
Tutorials, articles and recommendations about apps and programs that people use on their computers, smartphones, smartwatches, and other gadgets.

tutorial My PC has a nasty virus. Now what? How do I remove it?

My PC has a nasty virus. Now what? How do I remove it?

Y our computer got infected by a nasty virus. Windows is slow, your web browser freezes and you are constantly fighting to get rid of strange popups, warnings and advertisements. These are all signs of a malware infection. You are worried about your files, your personal data and your apps. You tried to scan your computer with the antivirus you have installed but it
article 3 Common ways in which your Windows device can be spied upon

3 Common ways in which your Windows device can be spied upon

Do you have a girlfriend who has trust issues? Or a parent who acts a bit paranoid when he or she sees you spending most of your evenings chatting on your computer? The chance is that anyone close to you who has some computer skills, can spy on your Windows computer. Maybe they do that with good intentions (for example, you parent wants to
news Microsoft to Android: Quiet! I live here now

Microsoft to Android: Quiet! I live here now

Microsoft has launched a new app in Google Play that manages to raise the stakes in its Android work, without bringing any special new features. It is called Microsoft Apps and it functions like an independent portal inside Google Play, which you can use to discover all Microsoft apps for Android. After making the big move of launching its Office suite on Android earlier
news BB-8 from Star Wars is coming to the Windows universe

BB-8 from Star Wars is coming to the Windows universe

Launched back in September, the BB-8 toy from Sphero could be controlled only with Android and iOS apps. The little Star Wars robot that promises to be more than a toy, just got a brand new app delivered to the Windows Store, as a universal Windows 10 app. Owners of Windows 10 tablets and smartphones get a chance to play with BB-8 through the
news We don't really use many apps on our smartphones. Do you?

We don't really use many apps on our smartphones. Do you?

Apple iTunes and Google Play each have more than a million and a half apps available for download on our smartphones. Amazon and Windows are working their way towards half a million smartphone apps. You would expect that all our smartphones are jam-packed with apps because, you know, someone must be using them. When we look at average users of smartphones, we find a
tutorial How to insert and edit tables in Microsoft Word for Android

How to insert and edit tables in Microsoft Word for Android

Although complex calculation tasks, chart creation and financial analysis require a fully featured spreadsheet application like Excel, many text documents require tables to adequately structure and present data. Worry not, Android users: Microsoft Word has table support on your favourite platform! Let's see how can you can use this app to insert and edit tables into your documents: NOTE: Before going any further,
article 8 Features that are new in Windows 10's Command Prompt & PowerShell?

8 Features that are new in Windows 10's Command Prompt & PowerShell?

Windows 10 brought many new features and improvements when compared to Microsoft's previous operating systems. Among them, the two command line tools loved by many geeks and IT professionals also got overhauled. You've guessed it: we're talking about Command Prompt and PowerShell. But what exactly did Microsoft do for these two tools? Read this article to find out out which are the most important
tutorial Insert headers, footers & page numbers in Microsoft Word for Android

Insert headers, footers & page numbers in Microsoft Word for Android

There are a couple of tools in Microsoft Word that you can use to make your document easier to comprehend and read, or to provide some additional information about it. Headers and footers are a great place to include data like the document's author and title, while page numbers are an essential part of any long document, letting readers navigate the document more easi
tutorial How To Find And Replace Text In Microsoft Word For Android

How To Find And Replace Text In Microsoft Word For Android

When working with larger amounts of text you can quickly find yourself looking for a part you just can't remember exactly. This is when Microsoft Word's Find feature comes in handy. This feature lets you quickly pinpoint all occurrences of a word or words, and also replace some or all of these with something else, if you need to. Here's how to do this
tutorial Simple Questions: What Are Remote Desktop Connections?

Simple Questions: What Are Remote Desktop Connections?

You might have heard about remote desktop connections, either at work, from your network admin or just from a friend who is rather geeky and knowledgeable about computers and networks. If you don't know what remote desktop connections are, then this article is for you. After receiving a number of questions regarding the purpose and usefulness of remote desktop connections, we've come to the
tutorial How To Format Paragraphs In Microsoft Word For Android

How To Format Paragraphs In Microsoft Word For Android

Text editing is not just about typing and setting the fonts. In order to have a proper style for your document, you will also need to have paragraphs that look just like the way you want them to. Microsoft Word for Android retains most of the paragraph formatting features of the full desktop Word application, so you have a couple of great tools at
tutorial How To Format Text In Microsoft Office Word For Android

How To Format Text In Microsoft Office Word For Android

Once you have some text in a document you really want it to make it look as good as possible. This means that you will need to use some text formatting tools, to change the look of the text in order to have it match the type of document you are creating. Microsoft Word on Android offers quite a lot of features to change
tutorial How To Open Documents In Microsoft Word For Android

How To Open Documents In Microsoft Word For Android

Working on documents is usually not a one-step task: you don't just create a new one and get done with it in two minutes. At some point, you will need to save them to continue your work later. The Microsoft Office apps for Android let you do this and you can even access your documents on various cloud services, not only on your local
tutorial What's Different About File Explorer In Windows 10 Vs. Windows 8.1

What's Different About File Explorer In Windows 10 Vs. Windows 8.1

In many ways, Windows 10 is similar to both Windows 8.1 and with Windows 7. However, it's also very different from both these operating systems. And amongst all the similarities and differences, here's one very interesting question some of our readers asked: "What are the differences between Windows 10's File Explorer and Windows 8.1's File Explorer? What's changed?". We believe this question deserves an
tutorial Top 6 Improvements In Windows 10's File Explorer

Top 6 Improvements In Windows 10's File Explorer

Windows 10 brought many changes and improvements when compared to Microsoft's previous operating systems. One of the best changes is the improved File Explorer that comes with a slightly different design and some new features and options. While it didn't undergo any radical transformations, at least not when compared with Windows 8.1, its small changes and improvements are noticeable and working with it just
tutorial How To Link A Skype ID To A Microsoft Account With Skype For Desktop

How To Link A Skype ID To A Microsoft Account With Skype For Desktop

If you used Skype before, you might have noticed that you can link your Skype and Microsoft accounts. Microsoft recommends linking the two account primarily because you will only need to remember one user account and password that can be used across multiple devices and Microsoft services. Secondly, linking your accounts allows the integration of Skype with Outlook and the merging of all your