17 Responses to “The Windows 10 system tray - How to show or hide icons!”

  • Aedu says:

    Nice article but does not explain if and when yes how to add individual apps or applications to the notification area.

  • Diem Nguyen says:

    Thanks for the article. I have a rather different question. In my Windows 10: some running apps have their icons underlined in the taskbar(TB) and no icon in the notification area(NA) such as Google Chrome, File Explorer, Microsoft Sense Clock, Adobe Digital Edition… Some others (running) do not have their icons underlined in TB but have their icons in NA such as GreenShot. One little dictionary app called Stardict has BOTH its icon underlined in TB and listed in NA! Have you run across situation like this? I’d like to make the apps if they are running then they should have their icons underlined in TB and that’s it. If I can get an email letting me know when you answer my question I’d really appreciate it. Thank you.

  • Peter says:

    Thanks. It works

  • Georgia says:

    I want to remove onedrive from the system tray, but it’s not listed under taskbar icons or under system icons.

  • Alokins says:

    My Network button in taskbar was invisible.
    To make it visible, go to =>SETTINGS=>personalization=>taskbar , and now switch of button under “Use small taskbar buttons”.

  • Rahul says:


  • changeling616 says:

    The problem I have is that the with the window that says “Select which icons appear on the taskbar”, the “Network” is not even shown. I have no idea why. Anyone know why that might be?

  • Digember says:

    Great help.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Happy to help. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter for more useful content.

  • Products says:

    Is there a way to add the my skype icon to this taskbar?

  • Electromariner says:

    This is useless information for anyone already familiar with W10 Settings who is looking for a way to turn off non-system icons in the tray.

  • ladymolly says:

    The volume icon will not turn off and on. Only on off. I had this on the notification bar, but it disappeared. Can’t get it back.

  • LT says:

    i came o the exact conclusion before reading the post.
    The problem is that it dosnt allow you to select specific apps to be placed or customized apps/software!!!!

    so basically if its not on the list with a on and off switch you cant place it in the tray !!!!
    i have no idea why Microsft decided to make win10 like this
    looks and acts like an IOS !!!

    FYI Microsoft if i wanted a damn ipad / iphone or any of those other devices or operating systems out there i would have gotten one. not to mention the ugliest design of the start menu and its ios like features!!!!
    i just dont get why microsft has done this !!!
    worst microsoft windows ever

  • Terry Pinnell says:

    How can I simply add any executable of my choice? Such as C:Windowsregedit.exe ?

  • Peter Owens says:

    So this is easy?
    As usual MS makes simple things tricky, mostly by making the path to change settings devious.
    To those of us busy wanting to get something done farting around with settings & then remembering what we have done is just an unnecessary complication.

  • Anonymous says:

    Thank God the process involved is different than in the past. I wouldn’t want to have a short learning curve, after all. Then what incentive would there be for me to stay with Windows rather than jettison it and use my learning curve to learn some other, superior O/S that doesn’t gobble all my resources or have substantial problems with viruses.

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