8 Responses to “Download the shortcut for “Shut Down Windows””

  • lyo says:

    Wow, that’s THE tool i wanted.

    Force user to see in listbox that a windows update is pending a reboot.

    Thanks for the dev !!!

  • pmshah says:

    I have been using an application that allows me to add a wide variety of commands to the context menu in appropriate locations. It is called “Right Clicl Enhancer V2”. Sometimes this additions get deleted after major Win 10 updates but no problem getting them back in.

  • Nikos says:

    Have you checked the executable with VirusTotal? It gives a Trojan warning!

    • Anonymous says:

      Only 1 in 68 antiviruses consider this a trojan. And that is a less known antivirus. It is a false alarm. We created the file ourselves, and we did not include any crap inside. We use the file ourselves for the task we mentioned in the article.

  • Sakkara says:

    This is great! I have issues with not being able to use Cortana or even pressing the Windows button on my refurbished ASUS 2 in 1.

  • Benjamin says:

    Win7, only an Admin user, and this:
    This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administer.
    I checked properties, clicked “unblock”, and still this message. Tried right clicking and run as admin, still this message.
    HP Pavaillion. Due to certain people clicking the retarded sleep option, I removed the shutdown menu options, but when I enabled recently, there is no shutdown option, just sleep, etc.
    How do I get the shutdown option or this shortcut to work?

  • jff2k says:

    Nice Tool, thank you very much. Maybe you could also create a vb.net program with the following code, so you don’t have to minimize all desktop windows:
    dim objShell As Object = CreateObject(“shell.application”).ShutdownWindows
    I haven’t tried it in Metro Start Menu yet.

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