39 Responses to “Burn disc images with Windows Disc Image Burner (ISO to Blu-Ray, DVD)”

  • Steve says:

    I just burned my Dad’s funeral service video streamed on Facebook to DVD via OBS Studio to capture it from FB, and then “Burn Disc Image” in Windows 10. I just wish there was a way to specify the burn speed. I always pick a slower speed than the max, why risk rushing the process, right?

  • Richard says:

    I have Windows 10, and the boxes that opened after I hit Windows + E looked nothing like the ones in the illustrations and did not have the same options. It went through the motions of writing, but rather than going to the disc it went to a queue “Waiting to be burned.” It refuses to actually write to the disc. I can play back blu ray discs on my optical drive fine, so I don’t think the problem is with the drive.

  • Pradip Shah says:

    Just download and install freeware ImageBurn. THE most reliable ISO burning application,. EVER !!!

  • Justin says:

    This is a great article! But alas, woe is me!
    I tried to save the article to Evernote and it saves without the images?? Never had the problem before so how do I save with the images included?
    A tutorial without pictures isn’t much good to me.

  • Elaine says:

    When it said it was invalid, i still clicked Burn. The burn worked just fine. So happy.

  • Elaine says:

    even better, i went with right click and used the Open With, selected windows image burner, and it said my image wasn’t valid. but it lets me burn it anyway :/
    we’ll see how it turns out when it’s done burning. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • marriy says:

    The “Burn Disc Image” prompt has disappeared from my stupid Windows Explorer.

  • pierre says:

    Thank you, this article is a life saver! The “Burn Disc Image” prompt has disappeared from my stupid Windows Explorer.

    Using Win 7-64 Pro.

  • Zardiw says:

    Sorry Charlie. Trying to burn an iso to CD-R does NOT work in Win 7 x64. Maybe DVD’s work but I’m not gonna waste time finding out.

    The isoburner.exe just HANGS…….you can’t kill it either…..have to reboot the computer to get access to your CD Rom drive …….z

  • nandani says:

    Is it max speed? IMHO, the best speed for burning DVD is 4 X to get a good quality result.

  • marym says:

    Samuel, the feature is not gone from Windows 8.1. I’m using Windows 8.1 Professional and I can burn .iso files using this feature. Thanks

  • John says:

    Ciprian, thanks for your prompt response. Btw, can you guess the burning speed based on your experiences using this feature? Is it max speed? IMHO, the best speed for burning DVD is 4 X to get a good quality result.

  • John says:

    Hi Ciprian Adrian Rusen,

    thanks for the guidance. Can we set the speed of burning with this program?

    Samuel, the feature is not gone from Windows 8.1. I’m using Windows 8.1 Professional and I can burn .iso files using this feature.

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      As you can see in the screenshots above, there’s no option for setting the burning speed. ๐Ÿ™

  • preetham says:

    how to copy win 7 n win 8 in a single 8.4gb dvd like how win 7 32bit m 64bit exist together.

  • Samuel says:

    This does not apply to Windows 8.1. The feature is just gone.

  • Shawna says:

    hi, I have dvd flick and I was wondering if anyone knew if I had to encode the same video every time I wanted to burn it onto a disc? For example….I encoded a video and it automatically burnt it after it was done encoding, if I wanted to make a second copy, would I have to do the encoding process again? or is the already encoded one saved in the computer somewhere where I can burn it again?

  • brian mccormick says:

    ye so id like to be able to select one from the command line?

  • brian mccormick says:

    Is there any way to select a DVD burner from the command line and has anyone figured out how to do it yet?

  • pooria says:

    hi.I have burned an image to a disk(DVD) but didn’t select the check box verify data to disk after burning.Now I have the disk and when I insert it,it shows the amount of free space it has but I don’t want to be so and I want to make like other disks(I mean I like the disk to be completely closed and not available to be written again)I’d be glad if you could help me.

  • Andres Araoz says:

    I downloaded a .img file which I tried to burn into a CD, and after burning the disc, my computer cannot read it. I have tried burning the CD as .iso and .img extensions and with 3 different softwares (CD Clone, Daemon, and Roxio). Do you know what the problem could be and how could I get to burn the file correctly?


