13 Responses to “How to make a bootable USB drive with Windows, Ubuntu or FreeDOS”

  • Keira says:

    Thank you for your help. Enabling CSM mode (as I learned it is called Legacy mode on a 2015 model year HP notebook) worked. I have successfully booted into FreeDos.

  • Keira says:

    I have 2 notebook PC’s which will both boot just fine from a USB Flash drive containing a syslinux bootloader to run Passfab 4WinKey. I have tried every combination of options I can think of in Rufus v3.18 to create a bootable FreeDos flash drive but I have not yet succeeded. Rufus completes the build process with no errors but both notebooks start to boot from the resulting FreeDos flash drive then restart and boot right back into Windows. Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong?

  • luisaparente says:

    Dear Rusen, congratulations for your tutorials. I have a suggestion to make about adblocker use and conflict with advertising sponsorship. Instead of popups change to ribbons or icons of advertising sponsors with links, imperative or facultative, in order to see your tutorials, although without obligation to make any expense with their products or services. That, I suppose, would satisfy all the parties without creating annoying advertising popups for your public, their potential customer, us the internauts.
    Keep tutoring.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Our website does not use pop-ups. We just have a prompt, asking people politely, to whitelist us, just once. That's it.

  • nauman says:

    i have a 4 gb usb. windows iso is not getting copied to usb. what to do

  • Will says:

    How about making a bootable USB drive that launches GRUB to use ISO’s and Command Prompt as well as launching installers for all versions of windows 7 or 8? The reason I ask is I have to work on multiple flavors of Win 7 and installing them is a hassle when I have to show up with install media for all flavors. Why do I have to show up with more than one flavor you ask? Well the client isn’t always easy to work with in finding out what version they have especially when the PC is dead. It’s easier to just show up with the install media and use their key. I have been trying to do this for some time now with no results. Anyone that knows a way to do this quick and easy would be thanked immensely for pointing me in the direction of that bright light.

  • John says:

    I read your article with interest but would like to know how to create a bootable USB stick for “Windows To Go” to actually run Windows 8 and not to just allow setting it up on another computer. You refer to “How to create Bootable Windows Installation on a USB device”. I managed this once with Win 8 Consumer version on a USB hard drive but haven’t been able to do it with the current version not for want of trying. Suggestions!!!!

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Setting up Windows To Go is a subject for another article, not this one. I will try to have someone in the team tackle that and come back with an article.

  • Chris says:

    A less sophisticated alternative is “Rufus”

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