10 Responses to “How to pin to Start Menu in Windows 10: The complete guide”

  • David says:

    You do realize that neither of these is the slightest bit explanatory?

    ‘If you’re wondering “What is Pin to Start?”, the answer is simple. In Windows 10, “Pin to Start” is an option available for several types of items found on your computer or device. Right-clicking or pressing-and-holding on certain elements opens a contextual menu, where you have the option to pin to Start.’
    ‘But what does “Pin to Start” do? Well, let’s say you want to pin an app or program to the Start Menu in Windows 10. Just press on the “Pin to Start” option, and it’s added.’

    So ‘Pin to Start’ is an option to pin to Start; and what it does is that if you want to pin something to the Start menu, you can. Useless.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      And after the “useless” text you’ve pasted, you see screenshots that show you want Pin does. A bit o patience and politeness goes a long way.

  • TonyCzar says:

    Looking for the way to Pin a document file to the Start Menu? This is the only method I’ve found on the Web that works. Thank you.

  • skaizun says:

    My computer has a number of manufacturer’s software listed one-by-one in its own “row”, some of which have items under them (i.e., click the arrow to “open” the “row”), so I see something like this:
    ABC Co (arrow)
    ABC Co This (directly beneath ABC Co)
    ABC Co That (directly beneath ABC Co This)
    ABC Co Etc (directly beneath ABC Co That)
    I’d like to put them all under a single row, like this:
    ABC Co (arrow)
    …..ABC Co This (“inside” ABC Co; dots are for clarity)
    …..ABC Co That (directly beneath ABC Co This)
    …..ABC Co Etc (directly beneath ABC Co That)
    Is there a way to do that? If so, how?

  • Jen Johnson says:

    What if you’re not using Microsoft Edge; I use Firefox; can I still pin web pages?

    • skaizun says:

      There is no direct way to do that with Firefox.
      Here’s a web page that gives instructions on how to do it for most browsers, including Firefox. But, be aware that the instructions are for advanced computer users (if you don’t know the difference between a “file” and “directory”, or how to copy-paste using the control keys, then I strongly suggest forgetting about it!). Good luck!

  • Rand says:

    I have Microsoft Word pinned to the taskbar. When I right-click it, it shows my pinned Word files, and underneath that it shows my recently opened Word files. How do I increase the number of recently opened Word files that are displayed there? I

  • Ian Frakes says:

    It would be great to be able to rename website shortcuts pinned to the startbar.

  • Who Cares says:

    Useless. Who wants to add to that crappy tiles thingie? I want the Start menu to work like it did in Windows 7. This new version is a downgrade.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      1. Remove all the tiles and add only shortcuts to desktop apps. It will be like the Start Menu in Windows 7.

      2. Useless is your comment! Next time mind the way you express yourself on this website.

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