help!

  • Farhan says:

    whenever i enter this command:
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    and press enter the CMD says:
    The hosted network could’nt be started.
    The wireless local area network interface is powered down and does’nt support the requested operation.

    will someone please help me!!!

  • Ladiza says:

    Hi, please help me…once I succesfuly set up hotspot, but now internet randomly shut off and I have to reboot computer, then everything is working, but after a while, internet stops working again. What I can do? (sry for my bad english :D)

  • Anoop says:

    It worked Thanks !!

  • SharonLane says:

    Couldn’t check while I was typing the above comment, but the job that is autostarted with the ELEV tag is:
    UsersMeAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartupwifi.bat

  • SharonLane says:

    Everything works great and I really appreciate your efforts in this endeavor. There is one small ‘glitch’ for me. When my machine is shut down or restarted, a command prompt job is automatically started from USRAppDataRoaming that is a .bat job with an ELEV tag at the end of it. If I do not let this job start, I get no virtual wifi. When I do let it start, the following job gets created & autostarted in a command prompt:
    C:WINDOWSsystem32>NET FILE 1>NUL 2>NUL

    C:WINDOWSsystem32>if “0” == “0” (goto gotPrivileges ) else (goto getPrivileges )

    C:WINDOWSsystem32>setlocal & pushd .

    C:WINDOWSsystem32>netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=”~mySSID~” key=”~mypassword~” keyUsage=persistent
    The hosted network mode has been set to allow.
    The SSID of the hosted network has been successfully changed.
    The user key passphrase of the hosted network has been successfully changed.

    C:WINDOWSsystem32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    The hosted network started.

    Press any key to continue . . .

    Once I press a key, my devices load up the wifi. Not sure what is causing this.

  • Aditya says:

    Hello… Thanks for Software.
    I installed that software & run it. After putting all the details I got a error msg in between of ” THE HOSTED NETWORK COULDN’T BE STARTED. THE WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK INTERFACE IS POWERED DOWN & DOESN’T SUPPORT A REQUESTED OPERATION.”
    This error msg shows in my DELL STUDIO 1558.
    Kindly guide a solution.

  • Jeff says:

    When I go to step two I go to sharing but there is no box underneath telling me that I can change it to a virtual network. Help plz

  • kaniska says:

    My modem not detecting after I turning my Windows 8.1 laptop into a wifi access point. What to do?





  • Ankesh Ajmera says:

    Awesome details to set up the wifi, being a non technical I was able to set up in one full go. Thanx for sharing the procedure. However when I am connecting the same with my mobile device however its not getting connected. Also share with us the way out for changing the password

  • Hammad says:

    same case it can’t be started when I enter the command “netsh wlan start hostednetwork” and I get the message “the hostednetwork could not be started” ” The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operations
    another thing that when i disbaled that stupid connection it went hidden & now i cant find it so how can i enable it plz help me out.

    i would be very thankful if u reply on my email

    [email protected]

    awaiting ur answers plz reply i need to create a hotspot.

    thankyou all

  • Abhijeet says:

    Really Swiftly done, thanks.

  • Amani says:

    Hi I have a problem with step 2 I can’t find in my in select a private network connection the virtual local area connection what should I do ?

  • Harshit says:

    I have tried creating hotspot but after entering the second command it is showing The hostednetwork couldn’t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the currect state to perform the requested operation.

  • M.Riaz says:

    I followed all the steps and everything worked fine for me but internet speed is very slow and any page not open plz any one help me

  • Muhammad says:


    Thanks for the tutorial it worked out for me, but i need to ask what encryption the resulting connection uses (i.e. WEP, WPA2, …) and is it possible to change it or not?

    Many thanks.

  • Tom Kepler says:

    GREAT WORK – Thank You so much! My everyday work just got a lot easier! Works like a charm! Greetings from Finland 🙂

  • XY says:

    How do you change the name of the hotspot and password after it has been set up?

  • Rajat Poonia says:

    But what is the password for connecting to hot-spot ?

  • bryan says:

    to stop it.. after the hosted network start

    just replace the start into stop and you wifi will stop automatically. no need to download the command file

  • Krissler Zed says:

    It’s not working for me. In the sharing tab for the ethernet, i dont have the option of virtual network.

  • Pascal says:

    Hi, I get this error when i try to “start hostednetwork”:
    The hostednetwork couldnt be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation

  • kiran says:

    hi Codrut,

    When i am enabling Hosted network it is showing connection type of Local area connection instead Virtual local area connection as mentioned in your post. Also In the sharing of my ethernet connection i am only finding Wi-Fi no Virtual connection getting listed there. I went to device manager i checked show hidden devices but i m not finding Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter please help.

  • José Valle says:

    Excellent information.

  • Jino V Jose says:

    can anyone tell me why I couldn’t obtain the ip in my mobile?

  • Jord says:

    How can I delete the WiFiAccessPoint.EXE so thatit doesn’t show up every time I start my computer?

  • RB says:

    I downloaded the app you attached. It worked the first time I ran it but not upon reboot?

  • Mark Newman says:

    After reading all the comments here, I was worried that this wouldn’t work! But it ran flawlessly the first time.
    Thanks for a great guide.

  • Sandeep says:

    Dear sir
    My phone it properly connected but, it is (phone) still showing no internet access. what should i do?

  • Dee says:






  • sukalp says:

    i followed all above steps . hotspot was created , mobile device got connected . internet working fine on laptop but internet is not working on mobile .

  • mohit jain says:

    Hi, i have done everything as stated in above steps. the hotspot is active but when i connect with my lumia 720 it shows no internet access

  • Renjini says:

    I followed the same procedure.. and created hosted network.. i can connect my mobile using the network.. but the problem is that i couldnt use data with my mobile.. it just shows that u r connected to this wifi (wifi name) but not exactly does the work of hosted network.. i mean.. not exactly connected. wat should i do??

  • Alice Jung says:

    Everything works as intended, but curiously after exactly 3 hours the wifi connection from my laptop to my mobile phone cuts off and I have to disable and re-enable the wifi access point every time… Is that normal? Does anyone know anything about this?

    My laptop is a normal Lenovo laptop, my phone a Samsung android phone, and I have my laptop connected to ethernet… But after exactly 3 hours the wifi on my phone tells me it’s still connected to the one I set up with my laptop, but I can’t load anything via internet access until I restart the wifi access point…

    It’s not that bothersome to redo it every 3 hours, but a bit annoying and I’d like to know if there’s something I can/should change?

    Thank you for any help in advance~

  • Yash Shah says:

    How To Know Who is Using Your Shared Wifi Network And What is that device using ??


  • Yash Shah says:

    It Was Very Much Helpful

    But I Want Know How to Change The WiFi Name And Password ??

    Please if any one can help.

    Yash shah

  • prasanthi says:

    sir my os is 8.1.I have internet problem connection.my laptop is not connected to the internet and it is not showing the symbol also. When i click on the trouble shooting then it shows the following message The realtek RTL8723BE 802.11 b/g/n wifi Adapter adapter is experiencing driver or hardware related problems and
    A network is not properly plugged in or may be broken. Like that it is showing.so please solve my problem sir and give me solution to this problem sir….

  • Sohaib says:

    I want to make wifi hotspot with the following scenario… what should i do after completing step 1…
    One laptop that is connected to the Internet through a USB mobile modem and broadcasts the wireless network through its WiFi adapter – many users will have a USB mobile modem available with 3G or 4G connectivity. They can use it for Internet access and use the wireless network adapter for creating the access point and sharing the Internet access with others.

  • Azri Mohamad says:

    at Ethernet properties, after selecting the sharing tab and enable allow user to connect, at home network connection, virtual area connection does not appear. 🙁

  • Kishor says:

    If I try to enable it its showing this error

    C:>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    The hosted network couldn’t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested opera

  • Jeremy says:

    I got it to sort of work. I followed all the steps in the guide, but when I look at the virtual network, it says it’s receiving 0 packets. I’ve set it so that the IPv4 and IPv6 settings are set to automatically obtain IP addresses and DNS. If I can make sure it can receive packets, I can definitely get it to work.

    Please help!

  • Nss Nss says:

    Thank you very much for the post.

  • NK says:

    Step One Works Fine for me. for step two i allow for other devices to connect but the virtual local area connection is not an option. Any one know whats wrong?

  • krishanu says:

    during the sharing of cnc network this error is showing

    Cannot enable shared access
    Error 1061: The service cannot accept control messages at this time.

    what to do next

  • Simon says:

    Hi all,

    I’ve read the previous comments and there doesn’t seem to be a fix with this problem I’m experiencing.

    I had this working fine for many months now, however today I turned my hotspot on and I could not connect. I realized that under the sharing tab, I only had the option for “Wi-Fi” and no other local area connection 13 which normally connects via my hosted virtual network.

    My ICS and remote routing are both on.
    Is there a fix to this I may have missed?


  • Ridwan Abrar says:

    Thanks a lot.

  • Maarten says:

    Hello all,

    Please help…. I’v started the WiFiAccessPoint.EXE and tried to create a Wifi Hotspot. But is was not working for me.

    I enabled the option to start Wifihotspot each time I start Windows, but how can I remove this action while starting Windows?

    Now everytime Windows starts cmc.exe is running and searching for a Wifihotspot that is not existing anymore…


  • serialboy says:

    here is the video for how to create wifi hotspot without software:

  • Vinny says:

    Hi, I am having one heck of a problem. Well, my friend is but she’s not technically inclined.

