56 Responses to “How to change default sound devices in Windows 10 (playback and recording)”

  • I have done something to my sound that makes all sounds echo. How do I get rid of this?

  • Janet says:

    What do I do when the SET DEFAULT tab (in the SOUND pop-up) is not allowing me to click on it?

  • Ajit Dhillon says:

    Every time I turn off or restart my computer, I have to set the Audio Device as a default, otherwise there is no sound in video. Is it normal ?

  • Gaius Julius caesar says:

    … another solution is to

    1) Open any folder with MP3s.

    2) Right click on a tune, a menu will come up including ” Open with”

    3) Hover the cursor over it and the available sound device icons will apear and at the bottom is an option called: ” select default program”

    4) Select it and select your desired player.

  • Lex says:

    I am having a problem because with my computer when I plug in my microphone I can hear through the headphones and it is working but when I go to record with sound recorder the green level bars don’t move and when I go to listen to what I recorded there is no sound at all. I’ve put my microphone as default for everything so I don’t no what the problem is.

  • Mini says:


    when i try to record udio from another device by giving the this connection

    a1 audio out as a2 audio in (mic in)

    but giving lot of noise. is there any solution?

  • Kathy Thompson says:

    I purchased my Toshiba laptop 2 weeks ago. At first the video didn’t work and the screen was green. I was told to add the AMD driver. I just plugged in 3 different headphones for the first time and the sound only comes out of the computer. I have checked the Control Panel – Sound and headphones don’t even show as an option. How can I get my computer to play sound from my headphones.

  • Mike Galton says:

    I have 2 audio devices, speakers and headphones, and communications headphones.
    2 weeks ago the first device stopped working and for some reason i cant change the communications headphones to default device.
    I cant hear any sounds coz of this. What should I Do??

  • Ty says:

    I’ve always had my tone control options at 4 bass and 4 treble. For some reason, every time I start up my computer, it keeps setting my bass levels at -12. Anyone know how I can keep it at 4?

  • Rachel Friedenberg says:

    Is there a way to select multiple sound devices to play at same time…I have wireless headsets for my classroom and bought an extender to plug all three in at the same time, but the computer of course only defaults to one headset. I thought it would default to the extender and that would let the sound come out for all the headsets. Help???

  • Rexrat says:

    I can change my default communication device but not my default device. how can i change the default device?

  • Janet says:

    I just got a m.one USB microphone and am running windows 7 and can’t get it to show . Finally got it to show but the recording is so quiet I can barely hear it

  • Nina says:

    Another vote for Fastkeys, I use it all the time.

  • Colleen O'Reilly says:

    I have speakers set to default and cannot remove that choice. My problem is that now when I plug in my headset it is not picked up. Status says ready but I cannot select it for use. Haven’t been able to change or remove default so that both speakers and headset work as they did before. Please help this confused soul.

  • umang says:

    please help me
    i dont have the (playback) speaker option
    need help

  • umang says:

    please help me
    i dont have the (playback) speaker option
    need help

  • simon says:

    I would recommend this software I just dicovered on

    It can easily automate this and similar tasks.

  • NyanMiller says:

    This fourm already dead? The “set default ” is grey for me i cant click it . help

  • AliQ says:

    but on my list of enabled sounds, there is only the Speaker for Playback , and the “Set As Default” button below the screen is inactive (cannot be clicked or grayish in color) when I highlight Microphone or Speaker. I would like to use my speakers as a recording device like in XP. Is it possible? I’ve been searching for the solution to this problem online without help regarding my situation but nothing help ,e and the strange thins when iuse a headset is working but the speaker dont work .

  • Max Boulton says:

    Hi there!
    I have been trying to record in Windows 7 Sound Recorder, a track from a CD played on a stereo minicomponent, connected by a cable to the micrphone port of my Satellite L675 laptop. A wav file of 96 kbps is saved. This file, when played in Windows Media Player, or Real Player, gives a strident distorted but recognisable sound. Is the microphone port suitable for such recording? Under Sound/Recording from the Control Panel, only the micrphone is shown, but on checking for disabled devices, I get something called Stereo Mix, which I frankly don’t understand.

  • Fabio says:

    I followed your instructions, but some apps do not seem to follow them…

    I mean, I can use my VoIP application with my headset and microphone, that’s good… but why the System Sounds and my default mail application keep using the notebook’s speakers?!

    Ok, the notebook’s speakers are set as the default device and my headsets (24/7 plugged-in) are set as the default communication device… I want my headsets to get all the output sounds (that is, I want them to be the default device for everything, so as not to disturb anyone around).

