Say we have a task called Ping and you want a task called pong to run after it,But only after verifying that the first task is completed and at a particular time how is this done.
Dollar Sign ($) in File name
Here is a trick I found by accident: If you are passing a file name as an argument to a scheduled task, and that file name contains dollar signs, (e.g. “C:Sync Jobs$$ Daily”) you need to double up the dollar signs. Apparently the dollar sign is some sort of special character that needs to be ‘escaped’. Thus, to pass the above file name as an argument, it needs to be specified as “C:Sync Jobs$$$$ Daily”.
7 Responses to “How to create basic tasks with Task Scheduler, in 5 steps”
I need to create task scheduler to handle weekdays and weekend also,please suggest settings.
Say we have a task called Ping and you want a task called pong to run after it,But only after verifying that the first task is completed and at a particular time how is this done.
thanks for sharing this
Hello and thank you for a very comprehensive and educative explanation of how to utilize the Windows Task Scheduler.
I’m trying to create basic task in Task Scheduler (Windows 10) and I’m stuck in Browsing Programs/script because I do not know what to select?
create a shortcut pointing to the following “%windir%system32taskschd.msc /s”
without the quotes
Dollar Sign ($) in File name
Here is a trick I found by accident: If you are passing a file name as an argument to a scheduled task, and that file name contains dollar signs, (e.g. “C:Sync Jobs$$ Daily”) you need to double up the dollar signs. Apparently the dollar sign is some sort of special character that needs to be ‘escaped’. Thus, to pass the above file name as an argument, it needs to be specified as “C:Sync Jobs$$$$ Daily”.