    I set up her Win 8 PC to start a wireless network using a USB. For the past 9 months or longer, her Kindle as well as her Chromecast were using this wireless network for downloading books and streaming movies respectively through a shared Internet connection. Out of the blue, things stopped working. I was able to find that the “netsh wlan start” command was failing. Why it never failed before, I don’t know. Regardless, she did a system restore back as much as 2 weeks, even though it just started failing, but still it continues to fail. I tried what I saw here, that is enabling the virtual adapter, and it does start, the USB flashes but her Kindle will not connect. I’ve looked at her real adapter properties and it had the sharing option turned off, which I seem to remember I had it turned on when I first set this up. I tried to set it on, but it tells me protocols must be installed and enabled, and I didn’t want to mess with that in case she lost her connection altogether. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • Dean says:

    This works fairly well, though i have 1 issue, when i connect devices through the hotspot e.g. my android phone or another laptop, when they’re turned off or taken out of range, they won’t reconnect unless i change the ssid, any idea why that is?

  • scott says:

    I have managed to get everything working up until step three but my phone and friends phone just constantly says obtaining IP address.what do I need to do to solve this problem please help

  • Brell says:

    Tx U very much, it is amazing.

  • maud says:

    on my android phone when I cannot access my Hotspot, because it’s protected, I need to enter a password and I don’t know what it is: I tried my original WiFi password and my laptop password. None of them worked. Anyone has the same issue?

  • Ud_Chris says:

    how do i manage the network e.g view connected devices, disconnect devices i don’t want to see on my network, etc

  • maq says:

    If you follow the tutorial, it works. Multumesc.

  • Rick says:

    Nobody should have to go thru all this to do so little ….. Win8.1 is a POS ………… it is a collage of crap with every useful interface collected thru the years thrown out. I despise it ……. if Win 8.1 were anyone’s first computer, they would give it up. Apple just got another customer.

  • abc says:

    hey I am having the same problem I cant seem to actually connect to the wifi I have tried a few things but it is just saying obtaining IP address. What steps must I follow to make it work?

  • SIMON SOO says:

    hi admin, my friend can connect my network but it show limited acess. Mine one properties there the option which select your private network there only having two choice which was wifi or ethernet. Both choice i also try but we still unable to play multiplyaer LAN game. Any other way to solve it?

  • Tinkermaths says:

    I downloaded and installed the automated executable, but now I want to get rid of it and don’t know how? Every time I start my PC it opens command prompt and tries to start up the access point, how do I delete this system?

  • NAEEM KHAN says:

    i have win7 on laptop and i am using wireless router can i create a hotspot for my android cell?
    Any way i tried your suggestion above it does not work for me after step 2, i think my problem will be that my pc is already connected via wireless bcz it can’t distribute any more. I THINK SO. i need ur guidance

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      If you are using a wireless router, why would you need another wireless network on your computer. Anyway, you can do it if you connect your laptop via ethernet wires to the router.

  • Haider says:

    How do i undo these settings. It hangs my network and shring center

    • Ben Sawyer says:

      Haider, to disable the the network and remove the virtual miniport adapter run:

      netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow

  • Al Jether says:

    I have a problem with step 2, it just show wifi but I already enabled hosted network virtual adaptor. Can you help me resolve this? Thanks.

  • Toufeeq says:

    I have connected wifi but not sharing internet to my phone. it shows connected but no internet access. plz help

    • Ben Sawyer says:

      Internet Connection Sharing is not configured properly. Go over that section of the guide again and make sure you’ve followed all the instructions.

  • Maud says:

    Hi, I have managed to create the hotspot but for some reason it has a password, which I didn’t set up and I do not know the password so I cannot log in. The internet connection I want to share with my phone is from a USB stick for the network “3”. Is it locked? I tried the PIN I got when buying the key but it doesn’t work.

  • Conection says:

    When i disable firewall i have internet on phone but when i enable it doesnt have internet.

  • Tped says:

    Hi. Thanks for this step-by-step guide. But I’m facing a problem. When I click on Ethernet properties, the “select a private network connection” shows only “wifi” as an option. Please HELP!! Thanks in advance 🙂

  • vishwa says:

    hai its working well and its connects for only one device,
    if one mobile is off,then only other mobile is getting connected,
    how to specify the connections???

  • Prasanth Thangavel says:

    The hosted network couldn’t be started
    A device attached to the system is not functioning.

    Can anyone give a fix for this.
    I had tried all the steps mentioned above

    • Ben Sawyer says:

      This means there is something up with your WiFi adapter. In network connections, make sure the adapter is not disabled. If you’re using a USB WiFi adapter, try disconnecting it and reconnecting it. If that doesnt work, try rebooting.

  • ashwin says:

    when i run the command it is telling me to run it again from a command prompt with administrator privilege.my account is having administrator privilege.WHAT SHOULD I DO

  • Ben Sawyer says:

    Another issue I had with this configuration was that the hotspot is stopped whenever the system enters sleep. I created program that automates setup of everything but ICS, and installs a Windows Service to automatically restart the hotspot on startup or after resuming from sleep. You can find it here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wifiapservice/

    If this project gets enough attention, I’ll work on automating ICS configuration, and maybe even create a GUI. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions in the Discussion area of the project. Enjoy!

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Nice! I’ll look at how your program works. I hope I can do it this week…

      • Ben Sawyer says:

        Thanks, I’m actually working on implementing automation of ICS configuration and a bridged mode option that allows for seamless multi-AP roaming setups. Bridge mode works great, running it on my system now, just need to automate the configuration. Once the program reaches stable, full feature release stage, I would much appreciate a link to the project in your guide if you are willing.

  • Deividas says:

    I can’t switch networking connection from Wi-fi to virtual area local connection, what to do?

  • Umaima says:

    I followed all the instructions and the device even got connected but i m not able to access the Internet.

  • Oyewo says:

    whenever i proceed to type the cmd prompt “netsh wlan start hostednetwork”
    i get the response below
    “the hosted network couldn’t be started
    The wireless local area network interface is powered down and doesn’t support the requested operation”
    pls how do i rectify this problem

  • imtsal says:

    i have created hotspot successfully bt other device through i m trying to access is showing limited access sign on wifi signals. please guide me

  • Darren says:

    I get this… Any ideas what i’m doing wrong?

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
    (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:Windowssystem32>netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspot key=inf
    The hosted network mode has been set to allow.
    The SSID of the hosted network has been successfully changed.
    The user key passphrase of the hosted network has been successfully changed.

    C:Windowssystem32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    The hosted network couldn’t be started.
    The wireless local area network interface is powered down and doesn’t support th
    e requested operation.


  • virginia says:

    Hello, I followed all of the steps and got up to the point where I had to connect the ethernet connection to the new connection I made up. Even though I connected it, the new connection is saying that there’s no network access. I don’t know what you mean when you say check the firewall, but it’s up and I’m not sure what to do.

  • Saurabh Arya says:


    The steps mentioned to set up and start the network as a WiFi hotspot worked out fine. But does the network get disabled/nullified/discontinued if the laptop is rebooted?


  • Clive says:

    I used the steps mentioned by you to create a wifi hotspot for gaming. I successfully created a hotspot but the other devices connecting to my laptop are getting a message CONNECTION LIMITED. Kindly suggest how to resolve this problem.

  • Billy says:

    I followed all steps in this tutorial but when I attempt to connect with my Xbox it tells me it cant connect to my DHCP server. My phone just says cant connect

  • Akhil says:

    after setting hosted i couldnt start hosted network please help
    it’s saying that the gropu resource is not in the correct state to perform the requestes operation

  • efi says:

    wifiaccesspoint.zip this files dosn’t work on my windows 8.1 it says that it can’t run on my pc and find another version .. any ideas ?

  • amit penumatsa says:

    i done step 1 and 2 but in virtual hotspot internet access show no internet access so plz tell any solution

  • vishnu k shaji says:

    can’t find virtual local area connection
    need help !!!!!!!!

  • Yara says:

    So I followed all the steps but still it’s telling me that there is no internet access. So what’s the problem?

  • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

    All of you looking for a batch file to automate some of this process, please check our newly updated article. It includes such a file as a free download.

  • Prashant says:


    I had followed each steps and solution mentioned in this blog as well as in the comments. But i stuck when i tried to share my internet connection with my mobile.

    I succeed in creating the Virtual network, but in my android mobile its continuously says “obtaining IP address”. I had check my firefall status – sets it to OFF still not connected.

    Please guide what things are needed.

  • swilbs says:

    Every time i restart my laptop I have to recreate my hotspot, is there a way around this.

  • Vukwetsimi Ngobeni says:

    Hey thanks for the assistance everything worked. But I am having a problem, I am trying to use a university LAN connection but it makes use of a program called novell for access to all websites. The problem is the connection on my devices only allows university websites because those are the Intranet.



  • Nitin says:

    Cannot enable shared access.

    Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

  • Thomas says:

    I inadvertently clicked on Wi-Fi on the sharing tab. Now i cannot change that and obviously other computers cannot connect to the internet through this machine. I cannot change or delete Wi-Fi and the drop down list does not appear again. Seen this as a problem before in the commetns but have not found a solution.

  • Paddy says:

    Does anyone know how this could be automated? Batch file maybe? Would be great to have a one-click solution on the desktop – very annoying having to do this every time I get into office!! 🙂

  • do says:

    Is there anyway I could hide the SSID?

  • Yawar says:

    Those trying to connect via USB modem such as MTS, Airtel 4G etc., here’s the thing. the internet connection sharing is not permitted by the default connection manager. intead, try connecting using a dial up connection created manually and then share the new connection. worked for my usb modem.