    When I try to do that (set my headset as the default device), I select them in the list of playback devices, click the “Set Default” button and nothing happens… The notebook’s speakers continue to be the default device and my headset the default communication device. And that’s it! No way to change that 🙁

    How can I change that behaviour?

  • gohar says:

    Thank you for page it has helped the first part.

    Where Im stuck is that each time i try to enable my microphone on the recording tab, it turns off the speakers/headphones. the headphone is still listed as enabled, but the bars which show the music sound amplitude beside it are blank and there is no sound at all.

    I have spend best part of 6 hrs playing around with different combinations of settings, but none allow me to record from the microphone without it turning off all sound (and also disallowing microphone set up.

    I have win 7 on my laptop. USually use internal speakers, but my new microphone is part of a headphone/microphone combination. The headphone part of it works fine by the way (except for when i turn on the recording function from microphone line in)

  • Coleman Greenberg says:

    I got your instruction and followed as best I could, but still no sound. I recently found the invoice for this system, which I bought on-line from NewEgg.com on March 21. Perhaps you can walk me through the set-up.

  • charles says:


    I have read the sound instructions, but I am a bit older and would appreciate it HIGHLY, if someone who has used the logitech wireless headset H760 could send me step by step instructions for using this with skype on windows 7 and windows xp. I have fiddled with the sound settings and one second I can hear and speak through the headset and the next it goes back to the main computer speaker. I even took the computer and laptop with both win 7 and xp into the store and when I did so you can guess it…the coputer and headset worked perfectly, as you can imagine.!!. So can anyone take the time to assist me? Kind Regards Charles

  • JonesI says:

    I have to turn the recording input down to 1 or 2 to prevent distortion when recording vinyl from a Pro-ject Debut III to a HP G62. The manufacturers of the turntable say it’s not right and may be a problem with the registry, but HP are not interested unless I pay them, which having paid a lot for the machine I am not happy to do as it is obviously a problem that has been there since the notebook was made, but I have only just discovered.

    Anyone know how I can fix this please?


  • Mac says:

    how to Set Default my speaker or headphones when it is grayed out?there were times that my speaker and headphones are good but most of the time are not working.i did update the driver and everything but i always failed. sorry for my English. my unit is HP PRO 3010 microtower pc. I hope you can help me with my problem.

    • eric says:

      This is precisely the problem I’m looking at. All of these tips are useless to me because on the two systems I’ve tried so far, it’s not actually possible to set the default audio output device (because the option is grayed out).

  • Erowid says:

    On the playback tab , i have no speakers… just HDMI sound..any answare?

  • Chris says:


    I got my laptop last week and and yesterday the sound stopped working. The laptop is a ASUS G53SX: i7-2670QM 2,2 ghz. 8 GB RAM. GTX 560M.

    I have tried to update/re-install the drivers without any luck. I have also tried system recovery and still no sound. The latest software that I have installed is Adobe Production premium 5.5 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

    I have checked the playback settings and the only device showing is Sony-tv 1. I also checked for deactivated and disconnected devices but still only Sony-tv.
    Please help

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Then, most probably you have a hardware problem. You should use your warranty to fix this issue and take it back to the company from where you purchased it or the official support provider for ASUS.

  • TROLOLOL says:

    I want to set it up like it was before. Whenever I plug in a new device, like, say my Razer headset, I want to instantly recognize that and switch to the headset. However when I unplug the headset I would like it to go back the desktop speakers. Is there a way to configure this???

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      I am not sure I understand the problem you are having.

      Your computer has one jack you can use to either plugin your speakers or your headset. As you change the device being connected, Windows gives sound to the one being plugged in.

      Some desktop speakers have a jack where you can plugin a headset. If you do that, the speakers are muted and the sound is being given to the headset.

      So… what exactly is the problem you are having? Can you explain things better, so that others can understand and help you?

  • roy says:

    on my recording tab win7 the 3 icons all read unplugged so i cannot do anything with it i have even uninstalled the sound driver and rebooted it again but there is no change ps listing to music is fine

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Have you plugged in a microphone in the appropriate jack, on your sound card? If you don’t plug it in the correct slot, you will never be able to record anything and Windows will tell you that recording devices are unplugged.

  • Maarten says:

    I just bought a new laptop. hp pavillion and when I try to select my iphone ears as default audio device it wont allow me to do that. can som1 please help me?

  • melissa says:

    I’m having trouble getting a pair of Klipsch headphones to show up in the audio devices on my clients computer. Are all versions of windows compatible with Klipsch headphones? I don’t know what else could be wrong. Would you be able to help me? Thanks!

