4 Responses to “8 ways to close apps in Windows 10 like a Pro”

  • GAMER says:


  • Tom Hase says:

    Hello everyone, I wanted to share one convenient way I’ve been doing for point #4, is that you can also scroll-click anywhere on the window preview to close it too. Nifty trick.

  • Juris Reinfelds says:

    On my Lumia 1020, WP8.1, Version 8.10.12393.890 I press top screen for ages, but no little hand appears. Sometimes a blue bar with a minus in middle appears, app does not close… Win Phone 8.1 SUCKS

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      This tutorial applies to Windows 8.1 not Windows Phone 8.1.

      If you want to close apps in Windows Phone 8.1, press and hold the Back button on your phone and a list with all opened apps is shown. you can then close each of them by tapping the X button on their top-right corner.

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