  • Mohsin says:

    Khawaja umair you might have disabled your virtual adapter..enable it..you can try this as guide.
    Hotspot Problem

  • rakesh says:

    when i was first time open new virtual network it open perfectly and it show in cmd box perfectly also, due to mistake i delete virtual network in network adapter settings then i open 2nd time but not open
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspot key=7Tutorials
    after write in comand it show perfectly but in 2nd step when i write
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    then it show
    The hosted network couldn”t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requsted operation.
    it show that in cmd box ,,,
    so pleaseee helppp meee as soon as possibleee.

  • rakesh says:

    when i was first time open new virtual network it open perfectly and it show in cmd box perfectly also, due to mistake i delete virtual network in network adapter settings then i open 2nd time but not open
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspot key=7Tutorials
    after write in comand it show perfectly but in 2nd step when i write
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    then it show
    The hosted network couldn”t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requsted operation.
    it show that in cmd box ,,,
    so pleaseee helppp meee as soon as possibleee.

  • Argeeboo says:

    thank you so much so useful.
    and to everyone having problems try turning your Ethernet into a private network instead of a public network.

    could you answer my question please, why does my virtual hotspot time out over a duration of time ????

  • Musab says:

    how can I change the security mode from WPA2-Personal to wpa/wpa2-psk ..

  • James says:

    I can connect to wifi network but no internet? kindly advice.

  • nitin says:

    Thank you so muchhh…..
    Grat job!

  • Sumant Bagade says:

    Hi. I m using HP Pavilion Laptop to create it a hotspot. I m geeting error at this command – netsh wlan start hostednetwork . It says – the hosted network couldnt be started. The wireless local area network interface is powered down and doesnt support the requested operation. Please help . Thanks in advance. 🙂

  • argo says:

    thanks so much. it’s working. very helpful tips

  • Ali Kermanian says:

    Hello and thanks for your helpful articleI .
    get Internet through an Access Point Client mode and I am connected to a Bradband connection . I want to go to the Internet via a wireless access point to share mobile. Two network cards on my computer. I’m grateful for your help. Thank you

  • Antoine says:

    I’m using my pc wifi to reiceve internet connection, and I want to set up an external device (totoLink) as hotspot, can you help me??

  • Muztahid says:

    Everything goes well and I am now connected via both my smart phone and other laptop. But the problem right now I am facing when I try to use internet on guest devices actually nothing happens. It shows the internet tiny icon on my phone but neither page nor any result shown. On laptop its loading and loading but never shows page. On host laptop internet is okay. Host is win 8.1, guest lap is vista home, phone is android.

    What additional thing I need to do? Please help. Thnx in advance.


  • Sumaid says:

    i am using proxy sever lan. is this procedure working for that. plz guide me.

  • Dental Poster says:

    I don’t see the sharing tab in the network properties, how to enable the sharing option.

  • ali says:

    i solved my problem
    go to computer managment ; device manager and enabled hotspot network

  • ali says:

    i work hotspot but disabled connection then i cant enabled
    C:UsersAli rezaDesktop>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    The hosted network couldn’t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested opera

  • cornatto says:

    On my side problem is that Microsoft virual MiniPort Adopter has yellow mark which means devise is not working properly. I have win 7 professional and dell optiplex 790. I unstalled the driver and started and then installed the driver, but next time i restarted this devise using above command on cmd.exe, it was found that device again has yellow mark and not working properly. plz help

  • miguel says:

    Hi, thanks for all the info but:
    I have a problem at step 2, when i check “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection” i can’t select the virtual network that i already created and it just says “Wi-Fi 2” and “Ethernet”, I have already tried the answer you gave to someone in the first page of comments (the device was enabled already, i tried disabeling it and reenabeling it, but problem persists, on networks it still shows no internet connection)
    thanks for the hard work!

  • pavan says:

    this was so helpfull!!!! i have succeded.
    but i have a doubt? how to change password for hosted wifi?

  • Franco says:

    I solved the problem by defining the proxy that is used on my work network into the device connected to the Virtual WiFi network.

  • Usaid says:

    I got the WIFI connected but Internet is not working on my phone…
    Any suggestions pls????

  • Franco says:

    Hi there, I followed the instructions and all seems ok but from my device I can’t access internet. I’ve a ethernet static address and I cannot change it, follows the netstat -r display

    Elenco interfacce
    7…00 22 fb 48 bf 89 ……Scheda virtuale rete ospitata Microsoft
    4…00 22 fb 48 bf 88 ……Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 AGN
    3…00 1f 16 9d db 58 ……Controller Ethernet Gigabit Qualcomm Atheros AR8131 PCI-E (NDIS 6.30)
    1………………………Software Loopback Interface 1
    6…00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
    11…00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #2
    12…00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #3

    IPv4 Tabella route
    Route attive:
    Indirizzo rete Mask Gateway Interfaccia Metrica 266 On-link 266 On-link 266 On-link 266 On-link 306 On-link 306 On-link 306 On-link 281 On-link 281 On-link 281 On-link 306 On-link 266 On-link 281 On-link 306 On-link 266 On-link 281
    Route permanenti:
    Indirizzo rete Mask Indir. gateway Metrica Predefinito 1

    IPv6 Tabella route
    Route attive:
    Interf Metrica Rete Destinazione Gateway
    6 306 ::/0 On-link
    1 306 ::1/128 On-link
    6 306 2001::/32 On-link
    6 306 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:2cf7:3529:f58b:3fe3/128
    3 266 fe80::/64 On-link
    7 281 fe80::/64 On-link
    6 306 fe80::/64 On-link
    7 281 fe80::9bf:c417:3217:c269/128
    3 266 fe80::1083:6444:782e:a45a/128
    6 306 fe80::2cf7:3529:f58b:3fe3/128
    1 306 ff00::/8 On-link
    3 266 ff00::/8 On-link
    6 306 ff00::/8 On-link
    7 281 ff00::/8 On-link
    Route permanenti:

    Have I to make a static route ? if yes , how .
    Thanks and rgds , Franco.

  • cfc nafees says:

    it did work bt now it doesn’t….my wifi adapter is turned on already bt it still doesn’t work

    • Simon Blok says:

      Check your firewall if you cannot get internet access. It may be blocking the network range used for the shared internet connection.

  • Dwyane Shafil says:

    just one problem i didn’t get an internet access

  • Harsh Piwaniya says:

    i followed all your steps but only 1 problems persisting,when i try to start the hot spot it says
    “the wireless local area network interface is powered down and does not support the requested operation”
    i tried disabling the firewall and perform the check but still the same problem…kindly help

  • Anurag Garg says:

    I had followed all the steps but my mobile is not connecting this created hotspot and showing saved,secured with WPA2…please help…

  • ahmed nasr says:

    the local area connection is powered down ,can’t establish the network

  • mabelle says:

    Hi, i have a problem at step 2, when i check “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection” i can’t select the virtual network that i already created and it just says “Wi-Fi”,
    i tried what u said about the virtual drive and it’s already enabled

  • abhiaksh says:

    i did all the above setting still i ma facing problem virtual hotspot is created but there is no internet access to it
    what can be donw in such situation.
    i am having broadband wired connection on my laptop

  • Adheep says:

    It worked perfectly with Windows 8 Laptop and connected to my mobile phone.

    Great information, keep up the good work!

  • NeeR says:

    I have follow all the instruction but i didn’t get the access type-internet for the hotspot.
    its showing
    access type- no internet access.

    plz help me

  • egbon charles says:

    Everything was working fine until I rebooted my laptop. Other wireless device can no longer connect to the wifi-hotspot laptop. Please what is wrong? Thanks.

  • Deeptgautam says:

    Does the configuration stay permanently if i use keyUsage=persistent? I mean, if i restart my machine, do i have to reconfigure everything again or just use “netsh wlan start hostednetwork” in order to start it?

  • Marek says:


    I have problem with my hotspot setup. Everything went smoothly, the network was set up, sharing enabled, my phone has connected to newly established wifi. However I can not use the Internet, no page loads. I set IP as static, but nothing changed. I checked firewall and there should not be the problem. Any tips? Thank you.

  • عَبْدُ الْغَفُورْ.ِوِي.ذِي says:

    Thank You For The Information

  • Dr.Pfeiffer says:

    awesome! shit works like charm

  • lela says:

    INCREDIBLE! Works like a charm. I tried to follow the instructions on another site and it pointed to the WRONG connection to enable sharing. It wrote to share the NEWLY created virtual router, which was wrong . This site correctly states to share the SOURCE connection. I was able to connect my Android phone and my Android tablet.

    How can I create a “batch” (*.bat) file using Notepad with these commands in them to and get get the resulting batch file to run the commands inside an Admin permitted Command Prompt? I know how to create the batch file – just put these commands into NotePad and save it as something like “VirtualRouter.Bat” but that would run in a regular command prompt, so to speak.

  • Chinny says:

    I followed each step carefully but after everything, the virtual network shows “No Internet access”

  • arif says:

    i succesfully created hotspot according to your cmd command’s but my android device shows nothing on wifi option no signal are there

  • Sankar says:

    Hi, I have created hotspot wifi in my windows8.1 and shared it. I am able to see in another laptop (OS : Redhat Linux 6) but unable to connect it. No errors just red cross mark. I am able to ‘connect sharing wifi hotspot through “connectfiy” hotspot s/w. Any suggestions?