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Are those wireless headphones? Can you share the specific model?

      • melissa says:

        Yes. They are wireless.

        • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

          Not sure how things work with Klipsch headphones. You should consult their manual.

          Generally, wireless headphones have a wireless signal receiver you need to plugin into your computer. Windows 7 needs to identify it correctly and install drivers for it. Check if you have any Windows 7 drivers in the packaging of your headphones or if Windows 7 detects them correctly.

          If not… check their forums for help.

  • David says:

    I understand the tutorial, but it didn’t answer my original question. There are TWO accounts(desktops) on my computer, both with administrative settings. When setting a default sound device, it sets the same device for BOTH ACCOUNTS. I want to know if one account can have one default setting and the other account a different default setting? Right now, each of us has to change the default audio device every time we log on. I use the PC speakers, the other uses wireless headphones. We didn’t have this problem with windows xp. Is there a fix for this that I don’t know about? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Geras says:

    You can access that panel through system tray, which is way more practical then going for through control panel. Despite this, you have written very detailed and good tutorial. Thank you.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yes i understand the Tutorial also, but i see it this way, number one Micro$oft (Bill Gate$) could have made this much better than what came out when Vista and Win 7 were released, and less complicated, although mind you i do know how to configure the sound, also consider the fact of the popping and clicking issues.

    I am not sure if they have resolved this because issue, even though i used to dual boot XP and Win 7, i no longer use Win 7, which i have no problem with it, other that the same issues we all have with Micro$oft, At times i sometimes feel short changed, yes Window 7 is a good OS, but i am still in love with my trusty old XP, can’t beat it with a stick. waiting to see what next in Windows 8.

  • Bas says:

    Toggle Audio 7

    I’ve made this app with AutoIT:

    It rotates through the pre-set devices when launched.

    you can edit the conf.ini file to your wishes, comments should clearify.

    Source code included.


  • chris says:

    i am getting ready to throw my 12 week old blur ray HP pavalion pc out of the window due to sound issues.

    i have my pc connected to my AV Amp for surround sound.
    the thing is that it did work earlier, but when i switch pc off and then back on the soudn doesnt work and all it says is sound device isnt plugged in.

    i called the tech guys earlier and after 40 minutes of them trying to sort it, they suggested totally reinstalling my pc to factory settings.
    i did this and when i got it back up and running sound was working. that was until i turned it off again, then the cross apeared again on the speaker icon.
    as is said above by someone else, when i go to audio settings and playback devices it says unplugged, but then doesnt allow me to change anything. i carnt click on the configure icon because its greyed out and inactive.

    the strange thing is that even though i carnt get sound, the picture seems to get from the pc, through the av amp and to my plasma tv screen perfectly well.

    never had so much hassle with a device in all my life. and there was i thinking using a single hdmi cable would make life easier.

    intend to call the tech guys tomorrow and insist a guy comes to my house to sort it.
    not looking forward to another 40 minute telephone chat tommorow.

  • Timmy says:

    Hey thanks, this works …. i was able to point my sound card to work as a microphone. Thanks again… i found it helpful. I can now record from my speakers, even when i play songs from my Media player….

  • kiran says:

    I think this software might help


    its also a script made exe file.

  • Naz says:

    I understand the tutorial, but on my list of enabled sounds, there is only the Speaker for Playback and Microphone for Recording, and the “Set As Default” button below the screen is inactive (cannot be clicked or grayish in color) when I highlight Microphone or Speaker. I would like to use my speakers as a recording device like in XP. Is it possible? I’ve been searching for the solution to this problem online without help regarding my situation. Please, need some feedback!!!!!

    • Ciprian says:

      I think this is a design “issue”. I cannot set my speakers as a recording device and have not worked with any Windows 7 computers which could do this?
      What exactly are you trying to do? What do you want to record using the speakers?

    • martin says:

      am human

  • Megan says:

    My external speakers were working perfectly until this morning. Now, suddenly, I can only listen to music (using the Nokia Ovi app) through the internal speakers. I have followed all the steps suggested, but try as I might, I cannot take the external speakers off Default Communications Device. I have clicked on the “Set default” button until I’m blue in the face, but it will not change the default. I see many others are having this problem, but can’t find a solution anywhere.

  • Dan Benson says:

    I have reset my default recording level several times to use my EZVinyl/Tape Converter but when I click “record” the levels jump back to 100. Driving me crazy! Any thoughts? The recorder does work and I have recorded a few tracks but needed to manually set levels (to 3) quickly while running. Later I must use Audacity to edit out the loud (100) between track start-up.

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