
Tutorials, how-to guides, and blog posts about using Windows. How to use laptops, tablets, PCs, and other gadgets with Windows.

review ASUS Zenbook NX500 Review – A High-End Ultrabook With A 4K Display

ASUS Zenbook NX500 Review – A High-End Ultrabook With A 4K Display

ASUS has sent us for testing a high-end ultrabook, called ASUS Zenbook NX500. It is a gorgeous ultrabook that features a really awesome 4K screen, hardware components to match it and a solid and elegant case. As you can imagine, we were very curious if this premium device really is everything ASUS promised it to be. Now, after we've worked on, played with and
tutorial How To Get Help Using The Windows Help And Support Application

How To Get Help Using The Windows Help And Support Application

Ever since the DOS days, Microsoft has included Help in all its software. In the olden days, Help could often be particularly unhelpful. In recent years, however, the help included in Windows is much more versatile, and it's now called Help and Support. Let's discover how it works, how to make it even better, and use it to get information on how to work
tutorial 10 Things You Can Do With The Food & Drink App In Windows 8.1

10 Things You Can Do With The Food & Drink App In Windows 8.1

If you always wanted a complete guide to help you in the kitchen, the Food & Drink app from Windows 8.1 could be one. It has everything you need to know about cooking and more. You'll find recipes and drinks specific to almost any country, tips and techniques to help you improve your skills in the kitchen, recommendations for wines and other drinks, all
tutorial When Is Each Sound From A Windows Sound Scheme Played?

When Is Each Sound From A Windows Sound Scheme Played?

A few days ago, one of our readers asked us an interesting question: "is there a place where I can check when does a Windows sound play?". While we have shown how to customize the sound scheme in Windows, we did not talk about when each system sound is played. That's why we decided to answer this question and detail when each system sound
tutorial 9 Tips That Help You Use The Windows Taskbar More Productively

9 Tips That Help You Use The Windows Taskbar More Productively

The Windows taskbar is an underappreciated tool which, when used properly, can have a very positive impact on your productivity. You can quickly start pinned applications, switch between multiple instances of an application, open a file with a specific application and so on. In this guide we would like to share several tips and tricks that will help you use the taskbar more productively.
tutorial Introducing Windows 8.1: How To Use The Scan App To Scan Documents

Introducing Windows 8.1: How To Use The Scan App To Scan Documents

In Windows 8.1 Microsoft has included a new modern app that you can use to quickly scan documents and pictures. All you need is a scanner that's connected to your Windows 8.1 PC or device and the new Scan app that's included with the operating system. Here's how this app works and how you can configure its settings. NOTE: You cannot use the
tutorial How To Manage Your Installed & Hidden Windows Updates

How To Manage Your Installed & Hidden Windows Updates

Windows Update is an essential part of Windows that is permanently improving the operating system and the quality of your user experience. After using your computer for a long time, you will end up with plenty of updates installed. If you want to find information about them, when they were installed and what they do, you can review all your installed updates. Also, you
tutorial The Best 5 Free Alternatives To The Sound Recorder

The Best 5 Free Alternatives To The Sound Recorder

Windows provides an application called Sound Recorder. It is rather simplistic and it doesn't offer any sound editing features. Also, in Windows 8.1 you will find a touch version of this program which has another downside: the recording pauses automatically if you minimize the app. This can be a real annoyance and you will want to use a better program for recording sound. To
article 3 Useful Tips & Tricks For Using Sticky Notes

3 Useful Tips & Tricks For Using Sticky Notes

If you are using Sticky Notes for quick note taking on a regular basis, we would like to help you take things to the next level and show a few advanced techniques for working with Sticky Notes. In this article we'll show you how to restore the delete dialogue box if you have set it to be hidden, how to backup your notes and
tutorial 9 Reasons Why The OneDrive Website Is Awesome

9 Reasons Why The OneDrive Website Is Awesome

One of the best features of OneDrive is that you can download and install it on any sort of device you might have. There are applications for computers with all kinds of operating systems, apps for mobile devices and even an app that is built into Windows 8.1. But, did you know that, in order to experience all of the best features that OneDrive