  • Ryan says:

    Ok, I’ve been trying to do this for 2 weeks now, I followed everything exactly and the hotspot shows up on my devices, but when I try to connect it is “unable” to. Honestly I was able to connect with this method a month ago but now it’s not letting me.

    Please Respond :>

  • fazalullah32 says:

    Thanks Bro it works good…. but the device disconnects automatically after a few seconds and this network(wifi) is forgotten 🙁 any solution…??? Plz…

  • Ahmad says:

    Thank you so so so much!!!
    I used to use mhotspot but this way is more better tnx again :)))

  • Bojan says:

    So, I’ve followed all of the steps here and created the wifi access point.
    It says that everything is created as it is supposed to.
    I even get the connection between my phone and the lap top.

    I check the connection activity and it is active.

    The problem is that, I still can’t use the internet from an unknown reason. It just loads everything forever.

    Any detailed solution to my problem?

    Here are pictures that can help you understand my problem.

    CMD settings:

    The connection adapters and the sharing:

    The adapter on the Lap-top activity(right), the activity of the phone wi-fi(left) and the loading which never ends.

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • paritosh says:

    it worked but when i restarted my pc the hot spot was not there any more……..again i have to follow the procedure to create it. is there any permanent solutions? how can i create a permanent hotspot and can have the full control over it?

  • mr.flexi says:

    hi! am using wireless network to get connected, when i go to “home networking connection”, there are only wifi and ethernet options, there is no VLAN option, assist please!

  • Abin Abraham says:

    i followed every steps and created the router succesfully. But when i am try to connect to my lumia 520 it is showing the error -Can’t connect. The Wifi network hotspot didn’t respond. Try again later.

  • Solmon Sharma says:

    Wifi was created and was connected in my phone.. but not even a single wepage opens.. 🙁 can you please help me out… But net is working well in laptop..

  • Josh Thursby says:

    To anyone looking for an easy way to turn the wifi back on after shut down, refer to my post above.

    But I have a problem of my own now; for a while I’ve been able to easily stream music from my Win 8.1 pc to 2 Xbox 360’s using the System Music Player, only after trying this Wi-Fi hotspot tutorial it seems that this computer can’t share an internet connection AND stream music to the consoles at any one time. I can only stream music once more when I uncheck the “allow network users to connect … Internet connection” checkbox under Sharing tab in Ethernet properties.

    Is there a way I can still stream music and share the internet from the same computer at one time? For obvious reasons I’d to go on another merry-go-round with Microsoft’s fragmented support base once more.

  • Vijay Adari says:

    Thanks, followed the steps it worked perfect. But everytime i shut down and restrat, i have to repeat the steps. Does the virtual hotspot created be saved? In my case its not saved,
    Everytime i create, a suffix is added by increementing with 1.

  • pcconfused says:

    Hi, thanks so much for the Access Point tutorial. It works great but I’m having a problem with it disappearing. It’s showing that the connection doesn’t exist sometimes especially when I shut down my computer and turn it back on the next day. How do I get the connection to stop disappearing so I don’t have to do disallow and re-allow it all over again?

    • Josh Thursby says:

      This problem really bugged me too, but then I did some research on command lines for turning on/off the physical Wi-Fi adapter (for my own reasons) and running command prompt lines from desktop shortcuts. Some helpful resources on that here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9738434/run-a-command-prompt-command-from-desktop-shortcut
      and here: http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/37681-network-adapter-nic-enable-disable-windows.html

      The persisting problem seems to be the virtual adapter we made disappearing whenever the pc goes to sleep/shuts down, so I figured starting and stopping the adapters through two easy shortcuts would be the most hassle free workaround.

      Start by creating two desktop shortcuts by right clicking desktop>new>shortcut.

      For one, paste this in the location field:
      C:WindowsSystem32cmd.exe /c netsh interface set interface “Wi-Fi” admin=enable & netsh wlan start hostednetwork
      Replace “Wi-Fi” (but keep quotes) with the physical adapter’s name (not your main one, but the one used for forwarding the virtual). This will start up both your physical Wi-Fi and its counterpart virtual adapter when one or both are disabled.

      If you want a second shortcut for stopping both adapters, make another shortcut exactly the same way but replace “enable” with “disable” in the target line and leave off the rest after this word, it isn’t needed.

      If you wish to keep your secondary physical adapter on for whatever reason, just use
      C:WindowsSystem32cmd.exe /c netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
      for stopping your hotspot.

      For each of these make sure ‘run as admin’ is enabled under properties>shortcut tab>advanced; they won’t work otherwise.

      Ps: I only recommended shutting off the physical wifi adapter when not in use because I’m one of the apparent few who fear the effects of that frequency applied to human tissue. ;b

      Hope I could help, merry Christmas friend!

  • Juhi Berlia says:

    my android phone is connecting fine.. but my windows phone shows “No Inetrnet Access” for the same virtual hotspot..(I connected one device at a time )

  • Daniel Rafiki says:

    I am trying to share a USB mobile modem connection. It worked perfect the first time but my computer went off and when i got it back on my new virtual network just won’t get Internet access.
    Do i have to delete it/start over in a different way? I’ve tried redoing the same thing but it still won’t connect to the Internet from my new network.

  • Manvir Singh says:

    hello dear I have just created the hotspot by follow all the steps.
    it is created but when I trying to connect my cellphone with hotspot then it asking for password.
    I have left blank the password and trying to connect. but it show authentication problem.
    Dear where is the password and what it is.

    My laapy is wifi hotspot supported.
    Can anybody solve the issue asap.
    Manvir Singh

  • Rohit says:

    How to create a batch file to run the hotspot automatically or by clicking on an ikon????

  • bepken says:

    this how-to is really really helpful! even works with a very old usb modem – on the very slow and laggy 2G network. thank you so much!

  • Goel says:

    Is it possible to know how many devices are connected to this wifi access point?

  • chris says:

    Hey all, this will probably get buried, but here goes.

    All works fine and as intented, onyl downside is that after a while the hotspot just disappears out of the network list and I have to recreate the hotspot. also when I restart I need to recreate the hotspot, any way I can remedy this?

  • Sandeep says:

    Sirji, I have done all the steps and everything goes in right way, my mobile also connected with my leptop but there is no internet in my connected device. If it is a problem of firewall please let me know how to change it. Please tell me if any problem is there.

  • kid says:

    i got everything right, i even connected my tablet, but wont share any internet data

  • Kriss says:

    I can’t start Routing and Remote Access,”Error 1053:The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.”

  • brick says:

    does not appear the drop box where i have to chose virtual network adaptor,what can i do?

  • espro says:

    It is not clear to me how to share a WiFi connection with another WiFi connection. Following this method shares the Internet through the same WiFI connection that has Internet.

  • Praveen says:

    How do we get the virtual adapter to provide DHCP addresses. I created the adapter, but when trying to connect my mobile via Wifi, it does not take any IP address. Also the virtual adapter takes a junk IP such as 169.254.x.x

  • Mr Onyeka says:

    please after setting up the hotspot it worked perfectly, thank you… but i have a problem that when the laptop goes to sleep or restarts the hotspot created does not show again. please how can i make it permanent and not delete after the laptop goes to sleep

  • Lyson says:

    I have set up everything, worked awesome, thanks, except I get a message saying that ‘Since this connection is currently active,some settings will not take effect until the next time you dial it’

    And when I try to use the wifi with other devices, despite the network sharing center saying its internet accessible, the new connection does not work.

  • Taha says:

    I am stuck at Step 1, get this message
    “You must run this command from a command prompt with administrator privilege.”

    I am administrator for this lappy, still getting error.

    can you help me ?

    • Taha says:

      Did some goooggling and found how to start cmd as Administrator. And followed all the steps given above. Its working fine….

      Thank you

  • Sina says:

    hi, I follow all the steps above and the hot spot created successfully. when i want to connect the hot spot with my smartphone , the phone show “obtaining IP address… ” and it is failed to obtain and the phone says that “Network disabled because internet conncetion is slow.”
    i turned off the firewall.
    my phone is samsung galaxy s4 with android 4.4.2
    please help me.

  • Ethne Engelking says:

    I can get it set up and working, but when I turn my computer off and back on it is gone. Is there any way to permanently save such a hotspot or do I have to create it all over again every time I start up?

  • roshni says:

    hi, I had done all the above steps n it had worked also but from last 2 days it was showing problem while changing the setting of properties of USB device…..it was not responding on ‘allow other network user to connect to this computer’…plz help me

  • Nat says:

    Hi there, brilliant article – followed all the steps and worked exactly as you said but when I try connecting it says: “Unable to join the network” 🙁 Any ideas? Thanks you.

  • Charming says:

    Thank you so much! It works very well 🙂
    Are there any risks involved though? Like making my laptop vulnerable to attacks or something.

    And sorry I don’t understand why is there a need to disable the access point afterwards. Does it stop my laptop from connecting to other wifi connections when I don’t have ethernet connection?

    Thanks for being so helpful 😀

  • andi says:

    what a superb set of easy to follow instructions

  • Ole Friis Nielsen says:

    i only seem to be able to have 4-5 units on my wifi hotspot or internet sharing at the same time. is there a way to do so i can have more?

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      The max number of clients depends on your hardware.
      You can see how many clients you can connect with this command:
      netsh wlan show hostednetwork

  • Sunil Jangid says:

    Hi Neagu, thanks for helping many people.
    I’ve followed ur steps, but after giving second command >netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    it is showing :-
    the hosted network couldn’t be started
    the wireless local area network interface is powered down and doesn’t support the requested operation.
    kindly help me.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Check the previous comment.

