9 Responses to “12 ways to manage tabs in Microsoft Edge”

  • Doug says:

    I would like to have one window open with a single tab for my email, on left side of screen. I have a 2nd window with maybe a dozen open tabs on right side of screen. How can I click “open link in new tab” from an email in my left window where the tab opens in my right window? I want to keep working uninterrupted in my email (left half of screen) while tabs open in the second window (right half of screen).

    Thank you.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Right-click on a link, and choose “Open link in split screen”. See whether that works for you.

  • Kathleen Bennett says:

    Hi there,
    I don’t know if anyone can help with this I cannot find any solution anywhere. I often accidentally close a tab in edge, then simply right click and press reopen tab, instantly sorted! However two millimetres above the reopen tab option is the close all tabs to the right option, I have accidentally pressed this twice now, and it is utterly infuriating!! Last time I had 30 tabs open to the right that I was using they instantly all disappeared, as there is no warning – for this option, unlike the one you get when you press close all tabs, and then pressing reopen tab only reopens about the last five and then stops working!! Grrrrrrrr, I cannot find a solution to disable the close tabs to the right option nor is it possible to move the reopen tabs option to anywhere else at all on the menu except just below the close all tabs to the right! I presume nobody else has this problem because I cannot find any mention of it anywhere on the web. Any assistance anyone can give would be hugely appreciated. Very many thanks😊

  • Victor Gollahon says:

    I often start clicking too quickly as I am opening a new page from my favorites or a link on an email and accidentally overwrite or replace a page on an open tab. I should have opened a new tab first and then opened my favorite, or asked for the page to open in a new tab.

    I would like to see a way to “lock” some of my tabs, especially the four or five that I have set to open automatically when I open Edge. Gmail, two CRMs and my Google calendar open when I launch Edge and I do not want them to close or be replaced with another webpage at any time during my day.

    It is also annoying and confusing when a popup appears over a clickable link for a page I am on. For example, I could not click on “Submit Comment” just below this box, because you had a popup in the way. I had to close that first to see where I could click submit.

  • Jan Neff-Sinclair says:

    I just wish there was a feature that worked the way Tab Session Manager is supposed to work. If the browser crashes, my computer crashes, or I just accidentally close the browser, I would like to be able to reopen the browser with the exact same set of tabs I had before. I would like to be able to save a configuration of windows with open tabs and be able to recreate the situation when I did that.

    Unfortunately, Tab Session Manager broke itself with its last update, displays what tabs it does bother to restore in reverse order, or only brings back two or three tabs out of dozens. It doesn’t seem like a tab session manager and crash protection tab manager would be that difficult to implement. Yet every utility that claims it does something similar is sorely lacking in one respect or another.

    I’d also like to see something like the old Colorful Tabs extension to Firefox. Each tab was assigned a random color based on its domain name. So all tabs open for a given domain would be the same color while other tabs would be other colors. It helped much with navigation when you had many open tabs.

    It seems like web browser developers and extension developers are trying to force us to use less tabs at a time when we have information overflow and need more windows and tabs open than ever before. I sure wish I knew why making things harder to use seems to be the goal in past years.

  • Robert Bell says:

    I need to know HOW to set the latest version of Edge to accept more than one open tab. I guess I will have to go to Chrome to do that. I hate it when MS just updates something without telling you how to get back to a feature that you like.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      But it does that. I do not understand your specific issue. Can you explain more?

  • Steve Nearman says:

    When using multiple tabs, it is WAY to easy to accidentally delete an individual tab because the X is hidden from view, even though it can be restored. More important, it is VERY DIFFICULT to recognize the open tab in a display of multiple tabs. So, should a new user change to the Chrome browser?

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