I have windows 7 home I upgraded to windows 10 but when I needed to access remote access the remote tab only had the top portion on that window not the desktop bottom part with the options so I couldn’t access remote access
I have two computers. one win 10, another win 7. I try to connect via remote desktop connection and it gives me the following message.
Remote Desktop can’t connect to the computer for one of these reason:
1) Remote access to the server is not enabled
2)The remote computer is turned off
3)The remote computer is not available on the network
But I enabled both comp remote access, and is it connected to the same network. Please help!
I am an advanced user and at work I am considered the IT goto guy. I initially setup our peer to peer network many years ago. I am able to connect with Remote Desktop locally from work Win XP Pro SP3 to work Win 7 Pro and vice versa. I can connect over the internet from work Win XP Pro SP3 to home Win XP Pro SP3 and from work Win 7 Pro to home Win XP Pro SP3. So all settings are correct for modem port forwarding, ip addresses, firewall port access. I have selected “connect from any computer”. I just can’t seem to connect from home Win XP Pro SP3 to work Win 7 Pro over the internet even if I disable the software firewalls (windows firewall likely becomes active though and I have not tried to disable that) because when McAfee Internet Security is active the ports are configured correctly as I can go from the work Win XP Pro SP3 to the Win 7 Pro machine. I have changed listening port because of the various computers at home and work I am connecting to. If I can access almost all directions and through software firewalls all but the one direction, does anyone have an idea as to why this might be and how to fix it?
So is this not available in 8.1 unless you have the Pro version? because I open the Remote tab and only Allow Remote assistance is there, not Remote Desktop
At the beginning of this article we state the following:
“If you run Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Ultimate or Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate or Windows 7 Enterprise, you can accept Remote Desktop Connections.”
Remote desktop functionality is not available for Home Premium users.
I don’t see the heading Remote desktop when I go to system properties/remote settings only allow remote assistance on top part of panel. This is a Windows 7 tutorial???
In any event my old Dell with XP won’t open my windows 7 desktop. Says it can’t connect. I’m using the exact computer name for the host and XP is configured it to allow remote access. I turned host firewall off too!
24 Responses to “How to enable Remote Desktop in Windows 10 (or Windows 7)”
I have windows 7 home I upgraded to windows 10 but when I needed to access remote access the remote tab only had the top portion on that window not the desktop bottom part with the options so I couldn’t access remote access
i cried at those specs. 1.99 Ghz, 2GB RAM
🙂 It's 3.99 GHz and 2 GB of RAM. Btw, it's a virtual machine. 🙂
I have two computers. one win 10, another win 7. I try to connect via remote desktop connection and it gives me the following message.
Remote Desktop can’t connect to the computer for one of these reason:
1) Remote access to the server is not enabled
2)The remote computer is turned off
3)The remote computer is not available on the network
But I enabled both comp remote access, and is it connected to the same network. Please help!
sir ..if i download 1 gb movie on the remote desktop in the office ..who broadband is charged ..office or home ?
I use dualmon.com for my remote desktop. It’s free and you don’t have to mess with all of this configuration to get it enabled.
How can i enable “Allow Remote Assistance connection” option which is hidden in my computer.
Above steps seems hard to follow. Instead, I would recommend use of tools like logmein, teamviewer, gotomypc, R-HUB remote support servers etc.
How can i set up the password in my RDP ??
I am an advanced user and at work I am considered the IT goto guy. I initially setup our peer to peer network many years ago. I am able to connect with Remote Desktop locally from work Win XP Pro SP3 to work Win 7 Pro and vice versa. I can connect over the internet from work Win XP Pro SP3 to home Win XP Pro SP3 and from work Win 7 Pro to home Win XP Pro SP3. So all settings are correct for modem port forwarding, ip addresses, firewall port access. I have selected “connect from any computer”. I just can’t seem to connect from home Win XP Pro SP3 to work Win 7 Pro over the internet even if I disable the software firewalls (windows firewall likely becomes active though and I have not tried to disable that) because when McAfee Internet Security is active the ports are configured correctly as I can go from the work Win XP Pro SP3 to the Win 7 Pro machine. I have changed listening port because of the various computers at home and work I am connecting to. If I can access almost all directions and through software firewalls all but the one direction, does anyone have an idea as to why this might be and how to fix it?
I use deskulous.com to manage my connections
I cannot install rdc 6.0 client. Once I downloaded the software, my avast antivirus won’t let me install.
What should I do?
So is this not available in 8.1 unless you have the Pro version? because I open the Remote tab and only Allow Remote assistance is there, not Remote Desktop
in LAN or WLAN is it possible to connect to remote desktop without logging off the another system’s desktop
I can’t find the Remote Desktop options at all.
I am using windows 8.1
I used ammyy.com.
Really saves a lot of time and efforts
I don’t get the 3 Remote Desktop radio-button options. I use a Win7 Home Premium. Is it disabled?
At the beginning of this article we state the following:
“If you run Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Ultimate or Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate or Windows 7 Enterprise, you can accept Remote Desktop Connections.”
Remote desktop functionality is not available for Home Premium users.
I don’t see the heading Remote desktop when I go to system properties/remote settings only allow remote assistance on top part of panel. This is a Windows 7 tutorial???
In any event my old Dell with XP won’t open my windows 7 desktop. Says it can’t connect. I’m using the exact computer name for the host and XP is configured it to allow remote access. I turned host firewall off too!
What version of Windows 7 are you using?
Great article!
Anyone know if RDP via the tsweb client used in XP–allows user remote access via web interface. Quite handy.
RDC may not work behind NAT, so the best option may be using third party remote desktop software like TV or AEROADMIN.
Hope this helps.
Or even easier – through AEROADMIN