      • Sunil Jangid says:

        i checked all comments and tried all possible, but nothing is working. for example in device manager properties, ‘power management’ option is not shown.
        kindly help me…..

  • Edgar says:

    I have an issue of frequent drop of connection to my hosted network and when it tries to reconnect it appears to take a long time to authenticate and obtain IP address, sometimes fails showing limited connection in my mobile wifi notification. Iv’e been searching the internet for almost 5 days regarding this issue. Iv’e tried to configure static address in my phone and configured my wireless LAN signal speed but still problem exist.

    Any suggestion or experience regarding this issue?

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      First of all, thanks for your help in answering some of the comments above 🙂
      Secondly, for your problem, try enabling the power management features of your network adapter:
      In Device Manager select your network adapter, right click it, click Properties, click Power Management, then check Allow this computer to turn off this device to save power and Allow this device to wake the computer. Then restart your PC .

  • rohit says:

    My company internet connection is setup via manual DNS configuration(not automatic). This is the reason; I am unable to find my hotspot connection name in the sharing tab for Ethernet. It is only showing Wi-Fi. What should I do????

  • John says:

    In my case I don’t get an IP, after connecting to Hotspot, the IP is the default 169.x.x.x

    I am trying to turn my laptop Windows 8.1 that has an AT&T LTE connection into a hotspot. The other laptops can connect to the Hotspot created with the above commands but it does not pass the IP from AT&T.

  • suvrojit says:

    When I go to select Virtual local area connection under the sharing tab, I can tick the box which says, “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection” but I dont get a dropdown to select my virtual local area connection under home networking connection as shown in the screenshot. Instead, I see Wifi written there, and I am not even able to edit it. Please suggest a solution.

    • edgar says:

      We have the same issue.. I think this is due to our built in adapter (Ralink RT3290). Iv’e tried another computer and It is showing virtual local area connection *13 (Broadcom).

  • sue says:

    Hi , when i go to properties of my Ethernet to check ‘ allow other network users to connect through this computer’s internet connection ” further i don’t see any dialogue box to check local area connection” . although I created local area connection . I don’t see any dialogue box after checking the above .

    • edgar says:

      Maybe your virtual mini adapter is disabled. Try to have a look in your device manager>connection and enable it.

  • Ahmad says:

    i have successfully created wifi hotspot and i am able to connect my mobile with wifi but i am unable to access internet. I am unable to open any page. I have tried turning off firewall but it didnt helped. I have also tried stopping hosted network and disallow it through command prompt & again allow it following your methods (commands) mentioned above but it also didnt helped.

  • Devendra says:

    I have successfully created the Hotspot but it wont get start…after entering the last command netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    It says
    The hosted network couldn’t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.
    Plz help me as soon as possible

  • zakir says:


    I tried with all steps and I am able to see all the connections successful. I have connected my mobile also, but internet is not working in mobile. Could you please help me in solving this problem. Thanks in advance.

    • Edgar says:

      Your internet connection is not shared in your virtual wifi. Select the network adapter that has the internet source and share it to your virtual connection.

  • lives says:

    When i try to connect to my virtual hotspot it reques a password. Where i can get it?

    • edgar says:

      You made that password and yet you don’t know?

      opend cmd with high privilege and enter this command:
      netsh wlan set hostednetwork key=”type your password here.” (without quote)

  • Santosh says:

    I tried the steps mentioned for more than 10 times.
    Every single time i try to add a host in the Admin Command prompt its showing:

    “The hosted network couldn’t be started”
    “The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.”

    The network is in the disabled state which cannot be seen.

    • edgar says:

      Go to :

      Device Manger>Connection.
      If its hidden then. Right click and select “show hidden devices”.

  • Rohit says:

    Any automatic startup settings??/


    I have completed whole process as demonstrated by you in this chapter but whenever i connect this hotspot to my cell phone it is not obtaining ip again and again please tell me the solution and in the hotspot adapter ipv4 setting the dhcp shows as disabled and is not visible. So kindly reply me some solid solution of this issue. Thank you.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Run these commands as administrator, restart your computer and start the virtual network again:
      ipconfig /flushdns
      nbtstat -R
      nbtstat -RR
      netsh int ipv4 reset
      netsh int ipv6 reset
      netsh winsock reset

  • suzie says:

    does this only work for windows 8? i have a old windows xp

  • Rahul Shivaji Parit says:

    after starting hostednetwork
    i am facing this problem-

    C:Windowssystem32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    The hosted network couldn’t be started.
    The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested opera

  • Alex says:

    Hi,it was working great until Ii accidentally disabled the adapter. I checked trough the comments enable it again, did again the whole process created the wifi hotspot but when i try to connect from my phone, it says… Obtaining IP adress and then after a few seconds/minutes it show on my phone—> Attention network disabled poor connection… any advice plz? it was great before i did that mistake :/

  • Nikhil chowdyar says:

    Hiii…. I followed every step u instructed and it worked.
    But the problem is that when I shut down or restart my PC, the virtual network I created doesn’t show up.
    Again I have to run your commands in cmd every time I turnoff my pc. So please help me with this.

  • Sush says:

    Once i had used wifi on my andriod through this procedure. But this time I couldn’t see “Select a private network connection”. Instead wifi option was selected by itself and I didn’t get network access. Can anybody help me please? Thanks in advance!

  • anand says:

    how to enable DHCP for the wireless card in windows 8.1

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Open Network and Sharing Center.
      Click Change adapter settings.
      Right click on the network adapter and click on Properties.
      Double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
      Check Obtain an IP address automatically.

  • Basista says:

    thank you !!! but just at the end of step2, as I enable sharing, it says “Cannot enable shared access. Error 1061: The service cannot accept control messages at this time.”
    (already tried disallowing in the command prompt. I am using 3g EVDO usb dongle.i have another wireless card in my laptop. And as I followed ur steps it was working fine for a day, But is showing the above problem now.) Please help.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      OK, the problem is a hung process. Probably the ICS is at fault. Open a Command Prompt with admin rights and run this command:
      sc queryex SharedAccess
      From the info displayed, note the PID. For example: 1124.

      Then run
      taskkill /f /pid 1124
      and wait for the process to be terminated.

      And finally restart the service:
      net start SharedAccess.

      • andi arya says:

        i’ve try this but still not working, i think the problem is not the hostednetwork, but my mobile broadband driver (i mod the driver so it can run in windows 8)
        i can share my wifi or ethernet using the hostednetwork but cant share mobile broadband using hostednetwork

  • andi arya says:

    both of my access type is internet but when i connect to my phone, there’s no internet access

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      If it’s an Android we’ve said before: Androids have problems connecting to hosted or ad-hoc networks. There’s not much you can do.

      • andi arya says:

        i think its not the phone, cause when i try to connect use my other laptop there still no internet access. before i upgrade to windows 8.1, everything is fine

  • Nachiketh Ramesh says:

    I followed all the steps. The connection was set up. But when I tried to connect my windows phone to the network, my phone showed “no internet access”. What to do?

  • Preshan Silva says:

    Every thing is fine as your article. All steps are completed as your article. Phone got connected with my laptop. But android phone not going to internet.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Androids seem to have some problems when connecting to hosted networks.
      Does your Android have an IP assigned automatically? If yes, try to set manually its DNS. Set your phone’s DNS to and/or These are Google’s public DNSes.

  • Lola says:

    hi! this has been very helpful so far, but I got stuck after entering the network sharing center. When I clicked on the Sharing tab, the only option for connection is Wi-Fi. I read the other comments and saw that other people had the same issue. So i followed your advice and opened up the device manager but when I checked, my hosted network virtual adapter was already enabled. So after that, I disabled it, re-enabled it and repeated the two steps you mentioned. However, when I went back to the network sharing center I was still having the same issue. Any ideas of what I can do next?

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Hi there! Did you check if the “ICS” and “Routing and Remote Access” services are running?

  • Marc says:

    It works perfectly, thank you very much!!!!!!!


    worked fine thanks for all details……

  • KARTHIK says:

    Modem internet is shared. but still wifi access type is showing “No Internet Access”
    kindly help.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Did you try everything we talked about in the previous comments?

      • KARTHIK says:

        Thanks for your relpy. Now everything is ok. my mobile wifi is showing it is connected but i’m not able to access internet. kindly help.

        • Codrut Neagu says:

          If the mobile device you’re trying to connect is an Android, it seems that Androids have some problems with ad-hoc networks.

  • Goel says:

    Thanks! It worked flawlessly! One has to remember the distinction that in Win8.1, you don’t have an option to create an adhoc network, but must proceed through command prompt only.

  • Akash Dey says:

    The virtual network is working with devices other than my android devices, they display authentication problem. Please guide me.

    Windows 8.1 64bit / Broadcom 802.11n

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      If you have authentication problems only on the Android devices, the problem is most likely the language on them. Try to connect to the AP using the english keyboard, or better yet set the phone to english language, region and keyboard.

      • Akash Kumar Dey says:

        Umnn.. I am using English keyboard already. switched back and forth to English US & English UK but no luck. Installed Windows 7 in another partition of the same pc and tried ad hoc from GUI but later came to know Android rejects ad hoc networks, so ran it from CMD and finally working fine. Windows 8.1 is still a mystery.

        • Codrut Neagu says:

          You’re right about Android devices. I just found that too. It seems you have to find workarounds in order to connect from some Androids. There are some apps that enable this feature but you have to root the device, as it seems.

