Not many people know that, besides technology, there are quite a few other subjects I write about. As a result, today I am happy to announce my first book that's not about technology. It is named Dream It, Do It, Live It and it is a very fun and practical personal development book. If you would like to learn more about it, please read this article.
Dream It, Do It, Live It - A Project Manager's Dream
Dream It, Do It, Live It started as a dream of mine, a couple of years ago. Back then I was a project manager, managing complex IT implementations at Procter & Gamble. One of the many things I learned during this experience is that the world needs more project management knowledge. Having more people understand the basics of what it means to deliver projects, would save all of us lots of headaches and improve our productivity.
That's why I decided to do something about it and write a book. A simple book that explains all the basics of getting things done, in a simple and effective manner, without any boring jargon specific to the field of project management. It doesn't matter what background you have: you might be an artist, an entrepreneur, a journalist, or a doctor, you will find this book easy to read, understand and apply to your daily life. And you will be more effective in achieving your dreams and getting things done.
Another decision I made was that I should not go about writing it alone. Therefore I asked Richard Newton (shown in the picture below) to help me out. It so happens that he is my favorite author of business and management books. We met only once face to face, somewhere in London and we spoke about this idea. He loved it and we decided to work on this project together.
Now that we have written it, published it and read it one last time, we are very proud of the result and we think you'll like it too.
Dream It, Do It, Live It - Free Sample Chapter
But enough talk. The best way to convince you to buy it is not to sing more praises about it but to share with you a free sample chapter.
We also have a cool book trailer, created by the same artist who designed the book's cover and its illustrations - Laura Dumitru.
If you like what you see, buy a copy!
Dream It, Do It, Live It - Where to Purchase It!
"Dream It, Do It, Live It: 9 Easy Steps To Making Things Happen For You" can be purchased from lots of places, including bookshops and online stores like Amazon.
Even though digital purchases are quick and painless, we do recommend the paperback version. The cover, the colors, and drawings, the quality of the paper - all these elements are better and add a lot to the quality of the reading experience.
If you want to be up-to-date with what's new about the book, fun competitions, and news, you can also check our Facebook page: Dream it, Do it, Live it.