7 Responses to “Double your WiFi speed on Windows laptops and tablets with Intel network cards”

  • IT Networking Ops engineer of 30 years says:

    As someone with 30 years network ops in a couple multi-billion dollar companies and more time than that in friend’s homes setting-up and fixing home networks, using wireless since the time only a few hundred thousand hardcore geeks knew what IEEE 802.11 was, and “Wi-Fi” wasn’t yet a made-up (it means nothing) term hatched by the Interbrand company, I’m adequately qualified to state this article encouraging people enable ‘Throughput Boost’ and max. power on Intel cards is a disservice to those people. You’ve given the tiniest lip service to and all but ignored clear and precise illustration of very real, vetted, objective downsides — e.g., massively decreased bandwidth availability to others; increased 2.4-5ghz microwave R.F. and its subsequent effects on sensitive individuals and most pets; much higher likelihood of decreased lifespans of tightly-built laptops and some desktops unable to accommodate thermal needs of cards running max. power TX/RX on the daily. Intel does NOT “…sets the transmission power at the lowest possible level still compatible with wireless communication quality.” Where you got this is anyone’s guess. Certainly not from Intel or any of their engineers, or anyone who gives final go-ahead on code for Windows adapter drivers. Please do better.

  • Jake says:

    On my Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 card the Throughput Booster drastically cut my data rates!
    Two lines below though Enabling U-APSD worked wonders, so try experimenting!

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Maybe we should update this article for newer Intel Wi-Fi cards and check the latest settings in their drivers.

  • Hairelde says:

    The article makes great reading with it’s step by step guide through the process. This is for windows 10 however as the property detail is totally different for windows 7 which is where I seek improvement. Can you offer any help in making this work in win 7 ?

    Dell Wireless 1490 Dual Band WLAN Mini-Card IS THE Network adapter in question.

  • Richard says:

    I was looking through the wireless settings. Searched for throughput power and found this site, just what I was looking for. There are so many hidden settings in computers, you have to get curious and it pays off.

  • Mohammadraouf Gorji says:

    Thanks for the information and tricks that you shared with us

  • Dr Rokey says:

    Thanks For Sharing Such beautiful information with us. i hope you will
    share some more information about this post. please keep sharing! may i
    Also share 10 ways to boost your WiFi signal at home..

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