
We review laptops, computer hardware, apps, gaming accessories, Wi-Fi equipment, smartphones, tablets, and much more. See which products are worth buying, and which you should skip.

review A Real-Life Review of the Microsoft Touch Mouse

A Real-Life Review of the Microsoft Touch Mouse

I have read plenty of reviews but none of them seemed to offer details about the real experience of using the Microsoft Touch mouse - the latest mouse launched by Microsoft. Luck has it that I got my hands on this mouse and I was able to test it. My findings are very different from what you find in many other reviews, and are
review Reviewing the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse

Reviewing the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse

We would like to start our series of reviews of Windows oriented gadgets with a very good looking device: the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse. Even though this product has been launched at the end of 2010, it is still one of the best looking mice you can find on the market. I have used it for more than a year and, in this, review
review Book Review - Network Your Computers & Devices, Step By Step

Book Review - Network Your Computers & Devices, Step By Step

There's an old joke that goes: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. For many people, setting up a home network is truly the elephant in the room. It's nowhere near as difficult as it used to be, when you had to buy extra software and hardware and learn a lot of arcane new commands before you could attempt it