12 Responses to “ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 review: Over the top, in every way!”

  • focuspuller says:

    Not enough documentation for the various settings.

  • Hans Camstra says:

    My internet download speed drops down dramatically!
    I’m using:
    – Internet provider is Ziggo
    – Ziggo modem in bridge
    – Router ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000
    – OpenVPN
    I tried several NordVPN servers, udp and tcp and dns configuration.

    Speed without VPN activated is 400 Mbps down and 40 Mbps up.
    VPN activated UDP 10 Mbps down and 8 Mbps up
    or VPN activated TCP 50 Mbps up and 30 Mbps up.
    Download still shows an enormous speed drop.
    NordVPN tells me it’s normal and a great speed for a router and can’t help further.

    Who can help me out!?

    • Anonymous says:

      This problem is not generated by your router.

    • Zonther says:

      I have the GT-AC5300 and I use PIA (private internet access) VPN. There are a few things with VPN’s. One is where is the server located? I can connect to a server in Norway and my downloads will be 10-20mbps vs the states at 50-60mbps (my internet caps around there). Second thing is that I don’t know if nordvpn might use bandwidth limiters (you will have to check on that). The problem I have with Asus roters is that there software is buggy as hell because my router crashes if I leave my VPN client on for to long or instently crashes if I change the default connection from internet to the VPN server. I need to do a hard reset every now and then and have to remember to remove my USB thumb drive every reset because if it boots with it inserted, it doesn’t see the drive until I reset the router and I reinsert it after it fully booted up. I hope ASUS fixes their software.

    • ShaJan says:

      From the Internet: OpenVPN does generally does not perform well on anything else than x86 architecture and with some OK specs.
      The smaller devices like most routers now a days, has simply not a good implementation of OpenVPN at all mostly arm architecture.
      It just runs better on the x86 architecture.

      Please notice this is NOT personal experience talking here, just some stuff I picked up around the Internet while trying to figure out if this monster router could solve my needs for VPN.

      It seems buying a flashable router/pre flashed router that is supported by your VPN provider is the best solution so far. i.e. Tomato/DD-Wrt or the likes..

      So I am still in limbo here the night before Black Friday. I really would like to have Wifi6/802.11ax on my new router and the better coverage.
      But I also have a need for stable as fast as possible VPN through my VPN provider (ipvanish). I just might go for the router and setup some dedicated HW behind it to deliver VPN for those devices I need privacy/encryption on.

  • Ray says:

    I compared the speed from AX11000 with AC5300, it seemed like AC5300 was doing much better in all aspects, any configuration problem?

    • Anonymous says:

      AC5300 uses a mature wireless standard, while AX11000 uses a new standard that has not yet been finalized. That is the main difference between the two.

      • Ray says:

        But your test is showing AX11000 is doing much better than AC5300 with the lenovo Yoga and HP spectre, which I believe are regular AC clients. Mind explain why we are seeing different results?

        • Anonymous says:

          Please look at all the graphs. AX11000 is doing much better on the 2.4 GHz band. On the 5 GHz band, things are not clear-cut. You can easily see AC5300 performing very well. Also, with the 802.11ax standard, the performance varies greatly also because of drivers. Not all network cards work well with AX routers, even when using the 802.11ac standard.

  • R.C. says:

    Great review and information! Thank you for taking the time to do this. This router rocks and is my new Aimesh router. Lightning fast!

  • dacoolist.com says:

    So far so good, and awesome job on the review – it’s the reason I bought the device!

    I think other than the 3 separate bands and how awesome the browser control of the ax11000, I honestly love how insane the speed really can be. I’ve never had a router as peppy as this.

    My previous router was the Netgear R6300 , which actually still runs totally fine. But because I moved somewhere that I sadly can’t have an ethernet connection to my rig, I wanted something strong.

    Love this router!

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