21 Responses to “How to Add or Remove Keyboard Input Languages in Windows 8 & 8.1”

  • Peter says:

    Doesn’t work. I removed the Japanese language and yet it still persists in all of my applications. “” are replaced by a kanji everywhere.

  • vinay rijhwani says:

    I want to use US keyboard input method for hindi language i dont seem to have it on my win 8.1, how to do it

  • Shiinon says:

    Soo, I have English and Japanese keyboards added. But when I Alt+Shift it cycles between Norwegian aswell. From this point I’ve found no way to directly remove Norwegian keyboard.

    The only way I know to get rid of it is to ADD Norwegian keyboard (causes no difference), only to remove it again (actually removes the keyboard).

    But when I restart my computer the problem is back, is there any way to just get rid of it for good?

  • Akram says:

    After adding my language Urdu and Phonetic Keyboard, I dont get the option of Language when I want to switch to Urdu….Strange, can you help please?

  • Lim Sophon says:

    I have a problem need help as, once PC changed to win 8.1, my English (united state) cannot be typing in MS Word at all but, can type on web window. I tried many but still cannot.

    Paul SCG

  • raccoon fox says:

    I set US keyboard at the top of languages list, to make it default lang. But after reboot when W8.1 started, US keyboard appear on the bottom, and native lang. – on top. I had installed ENGLISH version of Win8.1. PC MS SurfacePro 8.1
    How to repair this bug?

  • Jair says:

    Hello, I want to estabish one pc in one lenguaje-keyword (LATAM). But I had logged in my two pc to my outlook account and when I start every pc, change the keyword when work on each machine. How to only this parameter (Lenguaje Keyword) didn’t change in a pc?

  • Mark Niine says:

    Well, I can put 2 kayboards but I can not easily assign which one is the default one. i.e. the one that is selected when you reboot. Must remove all and then add again at the order default first. Sucks !!! Also, if you buy Win8.1 with funny language and then install English in it, all system services like updates etc are still using the original language. How bad M$ did reinvent a working OS and now all those side effects are there just at cost of getting (unwanted) W8 look.

  • Paul Glynn says:

    by changing the language pack in win 8.1 do I need to change the keyboard as well? I want to have German OS as well the keyboard for special symbols..

  • D R says:

    No I gave up!

    • Ben V says:

      Having had a really really long look. I think this might be a solution:
      when you go to language under control panel, go to English UK and and add another keyboard.
      so click on options, then add another input method in addition to the English UK, one this one near the bottom, UK extended. You should then be able to remove US one, restart, and all should be fine.

  • B V says:

    Anybody ever remedy this? Mine is the same.

  • D R says:

    Well if you ever work it out let me know. I have given up!

  • D R says:

    Thanks for the reply. However, whenever I set UK English as the default/primary and remove US English it reappears as soon as i go back into the dialogue box.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      This is very weird indeed. I have never encountered this problem.

    • Rodrigo says:

      same problem here, US English keeps coming back even if I remove it, to make things worse… I am using a Swiss keyboard, British English with American US operating system… removed all keyboards… keeping inly the Swiss but almost randomly British and American Keyboards keep popping up.

  • D R says:

    Sadly no matter what i do i can’t seem to remove US english from the settings and only keep uk english. I have tried removing it and it just keeps popping back. There are two user accounts for the PC and the other one is fine. It is really frustrating because the ” and the @ are swapped round for each account!

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      You cannot remove a language when it is set as the default. You must set another language as the default and the remove the one you wanted removed in the first place. I hope this helps.

  • Anand Roshan says:

    This is a nice tutorial. I got what i needed. Thanks

  • Paul Webster says:

    Previous Versions of Windows allowed one to use foreign Keyboards without changing the language of the System itself. In Win 8, if I set it to use a German Keyboard the Metro start window changes its items into German and as you can see in this email, it decides to capitalise (some) nouns in Imitation of German. Any ideas?

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