9 Responses to “AMD vs. INTEL in 2024: Which desktop CPUs are better?”

  • wyokid says:

    In working with computers for more than 25 years now, I was there when AMD surpassed Intel in the speed department. Also, since the AMD processors were generally cheaper I chose to go that route for all my builds from that point on.
    That being said, over the last few years I have made the switch to Intel simply because they are more stable and the speed, as you have pointed out, is close enough to become a mute point.
    I’ve found that using Intel processors with motherboards that are based on Intel chipsets are far more stable than the AMD based builds and give far fewer problems with drivers and firmware.
    As for the graphics cards, I’ve run both but going back to stability, I have always preferred an NVIDIA based graphics cards based on that same stability factor.
    Just my opinion!!!

    • Ciprian Adrian Rusen says:

      Thanks for sharing your perspective. 😀

      • Anne says:

        It’s harder to find an AMD motherboard computer for sure. I’ll have to get a custom build or settle for the Intel versions. I have an older hp envy desktop with the amd processor. The newer envy versions I’ve seen are all Intel models. Nothing against Intel. However, we all have our preferences

  • Sandglass2013 says:

    This article and data tables give a good overview of the actual CPU Segment.
    Choosing AMD over Intel or vice versa depends on the size of the desktop where the chassis is to put at.
    A Threadripper Pro 5xxx with 280Watts TDP will not fit in to a small size Box. A i7 will fit perfectly in example a NUC 11/12Pro Box and will work quietly.
    Also is to find the right use case. Do I Need the crown CPU Performance 24*365 over the year and do I want to pay the Power bill.
    I have Chosen a Intel NUC11Pro i7 11700B and have a lot of power now .

  • Lastguytom says:

    Intel cpu have been using sky-lake design(2014) for there core. Intel has just shrunk it’s design and made minor or clock speed increases. Intel has better clock speed, but needs a very expensive cooler just to keep the heat in check. AMD Ryzen cores does more work per cycle than the Intel cores. Intel’s 10 nm node is broke and 7nm has been delayed until late 2021 or even early 2022.

  • PhilT says:

    I am totally agree with when compare between the two CPUs company. I don’t trust Intel CPU more after incidents with Meltdown and Spectre and others. They cover up the indidents and worked with MS to fix the issue. Intel tried to cut corner to gain speed over AMD. For me, security in the CPU is very important.

  • Jim Sensenbach says:

    Is there more useful information beyond the last column displayed in the comparison spreadsheet? It looks like it’s wider than is shown.

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