4 Responses to “How to delete values from cells but keep your formulas, in Microsoft Excel”

  • Dave Hedden says:

    How do you fix Joe Barta’s V2.0 Simple Checkbook when the reconcile box does not accept changes to the ledger and no longer reconciles the checkbook? The $0 stays constant no matter what information I enter. It’s almost as if I deleted a formula or some sort of instruction. Do I have to open a new checkbook and start all over again?

    Thank you

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Hi Dave,

      I don’t know what Joe Barta’s V2.0 Simple Checkbook is. I’m sorry but I can’t help you. Maybe it is best that you speak with the person who made this checkbook? They may provide help.

      Good luck in sorting your issue!

  • Dottie says:

    Yes this worked. Found you after spending an hour spinning my wheels. Pressing DEL to delete contents and not formulas from cells always worked before, but suddenly did not work today no matter what I tried.
    So Thank You!

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