
Tutorials, articles and recommendations about apps and programs that people use on their computers, smartphones, smartwatches, and other gadgets.

tutorial 3 ways to enable Game Mode in Windows

3 ways to enable Game Mode in Windows

If you are using Windows 10 or Windows 11 and you are a gamer, you've probably heard about the Game Mode. In theory, this feature helps make gaming smoother, regardless of how fast your PC is. Although Windows automatically enables the Game Mode when you are playing a game, it may fail to do so for older games or titles that are in early
tutorial Adding Home screen shortcuts on Android 12: all you need to know!

Adding Home screen shortcuts on Android 12: all you need to know!

The Android Home screen shortcuts are the fastest way to access your favorite apps and contacts. In this tutorial, we explain how to put apps on Home screen for your Android 12 device, how to add or remove shortcuts, pin PDF documents, files, and even websites to the Home screen. Here’s everything you need to know to manage your Android 12 Home screen shortcuts:
tutorial The Windows 11 Volume Mixer: All you need to know!

The Windows 11 Volume Mixer: All you need to know!

For some, the Volume Mixer was one of the most used features in Windows 10. It was a super fast way of adjusting the sound output volume for each application separately. But Windows 11 brings a substantial change in the way the Volume Mixer works and looks. In this article, we explore the new Windows 11 Volume Mixer, how to access it, its design
tutorial How to save your EU Digital COVID Certificate on an iPhone

How to save your EU Digital COVID Certificate on an iPhone

Your EU Digital COVID Certificate is your digital proof that you’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19. It can also prove that you’ve either received a negative test result or recently recovered from COVID-19. All EU states provide you with such a certificate as a PDF file that you can print and carry around with you, or keep in digital form on your iPhone. Unfortunately, each
tutorial How to share location on iPhone: All you need to know

How to share location on iPhone: All you need to know

Knowing how to share location on an iPhone can come in handy in many situations. Maybe you’re having car trouble and need a friend to come and pick you up. Perhaps you’re late meeting someone and want to show them where you are without texting while driving. Or maybe your goal is to make sure everyone knows the spot for the picnic in the
tutorial How to choose the default GPU for games or apps in Windows 11

How to choose the default GPU for games or apps in Windows 11

Many computers use processors with built-in integrated graphics that help them provide basic video features at low power consumption. However, some PCs also have dedicated video cards that are used for more demanding apps and games. Usually, Windows 11 automatically switches between graphics cards, depending on the apps you are using and the games you’re playing. However, sometimes, you might want to force a
tutorial How to download Windows and Office ISO files (all versions)

How to download Windows and Office ISO files (all versions)

Finding and downloading disc images in the form of ISO or IMG files for Windows and Office can sometimes be a difficult task. Microsoft has a specialized program for this purpose, Media Creation Tool. However, that only works if you want the latest version of Windows 10 or Windows 11. If you need an older version of Windows or Office, like a Windows 7
tutorial What is Windows Game Mode? What does Game Mode do?

What is Windows Game Mode? What does Game Mode do?

Game Mode is available to all users of Windows 11 and Windows 10. It aims to make these operating systems the best ever for gamers, smoothing the gameplay experience across all types of computers and devices. It does not matter whether your PC is the most powerful in terms of hardware or if it is an older, slower PC. Game Mode prevents system background
tutorial How to check screen time on Android with Digital Wellbeing

How to check screen time on Android with Digital Wellbeing

If you feel like you’re spending too much time on your smartphone or tablet, it’s a good idea to check the screen time on Android. And it’s easy to do so with the built-in Digital Wellbeing app that provides helpful information about how much you use your Android device. The data it gathers could surprise you! Read on to find out how to check
tutorial What is the Xbox Game Bar? 6 things you can do with it

What is the Xbox Game Bar? 6 things you can do with it

The Xbox Game Bar from Windows 11 and Windows 10 is probably the best thing Microsoft could have done for gamers. It allows you to easily access and control all kinds of useful things during gameplay, such as sound controls, performance statistics, or framerate. It can record all your gameplay, take screenshots, and it even lets you play your favorite music on Spotify without
tutorial How to disable ads in Windows 11

How to disable ads in Windows 11

Does Windows 11 have ads? Unfortunately, yes, it does: Windows 11, just like Windows 10, is a victim of Microsoft’s quest for pushing ads directly into the core of the operating system. Like it wasn’t enough that we see ads everywhere on the internet, sometimes to the brink of making websites unreadable, or in apps that cover their interface with huge banners that make
tutorial Xbox Game Bar is not working. 3 ways to fix it in Windows

Xbox Game Bar is not working. 3 ways to fix it in Windows

The Xbox Game Bar and the Game Mode found in Windows 11 and Windows 10 are helpful features Microsoft designed for gamers. However, it may happen that when you play your favorite game, and you press Windows + G on your keyboard, nothing happens. It’s like Windows + G simply is not working. The Xbox Game Bar is not opening, you can't enable the
tutorial 9 ways to start Paint in Windows

9 ways to start Paint in Windows

Paint is one of Microsoft's oldest applications, but it can still be useful if you want to draw or edit images on your Windows PC, laptop or tablet. However, before you can do that, you must first know how to locate and open Paint. Although it is simple to find and launch, we thought it would be a good idea to compile a list
tutorial How to open Command Prompt (14 ways)

How to open Command Prompt (14 ways)

Geeks and IT professionals love the Command Prompt (CMD), and for a good reason: it allows you to do many administrative tasks with ease. We think that it is a good idea to make a list of all the fourteen methods we know for opening Command Prompt in Windows so that you can choose what suits you best. Knowing how to open CMD as
tutorial How to use Tracking prevention in Microsoft Edge

How to use Tracking prevention in Microsoft Edge

Have you ever searched for a product online, only to have advertisements for similar products follow you around on completely unrelated sites? This happens because websites track your internet activity through advertising cookies and other means. If you are concerned about privacy, tracking prevention can protect you from websites that collect your data. In this article, we explain what Tracking prevention is in Microsoft
article What is the Windows Terminal?

What is the Windows Terminal?

The Windows Terminal is a relatively new app that command-line enthusiasts are probably going to like a lot. Although it’s been developed and improved by Microsoft for several years now, and you could already use it in Windows 10, it only made the headlines with the announcement of Windows 11. Are you curious to know more about the Windows Terminal, what it is and
tutorial How to start using Cortana in Windows 11 or Windows 10

How to start using Cortana in Windows 11 or Windows 10

Windows 11 and Windows 10 come with many features, and Cortana is one of the most interesting of the lot. She’s an app that acts as your digital assistant and can help you interact with your computer or device by using your voice. Microsoft refers to Cortana as “her,” and we’re going to do the same. You can tell her to do various things,
tutorial How to pin to Start Menu in Windows 11

How to pin to Start Menu in Windows 11

Are you curious how to pin to Start in Windows 11? Even if it uses icons instead of live tiles, you can still pin apps to the Start Menu in Windows 11, as well as files, folders, email accounts, or your favorite locations. As you’re about to see, when it comes to pinning to Start Menu, things haven’t changed much in Windows 11. So,