  • kat says:

    what is 0x80004500 error message on verify?
    I was able to burn ONE whole disk successfully using this and now all subsequent burns give this error message. Doesn’t matter if data or video or img or iso.
    Imgburn which once worked fine is giving me similar grief. I’m thinking some sort of DMA problem but it is controlled by my bios and if i uncheck that option, doesnt seem to make a difference. Everything updated as best as possible. <2yrs old win7 x64 Gateway but unfortunately cannot find out what brand burner. tried several methods with all generic results. So far it seems the disks burned are OK but when I try to find what this msg means all I find is Windows re-install your OS brilliant techie advice. Any idea?
    Oh yea, when imgburn shows a verify error, the disk is always toast. At least the Win ones seem usable...

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      This error code is too generic. Can you give more info, a complete description of the error message, a picture, something more?
      Without more info, I won’t be able to help you.

      • Bob T says:

        I am having the same problem. i have tried several different burners all certified to work with windows 7. i get the 0x80004005 error after trying to burn than verify the data and system stops responding and fails any suggestions? it doesnt matter if i use roxio 2011 or nero 10 or windows burner nothin works the dvd burner was working perfectly in fact all of them are in good working order please help i have gone thru 30 to 40 discs ruined due to this problem any help would be greatly appreciated.

        • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

          It is very hard to identify a root cause for this error. It is very generic and appears in many usage scenarios, not only when burning discs. From what I’ve read about it, it looks like that it is generated by some possible corrupted files (generally files of your operating system). I think it might help (but i cannot guarantee) for you to try the following:
          Test a Partition for Errors with Check Disk – test all your partitions (starting with the one where you installed Windows 7)
          Command Prompt – Repair Missing or Corrupt Files

          If these two things don’t work… then I’m out of ideas. A reinstall of your OS might help but again… cannot guarantee anything.

    • Ash says:

      I was trying to burn ISO of windows but couldn’t find any free software that will do it. Anyone has clue please let me know. plz drop me an email to http://www.facejar.com/member/profile/ANNA-JADHAV/78566/

  • sahairy says:

    hai tq for the guide. But can Windows Disc Image Burner burn .iso file (7gb) that is using 2 dvd.

    your help is much appreciated.

    • Ciprian says:

      For that .iso file of 7GB you need a special dual-layer DVD which can be burned with up to 8 GB. You cannot burn an .iso file this big on 2 DVD without ruining it.
      For more info about dual-layer, read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD#Dual-layer_recording

      • sahairy says:

        Tq caprian for your quick reply, i will get the special dual layer dvd for my project.

        but is there anyway we can split the .iso into 2 dvd. any software can handle it?

        • George says:

          You can use Nero which does the job automatically or you can use WinRAR or 7zip (which is free) to split the 8GB ISO file into two 4,5GB archives. Also, IMGBurn (which is also free) might have this option too, but I don’t know for sure.

          With 7zip this is what you have to do:

          1. Right-click on the ISO file, select 7zip and then the ‘Add to archive’ option.
          2. In the new window click the drop-down menu from the ‘Split to volumes, bytes’ section and select the ‘4480M – DVD’ option.
          3. Click on OK and wait for the application to finish the archives.

          • sahairy says:

            Tq george for your quick reply.

            i will take you advice, fyi i already manage to solve the problem. im using PowerISO.

            thanks again.


  • George says:

    You can’t create ISO files or copy DVD’s with Windows build-in tools. However, you can use third party freeware software like CDburnerXP for burning DVDs and ISO Recorder for creating ISO files.

  • Anonymous says:


    What about creating an ISO? Can it do that?

    What about a simple disk copy of a non-protected DVD? I made a DVD with DVD maker, but now I want to copy it and there doesn’t seem to be a way (short of redoing it).

  • George says:

    Thanks Basel. We try as much as possible to anticipate the problems newbies might have with Windows 7 applications. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • basel says:

    Hello George,

    That is a great post. Thank You.

    I like how you ent into detail on the “Open With” part. Good anticipation for win 7 newbies.



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