I tried the SterJo Key-finder, both the portable and installed version and all it fines is 2010 and 2007 office keys. But can’t even see the Office 2013.
Hey guys,
I know most of you are searching for a key recovering software able to retrieve the correct Windows 8 and Office 2013 but haven’t found it yet. The problem of the application above is the incorrect Win8/Office 2013 decryption algorithm which is used by Windows XP/7 but has been changed a little. There are few freeware application out there able to recover the correct product key like this one:
I’ve been using Advanced Tokens Manager lately.
I’ve been doing a lot of disk formatting and imaging lately and I’ve had no trouble restoring Windows 7 (64bit), Windows 8 (64bit) and Office Professional Plus 2010. 🙂 http://joshcellsoftwares.com/products/advancedtokensmanager/
Most of them work OK with your usage. The big test is whether they can decode the activation keys for Office and Visio (and others in the suite) 2013. Microsoft seems to have changed the location or the encryption of these keys and I have not yet found a non MS product that knows how to do it.
The hint from Microsoft is not useful for my circumstances. I know my product keys. I just don’t know on which machines they are installed. I had a brain fade and did not keep proper records and now I am trying to re-construct those records.
The second suggestion is not useful. It points to a registry folder (correct name?) which lists about 240 CLSIDs relating to Office. Two of these CLSIDs include a registry entry called DigitalProductID which holds about 1200 bytes of data in which is probably an encrypted copy of the Office and Visio activation keys.
This article from Microsoft will help you identify which keys are on which machine by finding the last 5 digits of the Office 2013 Product Key and then matching that to the info about your installations in your Microsoft Account.
I have to disagree with you about the latest free version (v2.0.8.9) of Magical Jellybean keyfinder. It is dangerously incorrect with Windows 8 Pro with Media Center. Don’t know about Windows 8 without Media Ce nter as I don’t have that product.
So why is it dangerous? It gets the last 10 characters correct so at a casual glance you might believe it. It also adds a character on to the front of the key and displaces the first 10 characters to the right and then does a fiddle in characters 10 to 15. I tested this on two Windows 8 Pro with Media Center machines.
I also have Office 2013 and Visio 2013 and nothing I tried will correctly show the keys for them.
Thanks for sharing this info about Magical Jellybean.
Regarding recovering your Microsoft Office 2013 product key, none of the software above is able to recover it. However, I did find some useful information than can help you recover this key:
11 Responses to “How to find the product key on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC”
I use belarc and Product key, but both are fail to show me the win 7 professional OS product key.
I tried the SterJo Key-finder, both the portable and installed version and all it fines is 2010 and 2007 office keys. But can’t even see the Office 2013.
Hey guys,
I know most of you are searching for a key recovering software able to retrieve the correct Windows 8 and Office 2013 but haven’t found it yet. The problem of the application above is the incorrect Win8/Office 2013 decryption algorithm which is used by Windows XP/7 but has been changed a little. There are few freeware application out there able to recover the correct product key like this one:
I’ve been using Advanced Tokens Manager lately.
I’ve been doing a lot of disk formatting and imaging lately and I’ve had no trouble restoring Windows 7 (64bit), Windows 8 (64bit) and Office Professional Plus 2010. 🙂
Most of them work OK with your usage. The big test is whether they can decode the activation keys for Office and Visio (and others in the suite) 2013. Microsoft seems to have changed the location or the encryption of these keys and I have not yet found a non MS product that knows how to do it.
Thanks, I will try that. I will post any results back here.
The hint from Microsoft is not useful for my circumstances. I know my product keys. I just don’t know on which machines they are installed. I had a brain fade and did not keep proper records and now I am trying to re-construct those records.
The second suggestion is not useful. It points to a registry folder (correct name?) which lists about 240 CLSIDs relating to Office. Two of these CLSIDs include a registry entry called DigitalProductID which holds about 1200 bytes of data in which is probably an encrypted copy of the Office and Visio activation keys.
Thanks for the suggestions CAR.
I’m afraid the only solution left would be to ask the developers of the tools above to update their products.
Maybe you could try NirSoft: http://www.nirsoft.net/contact-new.html
They developed ProduKey and they seem the open minded type. 🙂
This article from Microsoft will help you identify which keys are on which machine by finding the last 5 digits of the Office 2013 Product Key and then matching that to the info about your installations in your Microsoft Account.
I have to disagree with you about the latest free version (v2.0.8.9) of Magical Jellybean keyfinder. It is dangerously incorrect with Windows 8 Pro with Media Center. Don’t know about Windows 8 without Media Ce nter as I don’t have that product.
So why is it dangerous? It gets the last 10 characters correct so at a casual glance you might believe it. It also adds a character on to the front of the key and displaces the first 10 characters to the right and then does a fiddle in characters 10 to 15. I tested this on two Windows 8 Pro with Media Center machines.
I also have Office 2013 and Visio 2013 and nothing I tried will correctly show the keys for them.
Thanks for sharing this info about Magical Jellybean.
Regarding recovering your Microsoft Office 2013 product key, none of the software above is able to recover it. However, I did find some useful information than can help you recover this key:
First, try this page from Microsoft: Find your product key for Office 2013 and Office 365 suites.
Second, you can try this:
Launch Regedit.exe (the Windows Registry Editor).
Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftOffice15.0Registration.
They you should find your product key.