
Tutorials and how to guides about using gadgets, hardware, and software. Our tutorials cover all major operating systems: Windows, Android, iOS and others.

tutorial The Windows 10 system tray - How to show or hide icons!

The Windows 10 system tray - How to show or hide icons!

  Located on the right side of the taskbar, the system tray, correctly called the Notification area, has been a part of Windows for over 20 years. It kept on improving since it was first introduced with Windows 95, providing easy access to system functions, notifications, and applications. The Windows 10 system tray is more customizable than ever before, as you get to configure
tutorial How to customize the Command Prompt (cmd) in Windows 10

How to customize the Command Prompt (cmd) in Windows 10

The Command Prompt is a powerful tool, and we enjoy using it. However, it does look somewhat boring and unfriendly. The good news is that you can customize Command Prompt aspects according to your needs and preferences, including its appearance and color scheme. This tutorial shows you all the different options you can tweak to make the Command Prompt not only look but also
tutorial How to open (mount) or eject (unmount) ISO files in Windows 10

How to open (mount) or eject (unmount) ISO files in Windows 10

In Windows 10, File Explorer can open and eject ISO disc images without requiring users to install third-party apps for this task. This feature comes in handy when you are trying to work with disc images, view and interact with their content. In this article, we show you the straightforward process of using File Explorer to mount and unmount any ISO image file you
tutorial The Windows 10 Night light: What it does and how to use it

The Windows 10 Night light: What it does and how to use it

Whether it is because we look at them too much or because they radiate too much blue light, screens are known to cause eye problems. It is almost impossible to avoid screens in our daily lives. There are also many night owls like ourselves, regularly watching our computers' screens during the night. The good news is that Windows 10 includes a special night mode
tutorial Should you disable the Cloud-delivered protection from Windows 10?

Should you disable the Cloud-delivered protection from Windows 10?

The Windows Defender Antivirus from Windows 10 has a couple of excellent protection features, some of which are misunderstood. Two of them are named Cloud-delivered protection and Automatic sample submission, and they work in tandem. With their help, you get efficient protection against unknown threats that have not yet been discovered on other computers. If you are considering disabling them, or you want to
article Desktop.ini - What is this file? Why are there two of them on my desktop?

Desktop.ini - What is this file? Why are there two of them on my desktop?

If you've recently tinkered with File Explorer's settings in Windows, you might be surprised to discover some files called desktop.ini in all the folders on your computer or device. The two desktop.ini files present on your Desktop are the most noticeable and raise a lot of questions: What are these files and why are there two of them on your Desktop? What purpose do
tutorial 12 things you can do with the Video Editor from Windows 10

12 things you can do with the Video Editor from Windows 10

A long time ago, Microsoft decided to end the development of Windows Movie Maker, a program that many Windows users used for creating videos. People were asking for a new tool and, although it took some time, in the versions of Windows 10 starting with Fall Creators Update (1709), Microsoft introduced a new tool that lets users create and edit videos. It is called
article What is the SIM PIN code and why should you use one?

What is the SIM PIN code and why should you use one?

SIM cards are a widely used method for identifying phone users all over the world. They're tiny pieces of plastic with chips on them that tell the mobile operators who you are and what you are paying for. Although they are essential to many of us, the only security aspect that we can control on a SIM card is its PIN code. Do you
tutorial How to activate the Hibernate option in Windows 10

How to activate the Hibernate option in Windows 10

When you open the Power menu in Windows 10, you see the options for Sleep, Shut Down, and Restart. What if you want to add the Hibernate option to this menu? To use this feature, you have to activate it manually. That's why, in this guide, we will give you step-by-step information on how to enable the Hibernate option in Windows 10, so that
tutorial How to use File History - Windows 10's backup solution

How to use File History - Windows 10's backup solution

File History makes automated backups of your data, and it works with storage devices like external hard drives, network storage, and so on. If you want to use File History to back up your user data from Windows 10, read this tutorial. We show you how to turn on File History, how to change the way it works, how to stop it when you
tutorial 2 ways to find out when a partition was created in Windows

2 ways to find out when a partition was created in Windows

Have you ever needed to know when an NTFS partition was created or when Windows first initialized a drive and made it available for use? Although there are no easy, user-friendly ways to find out, we know two different methods by which you can find this information, by yourself. If you are curious to learn, read on: 1. Find out when a partition
tutorial How to rotate a video on my iPhone

How to rotate a video on my iPhone

If you are an iPhone user, an issue you might encounter when you record a video is that you have held your iPhone the wrong way. You may forget to hold your iPhone horizontally when you are shooting a video. If you hold it vertically, the video you get does not look as it should be, and when you watch it, it fills the
tutorial How to set up and use PPPoE internet connections in Windows 10

How to set up and use PPPoE internet connections in Windows 10

Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from around the world offer their internet services to residential users through Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet or PPPoE connections. To be able to use such internet connections, the ISP usually gives you a unique username and password that you must use to connect to their network. In this tutorial, we show you all the steps you need to take
tutorial How to track which apps use the most data in Windows 10

How to track which apps use the most data in Windows 10

Do you need to find out which apps use the most data on your Windows 10 laptop, tablet, or desktop PC? Few people know that Windows 10 stores such data for the last 30 days, for WiFi, Ethernet, and Cellular connections. This data is automatically logged, and accessing it is easy. Here is how to track how much data is used by your apps