42 Responses to “How to change a shortcut icon in Windows 11 and Windows 10”

  • thebozworth says:

    I’m looking to change the DESKTOP icon in file explorer.

  • David Webb says:

    Microsoft edge ”BLOB” has been inserted and replaced certain company logos which has made my desktop look very odd and no longer user friendly

  • SusanSusan says:

    Is there a way to change the icon of an executable itself… WITHOUT having to first create a shortcut… and then change the shortcut? I have dozens of exe files. Why create dozens of shortcuts… and end up with 100s of individual files?

  • Shim says:

    I have been trying to change icon for an individual pdf file i have saved on my desktop that I use often and I would like to distinguish it from other pdf files. I cannot change this with any instructions i have found. Can you help?

  • Don Peters says:

    The icon for an online local newspaper

  • Alina says:

    I know a much simpler way to change the file icons by using FileMarker.NET. It is a Windows-based program to change file icons images and mark files with either icons or color. For lazy people like me it is a great choice to opt for.

  • Yakubu Usman says:

    I want to change the icon of my html web page.

  • Carl says:

    Another relevant area not covered in this article is drive icons inside explorer. How to change removable drive icon? I do know about autorun method but are there any other ways to do it like regedit or something? (Autorun method is putting icon file and autorun file inside every removable drive you use)

  • frank says:

    All the discussion is obvious and not even needed. But does not cover what happens when “change icon” is grayed out!

  • jumpjack says:

    how can I set a transparent background for an icon edited with Paint?

  • Murray says:

    I have a shortcut on my desktop with an icon I like and want to keep / use elsewhere. How do I find where that particular existing icon file is located to enable re-using it?

    • Anonymous says:

      Right-click on the shortcut with the icon you like, access its properties, and see the file it points to. Then, for other shortcuts, change the icon to point to the same file.

  • john brush says:

    a lot of work to say nothing useful. a text/notepad file on the desktop has no such a right click menu option. I think most of us know how to change most shortcut, icons but shortcuts to notepad text files don’t give up the menu you say to use via right click. do you ever try your own ideas before you publish them?

  • Ralph says:

    Good article, but this does not work for folders in the “c:programdatamicorsoftwindowsstart menuprograms” folder. You can change the Icon of a folder there, but when you look at them in the “All Apps” list under the start button it has the generic folder icon and so in effect you “cannot” change “any” folder icon with this method, just some of them. Most of them maybe, but extremely important ones that, OF COURSE, should be easy for the user to change, but, as is typical for the new and NOT IMPROVED Microsoft who’s only interest is in spying and spamming instead of being a real robust and configurable bug and spy free Operation System developer, it is not. What a disgusting organization of PURE GREED they have become.


  • Unknown says:

    I have a Windows 10, the change icon button did not show up.

  • Athar says:

    Read with great interest…directed from https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=305882

    1. Problem: I have my own logo as NewLogo.png. So it doesn’t appear in the Shortcuts logo window (only .ico, .icl, .exe and .dll) in Windows7.
    When I change it to NewLogo.ico, the image disappears.

    A. So how can I build my own logo to display in the Shortcut?

    B. Or is there a way to change the Program Files/Kodi/kodi.exe logo via Kodi Textures Tool (decompile -edit-recompile), which I have used to change the aeon nox silvo skin logo. I see many kodi logo.png files here, so which one?

    2. How about building a custom logo under Android for Kodi?

    Thanks and cheers…good job ! Would appreciate your Reply copy below:
    atharmian (at) hotmail.com

  • Philippe says:

    The example shows the MS icon source:
    but there are some good ones also in the MS:
    Just replace the source file at the top when you open the properties and click on Return 😉

  • Candy says:

    I browsed in a different place to find an icon from a website that I downloaded. Now I can’t figure out where the previous icons are stored. They had so many cute ones, but where do I browse to find them?

  • Jane says:

    I want my desktop website shortcuts to have the icon associated with that particular website, not the Edge E. (windows 10).


  • Marko says:

    Hello, I have no problem changing icon but every time program updates (like potplayer ) it restores default icon. Is there a way to prevent this. Thanks

  • Anonymous says:

    Whenever i do this, i change the file ending to .ICO but when i try to click on it it says “waligui.ico does not contain any icons” how do i fix this?

  • Miko says:

    You can’t change the desktop icon in win 8.1

  • Jessica says:

    I realize this is a really old thread/post, but I wanted to see if my question could be answered.

    I was wondering, when you create these shortcuts on your computer, and let’s say you copy them over to a USB stick, would the shortcut icons remain the same? Or would they go back to their original look? As in, if you were to open them on a separate computer, would those icons stay the same?

    Do they stay formatted that way forever? At least until you change them back? I was just wondering. Thank you so much!

  • Gardoglee says:

    If you do not see the “Change Icon” control, open the properties box while holding the key. You should then see the “Change Icon” control.

  • TheGlide says:

    If a person “makes” a shortcut” (to go directly to a website) on the desktop by right-clicking the desktop, selecting “New”, and then selecting “Shortcut”, the properties of this new shortcut, in Windows 7 at least, do not seem to have any entry point for adding a customized icon.

  • Sem says:

    Im 14 years and im playing minecraft but i can’t change that icon….

  • jabir says:

    thanks very useful xx

  • AntonVL says:

    Hey there!
    Thanks for useful article. That was helpful!
    Also for this kind of purpose I use FolderMarker software. It’s just the most capable and fast solution IMO.

  • Heeral says:

    I followed your instructions,and saved it on paint. Whenever I try to browse the picture the error message says : This file contains no icons. Help?

  • Jay Huroshi says:

    Hi! I can’t find how to change an icon for a .vbs script file. There is no icon section. Any help?

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      This article is about changing the icon of a shortcut. Script files are not shortcuts. You cannot change the icon used for .vbs script files using default Windows features.

  • Stigomatic1 says:

    There’s no “Shortcut” Tab. {It’s a Pinned Site Shortcut (.website)}

  • Ann Griffin says:

    Hello. My Microsoft Excel 2010’s icon is not a white box with a red, yellow and green dot inside (something generic looking). How can I make it green again, like it was in the beginning?

    Anna Griffin

  • zaentredi says:

    No shortcut tab or “Change Icon” button is available for my Window 7 Professional installation. Any idea about how I can change icons?

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Then you are not editing the properties of a shortcut to a file. You are editing the properties of a file.

      • David Watson says:

        I’m new to this so please bear with me. Most of what I’m reading through all these threads refers to 4 tabs (General-Shortcut-Security-Details). When I go into properties of my pinned site shortcuts (.website), the tabs that appear are (General-Security-Details-Details) so could someone point me in the right direction. much appreciate.

      • David Watson says:

        To the average non-techie like me, that response doesn’t answer the question. The person (me too because I have the same problem) needs to know how to edit the properties of the shortcut to the file.

        • john brush says:

          Its more pig ignorant to just give a snarky “you are a jerk!” response and run away back to mom’s basement than to offer a solution to the actual question, which sally here has done like most come who hide in forums like this because they think they are superior. people spend time searching the web for help, and after the time and effort they end up with a dick like this…. :-(microsoft should never have ignored the elegant of OS/2 ‘s desktop which was replete with applications, but instead went the lazy, sloppy way of with dos and put bat files on the desktop. still an inferior operating system….

    • jules says:

      found this answer that helped me : I could not change an icon of a folder in my documents and this worked …….
      In Windows 7, please note that you cannot change the icon of folder inside a library. So if you are browsing your Documents library and would like to change an icon in that folder, right-click on it and select Open folder location. Now you can change the icon as above.

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