8 Responses to “How to uninstall Windows apps with PowerShell”

  • Hc130p says:

    I get error msg saying ” Remove-AppxPackage” is not recognized as a function, script file or operable program

  • Sneaky Giraffe says:

    Boo! Windows won’t let me uninstall Cortana

  • shelly says:

    I would suggest moving this paragraph ABOVE #1 in your list: A Very Important Safety Aspect You Should NOT Ignore

  • Bill says:

    You can restore the Microsoft Store using the following…

    Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsStore | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml”}

  • Cindy D says:

    Thank you so much! It worked and was clearly explained.

  • Windows Enthusiast says:

    Thanks for the help! One thing however, I am currently using the latest version of Windows 10, Version: 1709, of the Fall Creators Update. I followed the instructions you provided via Powershell running it as Administrator. I entered the command through the CLI. For example….
    Get-AppxPackage *maps* | Remove-AppxPackage
    After pressing enter, I did not receive any message an output as you quoted, “Deployment operation progress: yada yada yada yada….” It just returned to ” PS C:WINDOWS|system32> ” Did the operation complete?

  • Photoclub Admin says:

    I administrate 14 computers for my club – and we have three user accounts on each one. Your write-up is similar to others I’ve found on the web. Your instructions ‘appear’ to work for the user account I’m using at the moment, if I run PowerShell as the administrator. I copy and paste the commands into PowerShell, and the proper green bars come up. After I complete the list, I close everything and then do a re-start. Is there another way that I can format the commands so that I enter them just once to be effective for all three user accounts?

    Now the issue: the process doesn’t seem to work! The entries appear right back in the ‘all apps’ listing of the user account I just used to delete them. So, is there another way that I can dump this stuff – like a registry entry or deleting the libraries where the programs are?

  • Bev says:

    Thank you so much for making my computer life so much easier and more organized. I ♥ this site!

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