  • asif says:

    my wifi drivers info :

    Interface name: Wi-Fi

    Driver : Ralink RT3290 802.11bgn Wi-Fi Adapter
    Vendor : Ralink Technology, Corp.
    Provider : Ralink Technology, Corp.
    Date : 29/03/2014
    Version :
    INF file : C:WINDOWSINFoem29.inf
    Files : 4 total
    Type : Native Wi-Fi Driver
    Radio types supported : 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n
    FIPS 140-2 mode supported : Yes
    802.11w Management Frame Protection supported : Yes
    Hosted network supported : Yes
    Authentication and cipher supported in infrastructure mode:
    Open None
    Open WEP-40bit
    Open WEP-104bit
    Open WEP
    WPA-Enterprise TKIP
    WPA-Enterprise CCMP
    WPA-Personal TKIP
    WPA-Personal CCMP
    WPA2-Enterprise TKIP
    WPA2-Enterprise CCMP
    WPA2-Personal TKIP
    WPA2-Personal CCMP
    Vendor defined TKIP
    Vendor defined CCMP
    WPA2-Enterprise Vendor defined
    WPA2-Enterprise Vendor defined
    Vendor defined Vendor defined
    Vendor defined Vendor defined
    Vendor defined Vendor defined
    Authentication and cipher supported in ad-hoc mode:
    Open None
    Open WEP-40bit
    Open WEP-104bit
    Open WEP
    WPA2-Personal CCMP
    Vendor defined Vendor defined

    what i have tried yet :
    1) adapter sharing options
    2)service.msc options
    3)updated drivers

    still not able to access internet in my android phone

    access type is – internet in both the connection

    fed up with this
    please give me any other solution


    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Well, from what you’re saying I understand the laptop is configured correctly. The problem is on the Android device. Try to set it to use a static IP.

  • Rupesh Jhamre says:

    how to stop someone to get connected to our wifi through cmd prompt ?

  • Lisa says:

    Yeah tried all that I gave up I bought connectify program only 12 bucks it seems good thnx for ur help

  • Naveen Yadav says:

    I getting the error “the wireless local area network interface is powered down and doesn’t support the requested operation” while executing the “start hostednetwork command”
    pls help

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Well… did you turn on the wifi? On laptops you’ll usually find a dedicated button or a combination of keys like Fn+F2 etc.

  • Lisa says:

    I am getting to the final step of enabling the internet to my connection but I dont have a drop down box I only have the wifi option i have done the device manager show hidden option and everything you suggested in previous comments but to no avail any suggestions?

    C:Windowssystem32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    The hosted network started.

    C:Windowssystem32>netsh wlan drivers
    The following command was not found: wlan drivers.

    C:Windowssystem32>netsh wlan show drivers

    Interface name: Wi-Fi

    Driver : Broadcom BCM4352HMB 802.11ac 2×2 Wi-Fi Adapter
    Vendor : Broadcom
    Provider : Broadcom
    Date : 6/08/2013
    Version :
    INF file : C:WindowsINFoem13.inf
    Files : 4 total
    Type : Native Wi-Fi Driver
    Radio types supported : 802.11ac 802.11a 802.11n 802.11g 802.11b
    FIPS 140-2 mode supported : Yes
    802.11w Management Frame Protection supported : Yes
    Hosted network supported : Yes
    Authentication and cipher supported in infrastructure mode:
    Open None
    Open WEP
    WPA2-Enterprise TKIP
    WPA2-Personal TKIP
    WPA2-Enterprise CCMP
    WPA2-Personal CCMP
    WPA-Enterprise TKIP
    WPA-Personal TKIP
    WPA-Enterprise CCMP
    WPA-Personal CCMP
    Authentication and cipher supported in ad-hoc mode:
    WPA2-Personal CCMP
    Open None
    Open WEP


    • Codrut Neagu says:

      The wireless card is OK and will work.
      Do you find yourself in one of the scenarios we said in the first section of this article? You should have an ethernet (with Internet) and a wifi, or 2 wifi (from which 1 should have internet), or a modem(with Internet) and a wifi. You cannot use a single wireless card to connect to the Internet and create a hosted network at the same time.

      • Lisa says:

        I have my laptop connected via ethernet and its connected to internet and then I also have the wifi connection which isnt connected to internet atm because we are using an older modem that has no wifi on it, I managed to make the virtual connection with no problems so i could see in network sharing my bluetooth connection, my wifi connection my ethernet connection and then the connection i made. I was able to connect my ipad to the computer however when I went into the properties of ethernet and click sharing internet that box that you have on your tutorial shows you have WiFi option and then the other options I only have the Wifi option I can delete it and write anything else and there is no drop down box

        • Codrut Neagu says:

          I know it sounds obvious, but did you try to restart the computer? You should be able to share the ethernet with any local area connection. Also check if these services are started: Internet Connection Sharing and Routing and Remote Access.

  • Aditi says:

    The hotspot is created but not getting connected to my android phone. Its showing “Network disabled. Poor connection.” on the phone, although the signal is very strong.

  • Aditi says:

    Another problem cropped up.. by mistake i disabled the network i created.. now if i am repeating step 1, following message is shown: “The hosted network couldn’t be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation. “

  • Aditi says:

    I am having problem in step 2.. after going to the sharing tab and checking the box of “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection”.. still no internet access is shown.

  • Uditha says:

    wow..this is great and helped me a lot….thank you !!!! 🙂

  • Daphne says:

    I have followed the steps and very easily got to make it work! Thanks for the tutorial 🙂

  • Gpap says:

    Hi! Step two: There is no dropdown menu, only a box with “Wi-Fi” in it. I cannot change it..

  • Rohan says:

    Thanks for reply, proxy is set to ‘none’ & for IP it is showing ‘DHCP’ & ‘STATIC’
    >I’ve tried both, but still no change. Pls suggest
    >getting full signal strength also

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Keep the DHCP on auto.
      Open the Services console (search for services.msc and click/tap the first result).

      Then, look for a service called Routing and Remote Access service. If disabled, start it and set it to Automatic. If this isn’t working either, do the same thing for the service called Internet Connection Sharing.

      Then please tell us how did that go.

      • Rohan says:

        Thanks again, “Internet connection sharing” service was already in enabled mode & “Routing & remote access service which was in disable mode is enabled & set to automatic..
        🙁 not working

        • Codrut Neagu says:

          I’m kinda’ running out of ideas.
          Maybe it has something to do with your DNS settings?
          Try running ipconfig /flushdns as admin in a command prompt.

          Just of curiosity, what antivirus/firewall do you use?

          • Rohan says:

            “Success fully run the DNS resolver cache” by the said command , still no changes 🙁

            No antivirus I am using, & its windows firewall

          • Codrut Neagu says:

            I’m sorry but I’m out of ideas. Maybe it’s a Windows bug. You might try using third-party apps that do this. Have a look at Conectify.

          • Rohan says:

            Thank u, for all ur valuable responses, I am just quitting this.
            I have tried with virtual router manager beta v.9 also it is also not working

          • Vikrum says:

            Rohan – Are you using the Airtel 4G service? I’m facing the exact same problem as you and have tried almost everything but nothing works. The only reason I can think of is that the ISP (airtel) might have blocked internet via virtual adapters!

  • Rohan says:

    Hi I’m unable to access internet with my wireless device even though ‘Access type’ is showing as ‘Internet’ on both.
    >Kept firewall setting disabled.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      This could happen if you have set a proxy or VPN on your wireless device, or its IP is not set to auto.

  • mohit says:

    hey the message comes that hosted network couldn’t be started bcz the group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Open Device Manager. Click View -> Show hidden devices. Go to Network adapters. Locate Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter. Right click it and select Enable.

      Also, try this: open Device Manager, locate your physical wireless adapter, open its Properties, switch to the Power management tab and select the option “Allow this device to wake up the computer” and “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.

      Then use the commands below again:
      netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow
      netsh wlan start hosted network

  • Pravin says:

    HI – I could connect to the hotspot I created but while connecting to it from Lumia 920 it gives msg”you won’t be able to access I’Net using this connection, you still want to connect?”

    • Pravin says:

      HI Codrut – in Registry Editor I changes following parameters to take care of firewall enabling

      NC_PersonalFirewallConfig – 1
      NC_ShowSharedAccess_Ui – 1

      Looks these are not correct values.
      Anyone knows how to enable computer firewall?

      • Codrut Neagu says:

        If these values are “0” the firewall isn’t available.
        To get it active just delete them both. Don’t set them to 1.

        Before deleting remember to make a backup of the registry.
        After deleting reboot the system.

  • Rosh says:

    Am using H.P Lap only.. no further adapters.. and am getting connection occasionally.. Once I get that and needs to repeat these steps after each log in. As trying my luck

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Hi Rosh! We will soon add to this guide a method to automatically start the AP functionality with Windows. If everything works OK we will do it this week.

  • ANCHAL says:

    hi..in the last step..while setting the home network connection..it is not showing the option of local area connection..help asap

  • Rosh says:

    Iam using MTS data card.. all run smoothly. Fon has connected to wifi hotspot and still can’t get access to internet.. Iam using MTS data card..

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      I understand that you are using an USB modem for connecting to the Internet. If that is the case, for this guide to work you should have another wireless adapter on your computer. Do you have one?

  • Pram says:

    Thanks for all the help. Been successful to the point of Ethernet Properties where I have ticked the first box but still have Wi-Fi at the Home network connection. My iPhone 4 has detected the new network but still cant get network.Have I missed anything sir? Thanks again.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      If your Internet connection is on your Ethernet than you should be able to share it. If you don’t see that it means your Internet is running on your WiFi. So you should use the your Ethernet as your Internet connection and disconnect from the Wifi Internet (but not disable the adapter). Do that and everything will work.

