
Tutorials, articles and recommendations about apps and programs that people use on their computers, smartphones, smartwatches, and other gadgets.

tutorial How to zoom in and zoom out in your web browser

How to zoom in and zoom out in your web browser

There are several ways in which you can optimize the reading experience while using a web browser. One way is to zoom in and make the text, images, and icons bigger on the web pages that you want to read. You may need to do this because your eyes are tired, or the resolution of the screen is not ideal. However, at some point,
tutorial God Mode in Windows 11 vs. Windows 10 vs. Windows 7

God Mode in Windows 11 vs. Windows 10 vs. Windows 7

Have you ever heard of God Mode in Windows? Do you know what the God Mode is and its purpose? Would you like to enable God Mode in Windows 11 or Windows 10? Or maybe discover whether there are any differences between God Mode in Windows 11 vs. Windows 10 vs. Windows 7? For answers to all that, and more, read on: What
tutorial How to set and configure Location Services in Windows 11

How to set and configure Location Services in Windows 11

Location Services allow for a more personalized experience in Windows 11 by enabling location-based information to be displayed. Precise location means better weather reporting, more relevant local news, and overall greater functionality for apps and Windows. The downside is that by turning on Location Services, you are being tracked, which might be a privacy issue for you. This article teaches you how to enable,
tutorial How to switch between CMD and PowerShell in Windows Terminal

How to switch between CMD and PowerShell in Windows Terminal

When starting Windows Terminal, the default shell that opens is Windows PowerShell. However, Windows Terminal supports many applications that have a command-line interface, including the venerable Command Prompt (CMD). If you want to switch to CMD in Windows Terminal, or if you want to make CMD the default shell for Windows Terminal, here’s how to do it: NOTE: This tutorial applies both to
tutorial 5 ways to create a new folder in Windows

5 ways to create a new folder in Windows

All Windows operating systems, including Windows 11 and Windows 10, rely on using folders and files for structure. So knowing how to create a new folder in Windows when you need one is one of the most basic and important things to master. But do you know how many ways there are to create a new folder in Windows? Read on to see five
tutorial How to send a text from the computer with Android Messages

How to send a text from the computer with Android Messages

Sometimes it’s easier to send a text message from the computer than to reach for your smartphone. Maybe you’re at work or just spending most of your time in front of a PC, like yours truly. Or perhaps you find it more comfortable to send a text from the computer, especially when it comes to a long SMS. Luckily, Google offers a service called
tutorial How do I make the text bigger in Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera?

How do I make the text bigger in Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera?

Have you tried to read a web page and had to squint your eyes because the font size was too small? The combination of resolutions and screen sizes can sometimes result in weird pairings that make the text on web pages hard to read. The question is: How do I permanently enlarge text in my browser? The answer differs quite a lot depending on
tutorial Put Chrome & other browsers in full screen (Edge, Firefox, and Opera)

Put Chrome & other browsers in full screen (Edge, Firefox, and Opera)

When browsing the internet, you ideally want as much screen space as possible allocated to website contents. Especially when your monitor is small, an extra inch can make a world of difference. Well, we have good news. You can extend the space used by the browser content by going full-screen. In this article, we show you how to run Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla
tutorial How to put Google Chrome in Dark Mode

How to put Google Chrome in Dark Mode

The trend is clear, Dark Mode is the new black. Making all the buttons and interface elements look as dark as the future of humankind seems to be very attractive these days. Developers have jumped on this bandwagon, introducing a “dark mode” for their respective applications and operating systems. Is there a dark mode for Google Chrome? Definitely, although depending on your operating system,
tutorial How to edit the WinX menu, in Windows 11 and Windows 10

How to edit the WinX menu, in Windows 11 and Windows 10

The WinX menu from Windows 11 and Windows 10 is one of our favorite menus because it gives us access to many useful tools. Unfortunately, its biggest drawback is that it’s fixed - you can’t change or modify it from anywhere in the operating system. So the question that arises is: How do I edit the WinX menu? The good news is that there
tutorial How to print an article without ads in all major browsers

How to print an article without ads in all major browsers

Do you want to print without ads? If you’re browsing the internet, and you come across an interesting article or guide, it’s a good idea to know how to print the web page without ads. Otherwise, all the annoying advertisements and sidebars get printed as well, cluttering the result and wasting precious ink. This guide illustrates how to print articles without ads on Google
tutorial How to uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows

How to uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows

Do you use Windows 10 or Windows 11 and want to get rid of Microsoft Edge? Contrary to what you might expect, you can’t uninstall it from the Control Panel as you do with many other desktop apps, and you can’t remove it from Settings either. Unfortunately, the uninstall process is quite complicated, and it involves using the Command Prompt and long commands you
tutorial How to use Audacity to reverse audio in Windows

How to use Audacity to reverse audio in Windows

Did you ever wonder how to play a song backwards? Do you want to know how to reverse a song just to see what it would sound like? Perhaps you’re trying to play audio backwards to reveal messages hidden away in plain sight? Or maybe it’s time to check for yourself whether Paul from The Beatles is really dead? Whatever the reason, this tutorial
tutorial How to go incognito in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera

How to go incognito in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera

Are you wondering how to go incognito in your web browser and what that means? Incognito Mode is a useful tool that prevents your browser from saving data about you and the websites you visit. While every major browser offers private browsing, the feature comes under different names. It’s named Incognito Mode in Chrome, Microsoft Edge calls it InPrivate, while Opera and Firefox use
tutorial Fix problem: Drag and drop not working in Windows

Fix problem: Drag and drop not working in Windows

Have you encountered the problem in which you can no longer drag and drop files and folders in Windows 10 or Windows 11? You can click and right-click on files and folders, you can select files and folders, but you can't drag and drop them anymore. We've encountered this issue ourselves, and after searching for many possible solutions, we've found one which should work
tutorial What is drag and drop? How to drag and drop

What is drag and drop? How to drag and drop

Knowing how to drag and drop can make life a lot simpler regardless of whether you’re using a Windows PC, a Mac, or a touchscreen device. There are many programs and apps that support drag and drop, so this popular gesture can help you save time whenever you’re moving, copying, or opening files. This guide explains the drag-and-drop method, including details on how to
tutorial 9 ways to open the Windows Terminal

9 ways to open the Windows Terminal

The Windows Terminal is the latest effort from Microsoft in turning the use of command-line tools and shells into a pleasant experience, similar to the one offered by Linux and other operating systems. However, if you are interested in learning how it works and how to use it, you first need to know how to open it. To help you out, here’s a long
tutorial How to get the Windows Terminal app

How to get the Windows Terminal app

If you are an IT Pro that has worked with Linux, macOS, and other operating systems, you may have asked yourself if Windows has a Terminal program. Until May 2019, the answer was no. However, since then, Microsoft is actively developing a Windows Terminal that allows people to use command-line tools and shells like the Command Prompt, PowerShell, and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
tutorial How to stop crypto mining and cryptojacking in Opera

How to stop crypto mining and cryptojacking in Opera

Do you know that some websites on the internet use your browser to mine for cryptocurrencies without your permission? This technique is also known as cryptojacking, and it involves using your computer’s resources to generate cryptocurrencies that can then be used in the real world. These resources are your computer’s processor and graphics card. If browsing the web is a slow experience for you,