  • Koa Len says:

    Hi, I’m stuck at step 2 where it doesn’t show the network I created, only showing Wi-Fi. I have enabled Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter on Device Manager and used both commands again to no avail.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you have the Sharing tab? If not, start the “Internet Connection Sharing” service. This guide shows all the steps.

  • Abhigyan Agarwal says:

    It says.. The hosted network couldn’t be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Open Device Manager. Click View -> Show hidden devices. Go to Network adapters. Locate Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter. Right click it and select Enable. Then use the commands below again:
      netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow
      netsh wlan start hostednetwork

      • Raj says:

        thanx…i got it..
        can u pls tell me how to change the security type from WPA2 to WPA

      • marco sherif says:

        i can’t find Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter please help

        • Ashwin Kumar.A says:

          hi marco….in the device manager…..simply do one thing………..
          go to view>show hidden adapters>click that option…….
          now refresh the device manager for any hardware changes……this time you can see the microsoft hostednetwork adapter………

          you can contact me anytime @ [email protected]

  • Bhaskara Tumati says:

    It does not work on surface pro 3, If any one successful in creating a virtual hotspot on Surface Pro 3 ,Please help me out

  • jon emsce says:

    thanks, it works for me… i just follow the steps.

  • Khawaja Umair says:

    here its showing the message “The hosted network couldn’t be started” what its sloution.
    I am using win 8.1

  • Nasir says:

    Hey, there is no sharing tap on my Ethernet connection proprieties’s Tab. plz help me out what’s that..?

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Use Command Prompt to run this command
      and tell us what it says.

      • linakn patel says:

        Windows IP Configuration

        Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : rishi-PC
        Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
        Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
        IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
        WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

        Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:

        Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
        Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
        Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 AGN
        Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-22-FB-65-6E-68
        DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
        Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
        this is what you are asking for……please help me im not able create the virtual hosted network i have tried all above steps but every time it shows the error message

        • Codrut Neagu says:

          Hi there,

          1. First of all, I don’t see any ethernet. Check if you fit one of the scenarios we showed in the first section of this guide: What You Need in Order for This to Work
          2. Secondly, you should enable DHCP for the wireless card.
      • Ramseen says:

        it seems like i need to start the wifi network every time I opens my laptop.. Is there any way to make it permanent ?

  • rohit says:

    Yo hoo! thanks a lot , it’s working.

  • Rishabh says:

    hi, i have MTS data card. But when i go to properties there is no sharing tab.. please help on how to get the option “allow other uesrs to get access to internet connection on this computer”

  • pritesh korat says:

    hi, i have another problem. i followed your steps completely and it worked, but connection oftenly dropped after a successful start. i have win 8.1

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      First check your firewall.
      Secondly, try to disable the power saving feature for your network adapter: right click on your WiFi adapter -> Properties -> Configure -> Power Management -> uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power”.

  • reza says:

    I followed all the steps and everything worked fine for me.but can not mobile connected to laptop.
    on mobile : “obtaining IP address…”
    can you please help me.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Check your firewall (from your laptop of course).

    • Sampo says:

      I suffered with this one a long time but found the solution.
      Open your windows firewall settings and turn off the firewall for the virtual network you’ve created. You can keep the firewall on for the main connection – just disable the virtual one. I couldn’t track the exact checkbox from exceptions list but by that way you should be fine cause all traffic still goes through one firewall 🙂

      • Janardhan says:

        I have faced same problem & tried this solution, but still have been facing same issue. Any idea why?

  • pranav baldua says:

    in my laptop it is displaying that
    you must run this command from a command prompt with administrator privilege.
    help me asap.

  • Varun Gupta says:

    I followed all the steps and everything worked fine for me. But I am facing authentication problem even if i give correct key in my mobile. can you please help me

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Run netsh wlan show drivers and tell us what you see 🙂

      • Palla Sridhar says:

        I’m facing the same problem – Authentication Error. I’m using Wireless network adapter connected to my PC. The Virtual Host is created fine and this wi-fi is showing in my Android One mobile… But in Android mobile i get the error..

        • Codrut Neagu says:

          Check 3 things:
          1. Do you have a proxy set up on your smartphone? If yes, remove it.
          2. Check the firewall on your computer. Try disabling it and try the connection again.
          3. Make sure the IPs of all your devices are set to auto.

  • havyas says:

    Hi i had used all the mentioned tricks to create wifi hotspot in my lappy but its not possible.. so below i had pasted my network connection properties please give me the valuable suggestion.. thanks in advance …

    (Time: 23-09-2014 03:55:46 US Eastern Daylight Time)

    ============================== SHOW DRIVERS ===========================

    Interface name: Wi-Fi

    Driver : Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Co

    Vendor : Intel Corporation
    Provider : Microsoft
    Date : 15-08-2010
    Version :
    INF file : C:WindowsINFnetwlv64.inf
    Files : 1 total
    Type : Native Wi-Fi Driver
    Radio types supported : 802.11a 802.11b 802.11g
    FIPS 140-2 mode supported : Yes
    802.11w Management Frame Protection supported : No
    Hosted network supported : No
    Authentication and cipher supported in infrastructure mode:
    Open None
    Open WEP-40bit
    Open WEP-104bit
    Open WEP
    WPA-Enterprise TKIP
    WPA-Enterprise CCMP
    WPA-Personal TKIP
    WPA-Personal CCMP
    WPA2-Enterprise TKIP
    WPA2-Enterprise CCMP
    WPA2-Personal TKIP
    WPA2-Personal CCMP
    Open Vendor defined
    Authentication and cipher supported in ad-hoc mode:
    Open None
    Open WEP-40bit
    Open WEP-104bit
    Open WEP
    WPA2-Personal CCMP

    ============================= SHOW INTERFACES =========================

    There is 1 interface on the system:

    Name : Wi-Fi
    Description : Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Conne
    GUID : 6ff73785-ac6a-4642-ba9f-0ac77b325379
    Physical address : 00:1f:3c:e4:af:33
    State : disconnected

    Hosted network status : Not available

    =========================== SHOW HOSTED NETWORK =======================

    Hosted network settings
    Mode : Disallowed
    SSID name : “MyPublicWiFi”
    Max number of clients : 100
    Authentication : WPA2-Personal
    Cipher : CCMP

    Hosted network status
    Status : Not available

    ============================= SHOW SETTINGS ===========================

    Wireless LAN settings
    Show blocked networks in visible network list: No

    Only use GP profiles on GP-configured networks: No

    Hosted network mode allowed in WLAN service: No

    Allow shared user credentials for network authentication: Yes

    Block period: Not Configured.

    Auto configuration logic is enabled on interface “Wi-Fi”

    ============================== SHOW FILTERS ===========================

    Allow list on the system (group policy)

    Allow list on the system (user)

    Block list on the system (group policy)

    Block list on the system (user)

    =========================== SHOW CREATEALLUSER ========================

    Everyone is allowed to create all user profiles.

    ============================= SHOW PROFILES ===========================

    Profiles on interface Wi-Fi:

    Group policy profiles (read only)

    User profiles

    ========================== SHOW PROFILES NAME=* =======================

    Profile “*” is not found on the system.

    ======================= SHOW NETWORKS MODE=BSSID ======================

    Interface name : Wi-Fi

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Sorry, but your network adapter doesn’t support hosted networks. Look at the line: “Hosted network supported : No”

      • c r v phanindra gupta says:

        hello sir!
        my mobile is not connecting to created hotspot but it is showing “connecting…..”

  • Emmanuel says:

    The tips you pasted was useful. Thanks a lot. I’ve been looking for a way to create this since I bought my system. Thnaks for your help

  • Eugen says:

    Very helpful, thank a lot : it works perfectly !

  • Aiman says:

    I am at the part where you enter “netsh wlan start hostednetwork”.

    I’m getting the message “The hosted network couldn’t be started. A device attached to the system is not functioning”.

    Your help is kindly appreciated.

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Open Device Manager. Click View -> Show hidden devices. Go to Network adapters. Locate Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter. Right click it and select Enable. Then use the commands below again:
      netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow
      netsh wlan start hosted network

      • Thaisa says:

        I have the same problem occuring, but I can’t find Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual adapter. What can I do?

      • Sam says:

        I have the same problem. When I right click, it only shows me the option to disable virtual network adapter. Please help

      • Makena says:

        I am at the part where you enter “netsh wlan start hostednetwork”.

        I’m getting the message “The hosted network couldn’t be started. A device attached to the system is not functioning”.
        I also enabled my Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter but I am still getting the message above.

        Your help is kindly appreciated.

  • tykobrian says:

    looks like i have to follow these steps every time I turn off my wifi of my laptop. So can you plesase create a batch file of these commands so it can be automated?

  • Nazia says:

    Thanks for the tip! It was very helpful! 🙂

  • Srisankar says:

    I just followed the steps mentioned, it’s working like a charm 🙂 Thanks a lot 😀

  • Shawlyn Dias says:

    i created the hotspot. but its not getting connected to my device..

  • TIJO says:

    Hi,i do the above steps and created the hotspot. Also connect my mobile with laptop. I am using tata photone 2G for accesing internet in laptop.But i can’t access the internet in mobile ,is this because of slow internet connection? or any other problem?

  • Sam says:

    Hi, i have a problem at step 2, when i check “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection” i can’t select the virtual network that i already created and it just says “Wi-Fi”, i hope you can help me

    • Codrut Neagu says:

      Open Device Manager. Click View -> Show hidden devices. Go to Network adapters. Locate Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter. Right click it and select Enable. Then use the commands below again:
      netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow
      netsh wlan start hostednetwork

      • abas says:

        Thanks a lot man. really helped

      • Alexandre says:

        I’ve followed all the steps in the tutorial and I’ve even tried this solution nothing works… I still only have the option WiFi…

      • Ajit says:

        there is no enable icon and the message is
        Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer. (Code 45)

        To fix this problem, reconnect this hardware device to the computer.

        please guide

    • David Atkinson says:

      I have exactly the same problem but i can’t see whether anyone has posted a solution. Can anyone help please?

  • Ransidthing says:

    Would this work with an xbox so I am able take advantage of a VPN

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      It doesn’t matter which type of device you connect to the wireless network you have created. It should work also with an Xbox.

      I connected a smartphone to the test network we created and it worked just fine.

      • prayag says:

        well, i followed every single step as shown but got problem on accessing the internet to my other devices, laptop and cell-phones, as it is showing that the password created or shown in home group is incorrect.
        Is there anything wrong or i left to do?..

        • Codrut Neagu says:

          Try running this command
          netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspot key=7Tutorials keyUsage=persistent
          instead of
          netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspot key=7Tutorials
          Also check that on your phones you’re using the same input language as on your computer.

  • vas says:

    I am able to access shared folders on host my computer, but unable to access internet even though ‘Access type’ is showing as ‘Internet’ on both. Anything else is missing?

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      If you meet all the prerequisites we have share and you have followed everything we documented, it should work.

      Disable the virtual adapter and try again. See this guide for the disabling procedure:

      • vas says:

        No luck even after i followed the steps.

        These are the details from the command:
        netsh wlan show all

        Wireless System Information Summary
        (Time: 7/11/2014 12:06:18 AM India Standard Time)

        ============================== SHOW DRIVERS ===========================

        Interface name: Wi-Fi

        Driver : Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6230
        Vendor : Intel Corporation
        Provider : Intel
        Date : 11/24/2013
        Version :
        INF file : C:WindowsINFoem41.inf
        Files : 2 total
        Type : Native Wi-Fi Driver
        Radio types supported : 802.11a 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n
        FIPS 140-2 mode supported : Yes
        802.11w Management Frame Protection supported : No
        Hosted network supported : Yes
        Authentication and cipher supported in infrastructure mode:
        Open None
        Open WEP-40bit
        Open WEP-104bit
        Open WEP
        WPA-Enterprise TKIP
        WPA-Enterprise CCMP
        WPA-Personal TKIP
        WPA-Personal CCMP
        WPA2-Enterprise TKIP
        WPA2-Enterprise CCMP
        WPA2-Personal TKIP
        WPA2-Personal CCMP
        Open Vendor defined
        Authentication and cipher supported in ad-hoc mode:
        Open None
        Open WEP-40bit
        Open WEP-104bit
        Open WEP
        WPA2-Personal CCMP

        ============================= SHOW INTERFACES =========================

        There is 1 interface on the system:

        Name : Wi-Fi
        Description : Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6230
        GUID : 4ad8b416-b616-4b35-a3da-7074c2276051
        Physical address : 88:53:2e:11:17:c3
        State : disconnected

        Hosted network status : Started

        =========================== SHOW HOSTED NETWORK =======================

        Hosted network settings
        Mode : Allowed
        SSID name : “vas12”
        Max number of clients : 32
        Authentication : WPA2-Personal
        Cipher : CCMP

        Hosted network status
        Status : Started
        BSSID : 88:53:2e:11:17:c4
        Radio type : 802.11n
        Channel : 11
        Number of clients : 0

        ============================= SHOW SETTINGS ===========================

        Wireless LAN settings
        Show blocked networks in visible network list: No

        Only use GP profiles on GP-configured networks: No

        Hosted network mode allowed in WLAN service: Yes

        Allow shared user credentials for network authentication: Yes

        Block period: Not Configured.

        Auto configuration logic is enabled on interface “Wi-Fi”

        ============================== SHOW FILTERS ===========================

        Allow list on the system (group policy)

        Allow list on the system (user)

        Block list on the system (group policy)

        Block list on the system (user)

        =========================== SHOW CREATEALLUSER ========================

        Everyone is allowed to create all user profiles.

        ============================= SHOW PROFILES ===========================

        Profiles on interface Wi-Fi:

        Group policy profiles (read only)

        User profiles
        All User Profile : KARTEEK-PC_Network

        ========================== SHOW PROFILES NAME=* =======================

        Profile KARTEEK-PC_Network on interface Wi-Fi:

        Applied: All User Profile

        Profile information
        Version : 1
        Type : Wireless LAN
        Name : KARTEEK-PC_Network
        Control options :
        Connection mode : Connect automatically
        Network broadcast : Connect only if this network is broadcasting
        AutoSwitch : Do not switch to other networks

        Connectivity settings
        Number of SSIDs : 1
        SSID name : “KARTEEK-PC_Network”
        Network type : Infrastructure
        Radio type : [ Any Radio Type ]
        Vendor extension : Not present

        Security settings
        Authentication : WPA2-Personal
        Cipher : CCMP
        Security key : Present

        Cost settings
        Cost : Unrestricted
        Congested : No
        Approaching Data Limit : No
        Over Data Limit : No
        Roaming : No
        Cost Source : Default

        ======================= SHOW NETWORKS MODE=BSSID ======================

        Interface name : Wi-Fi
        There are 3 networks currently visible.

        SSID 1 : raghavendra
        Network type : Infrastructure
        Authentication : WPA2-Personal
        Encryption : CCMP
        BSSID 1 : 64:66:b3:84:34:16
        Signal : 46%
        Radio type : 802.11n
        Channel : 1
        Basic rates (Mbps) : 1 2 5.5 11
        Other rates (Mbps) : 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54

        SSID 2 : Raja
        Network type : Infrastructure
        Authentication : WPA2-Personal
        Encryption : CCMP
        BSSID 1 : ec:1a:59:17:0a:69
        Signal : 36%
        Radio type : 802.11n
        Channel : 4
        Basic rates (Mbps) : 1 2 5.5 11
        Other rates (Mbps) : 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54

        SSID 3 : NETGEAR99
        Network type : Infrastructure
        Authentication : WPA2-Personal
        Encryption : CCMP
        BSSID 1 : 9c:d3:6d:02:2b:6c
        Signal : 0%
        Radio type : 802.11n
        Channel : 1
        Basic rates (Mbps) : 1 2 5.5 11
        Other rates (Mbps) : 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54


        Please let me know anything is missing.

      • gardy says:

        I did it and have wifi signal and it says it has internet connection but it wont load on any device connected to the wifi network. What could i do?

    • asif says:

      i am having the same problem , access is internet in both the connection still not getting internet in my android phone – if there is any silution to this then please tell me

      • gopal says:

        i have also the same problem , access in internet in both the connection still not getting internet in my android phone – if there is any silution to this then please tell me

  • hameed says:

    was helpful info but in my case it can’t be started when I enter the command “netsh wlan start hostednetwork” and I get the message “the hostednetwork could not be started” ” The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested opera
    tion.” please help me out. thanks in advance.

    • R K Lodhi says:

      thanks for your suggestions. When I open the wifi adapter it was already enable but it ask to update the adapter softwer which I did and within no time my wifi got connected.so thanks once again.

    • Grant says:

      I created everything just as you said but when I try to connect on any iphone, it just sits there trying to connect but the phone won’t actually connect and when i connect on a computer, It says its a limited connection. Any suggestions?

    • baltar john says:

      open first your wifi adaptor

    • Akhilesh says:

      it is still showing me the same problem…
      can u help out..

    • Bibhuti says:

      Dear sir it worked for me for the first time. But in next time my mob. Wifi connection stuck in obtaining IP address and authentication. I am using LAN connection. Do i need to make my wifi on for this hosted application to run. Can u tell me the command to change password key.

      • madhukar says:

        Hi Bibhuti, I have the same issue on windows 8.1, can you please let me know if somebody replied to your query?

      • Ashwin Kumar.A says:

        netsh wlan refresh hostednetwork YourNewNetworkPassword

        this may help you for setting a new password for your hostednetwork

    • Jane says:

      Hi, I had the same problem with the command saying “The hosted network couldn’t be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation”
      But I can’t find the local area connection adapter in my device manage, neither under network connections

      I accidentally disabled the local area connection adapter before, is that why i can’t start internet sharing?

    • utkarsh says:

      sir,i tried this but same problem is getting..
      my wifi adopter is enable and up-to-date

    • Makena says:

      I have the same problem

    • Sheena says:

      I had the same problem as the person above and i did as told but all of them had already been enabled.

    • Steve L says:

      nope. it just keeps saying that the WLAN interface is powered down.

    • saishankarmanugula says:

      i followed the above mentioned steps…
      my hotspot name is visible in other devices…but they cant access the internet….it is showing that connection is limited…can u please suggest me any solution….

    • sai says:

      The hosted network couldn’t be started.
      The wireless local area network interface is powered down and doesn’t support th
      e requested operation.
      and then is diables the drivers and enabled then also it did not work

    • Daniel says:

      run cmd as admin

    • Santosh says:

      Hi, I used the processes as you explained and tried using the shared internet on my mobile phone and laptop. Initially my mobile phone was kept on showing getting IP address but was not connecting at all, then I did the static IP config as explained in some other blogs after that the mobile phone started showing connected but I was not able to access the internet. Even my other laptop show limited access when I try to access this wireless share.

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